Saturday, December 5, 2015


Actually I wrote about how I would be taking a break for awhile, and thought I published it.  I didn't.

Well, you all are probably all gone by now anyway.

It was quite a fun month for me.  Celebrated birthday for two weeks, got lots of neat cards, texts, gifts.  Went to Pokagon for Thanksgiving dinner.  Took a bachelor friend with us, and then spent the remainder of that weekend getting together with people who were in from out of town.  EVen a former Miss Ft. Wayne, Tiara Kincade.  It was so great to catch up with her and realize - where does the time go.

Anyway, have a wonderful holiday.  Celebrate "What does Christmas mean to me this year?"  What did Charlie Brown 's Christmas Story say is important about Christmas?   And they show it every Christmas since 1965.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Well, I must admit, November is here.  Land of the black sticks.  Some little tastes of leaves are out there, but not much.

This is a good opportunity to wish you - whoever you are and your family a great Family time on Thanksgiving this month.  Be safe and appreciate each moment.  Be thankful.

I will be taking some time off from writing.  I will be assessing with God my need to do this blog and
whether it is for someone out there or many out there.  It would be good to hear from you.  Most can't access through here, so you would need to write me on  If I don't hear anything, most likely I will let this blog go.  Tomorrow I will be going up to Pokagon with the theme being John 4:24.  Actually one should read John 4 1:38.    Because of many changes in my life, I want to do a spiritual walk tomorrow up in the hills to seek what path God is actually wanting for me right now.  I will be worshipping in Spirit and Truth.  Deut. 31: 8.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Fall is slipping through our fingers everyone!  What happened to the most beautiful season of the year, or as far as I am concerned?   The color was way late and if there was color it was gold, brown and they are falling off already.  I miss that brilliant gold, red, rust, then brown affect.  How about you?

Well, so it is our first frost today, and so it is what it is and God wants us to take each day for Him.  Did you notice the word TAKE.  It means whatever you are mulling over, or maybe even totally enjoying; make it about Him. 

I read something this morning I want to share - Go gently into your day today.  Kepp your eyes on Me.  I will most certainly make the way open and you can trust Me to take each step down the path.  Let us do it together.  You might even get the idea that the path is blocked some how.  You stop.  You try to figure a way around it.  Don't do that.  It will cause you to step to far off course.   I want you to instead, focus on Me.  Before you know it, the obstacle is gone and you turn around and wonder when you went through.   This is complete success in living today.  Focus on your Lord Jesus, even though its a visible world out there, trust Him to get you over the rocky road - rough patch.  His presence enables you to face each day with confidence.  If it is a day of jubilee then Hippity Hop through your day.  Enjoy.  But it is still the same scenario - FOCUS ON HIM!  GIVE HHIM THE THANKS!

John 10: 14-15 and Isaiah 26: 7

Saturday, October 3, 2015


It is a blessing to have such good girlfriends.  My posse as John calls them.  I can never thank God enough for this gift.  He knew several years ago that I would be an only child and that I would need lots of friends.  My whole family, as it were, lives up in Minnesota, in Arizona, Texas, California, and Oregon.  I have seen them maybe four times.  Thank you Jesus, you always know what each one of us needs.

Well, anyway, one of those great gals and I were talking last night about all the sickness in our lives.  The many changes of life because of that, and just everything around how it seems to be so different.
Another "new normal" is on the horizon.  Family, friends, on both sides of just the two of us.  It is breathtaking.  She came up with the following term, while I was stumbling around, which doesn't happen very often, but here it is. . .we are processing and learning how to accept . . .COMING TO TERMS with it all!!!  I had been out for a walk and was doing just that.  Got home, and there she was on the phone.  I love how God works all things together.  Then this morning in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young came the rest. (Don't you love how He knows all that timing)   If you don't have this book - you need to get it.

WHEN MANY THINGS SEEM to be going wrong, trust Me.  When your life feels increasingly out of control, thank Me.  These are the supernatural responses, and they can lift you above your circumstances.  If you do what comes naturally in the face of difficulties, you may fall prey to negativism.  Even a few complaints can set you on a path that is a downward spiral, by darkening your perspective and mind-set.  With this attitude controlling you, complaints flow more and more readily from your mouth.  Each one moves you steadily down the slippery spiral.  The lower you go, the faster you slide; but it is still possible to apply the brakes.  Cry out to Me in My Name!  Affirm your trust in Me, regardless of how you feel.  Thank Me for everything, though this seems unnatural - even irrational.  Gradually you will begin to ascend, recovering your lost ground.  When you are back on ground level, you can face your circumstances from a humble perspective.  If you choose supernatural responses this time - trusting and thanking Me - you will experience My unfathomable Peace.  
Psalm 13: 5 and Eph 5: 20

Geesh!  I had been hitting the worldly floor of my reality so hard each day I had worked clear into my future five years from now.  I didn't like it.  I got all down in the mouth. Do you ever do that?  Its so silly.  It wastes time.  But, as some of my other posse friends have said.  "We are human you know."

So I do hope this touches your life like it touched mine.  I see why we are to be in the WORD every day - and the people He touches to write devotionals.  Send them all to me.  I need it everyday. We all do!.

Thank you Dotty Miller.

Sunday, September 27, 2015



The other morning, it was cold in the house and it was warm under the covers as I sat and read the Word, and prayed.  All I really wanted to do was just not make contact, or connect out there in my world.  It was still dark, quiet, warm there cuddled up and so I asked Jesus. . .Can I sit in your lap awhile, and I don't want my feet to touch the floor or any part of my worldly reality show.

You know of course, that He prepares devotionals to come at just the right day, right?

Psalm 5:1/3

Listen to my words, O Lord, give heed to my sighing and groaning.  Hear the soud of my cry, my King and my God, for to You do I pray.  In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare (a prayer, a sacrifice) for You and watch and wait (for You to speak to my heart).

I wrote about that for a little while, and then felt completely ready to hippity hop out of bed and move into the day.  What I love most about our God is how He listens, and how He prepares us for everything.  God's Got It!  He let's us be little kids anytime we need to.  He let's us be weak anytime we need to, but then always strengthens us for the next wave that comes along.  There is a lot for us to do out there every single day.  Our family needs us, our friends need us, and sometimes strangers do.  Be ready.  Sit and Cuddle with the Lord every morning.  It makes you stronger for the day!

Sunday, September 20, 2015



Habakkuk 1: 2,3, and 5.

O Lord, how long shall I cry for help and You will not hear? Or cry out to You if violence and You will not save?
Why do You show me iniquity and wrong, and Yourself look upon or cause me to see perverseness
and trouble?  For destruction and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention arises.
Look around (you, Habakkuk replied the Lord) among the nations and see!  And be astonished!  Astounded!  For I am putting into effect a work in your days (such) that you would not believe it if it were told you.

I found this whole concept quite different from normal.  Of course, He cares, but I had never thought of this before. . .

"We need to trust HIS unchanging character."

Because, in every day life issues or events, we need to LOOK at our circumstances from the framework of God's character, instead of looking at God's character from the context of our circumstances. 

Certainly this will take some thought.  What is His character?  He is always unconditionally looking after us.  We are His property. He cries when we do, He laughs when we do.  We matter to Him.  He protects us, forgives us, has compassion for us, has loyalty for us, has integrity for us.  So, now put on paper what your prayer request, trial, or event is about.  We would need to say immediately, I know He cares for me, He gets mad and sad when we go through fire.  He comes down out of the heavens breathing fire.  (Read Psalm 18).  So, our fine line here is, that we have to know and have to trust, He will do everything to bring all things together for good in this situation I am in. 

I believe that a lot of times (as I have seen in clients) that we go to the trial, the event, the problem and we fester and stew over it.  Then we go to God and beg and plead and cry for him to help.
Why wouldn't He do something?  It may not be what we want, but it certainly be for our good no matter what.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


It has been quite fun to say the least.  John's class is quite something.  I listened to stories last night that I couldn't have even dreamed up.  They were shamefully mischievous. 

My God's Girl's With Swords (County Line Group) met at Moose Lake Wednesday night.  What a great place to have Bible Study.  They are so accommodating over there. 


When we think about celebrating victory or recovery - I love God's verse in Isaiah 57: 18

I have seen his (willful) ways, but I will heal him;  I will lead him also and will recompense him and restore comfort to him and to those who mourn for him.

The program Celebrate Recovery is going to be a huge step in Dekalb County in whatever church presents it.  Whether you have fear, anxiety, addictions to tv, relationship issues, anger issues, eating, drinking, it doesn't matter;  you will see how God restores through this program.  This verse says it all.  Whatever you have dealt with, or are dealing with, he will set you back up in righteousness.

It is a matter of you realizing, you are not God, and that you need Him to step in and help you find recovery.  He does the work.  WE just need to confess that we need Him and we can't do it ourselves.

The old 12 step program, has a coined phrase from Bill Hybels.  I can't, You can, so Go ahead!

I am very excited about all of the programs that some churches are making available to their congregations.  Classes for men, new Christian classes, how to talk to a new Christian, Celebrate Recovery.  Project 52.  Amazing.  Everywhere we turn, there He is.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


It was quite a surprise to have people ask me WHY, am I getting baptized.  Three reasons.  1) I wanted to be baptized in the only church I can say is truly my church home.  2)  I wanted to see what its like to be baptized in the lake like Jesus was 3)  Its been quite the last year, and so I wanted to celebrate some renewal and growth.    It was absolutely the greatest time.  God parted the clouds.  No - rain.  It rained all around.  I had friends come I didn't expect would come, and I got some neat gifts I hadn't thought about getting.  People really take baptism seriously.  It went very fast, and the interesting thing is, its been an on-going experience all week.  From our Prayer Team Meeting, to Youth Group night, to a mentoree that I work with from Revive Indiana, to this dog of mine who stops everyone in his path.  What does that mean?  As a service dog I get to take him places like Dollar Tree, Walmart etc.  I get to talk to all kinds of people and pray for them.   Amazing.

God is amazing.  Focus on Him, commit to Him, and things change.  Watch!

Saturday, August 22, 2015



You can trust Him!  Now you have heard that a million times, haven't you?  When I started reading Jesus Calling, I was mildly interested in this new devotional.  It came so highly recommended that I had to see what all the fuss was about.  So, I have been a Christian for 42 years and I certainly know and have heard about TRUST often, everyday sometimes.  But you do have to get tested on that one to actually GET it!  Yet, I asked myself a couple years ago, do you really believe He will bring all things together for good, no matter what it is.  We have had lots of family trauma over the last 6 years and it was just one crisis phone call after another.

PSALM 112: 7

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings;  his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord.

When I really got into the Jesus Calling book I started realizing that, yes, I had gotten lots of evil tidings and I had usually panicked.  Maybe melt downs would be a better word.  My whole emphasis today is, we all get those phone calls, emails, or visits.  Once again in the last two weeks we have had an abundance of surprises with John's brother and pancreatic cancer, just to name a few.  I was pleasantly surprised at myself for having remained calm and just started making calls for prayer.  Why?  Because over the past two years I have seen myself surrender and trust God to bring all things together for His good and ours.  The answers to prayer in the last while have been amazing.  It is really true then, He picks it up when you put it down.  He fixes it so you can see the outcome and either raise the white flag or manage what has come your way.  Manage it with obedience, peace, and trust.  Maybe that order should be, trust - obedience - peace.

If you are experiencing that moment of "sucking air", remember He is the God of all miracles, He does have it, you don't.  Let Go, Let God.  That is an old saying.  I have so much less stress and anxiety.  If I do find I am sucking air, I slap my face, remember Deut 31: 8, Psalm 112:7 and I John 4:4/7.  There so many verses to quote.  Shed light on that dark panic.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me -  Phil 4. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Have you ever thought about how much time we spend with choosing a wardrobe.  Even to go outside to paint a fence, or dig in the dirt.  Perhaps run the kids to school, or go to work.  How about what you wear to church?  I wonder sometimes what I learned growing up about that.  Seemed to me like we spent a lot of time go to church bazaars and we would come home with a basket full of clothes.  To this day I would rather go to a garage sale, or Goodwill to find a "bunch" of things, not just one.  Save money?  Of course! 

Today I was quite taken with the words from Jesus in Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young.  Wearing the robe of righteousness.  .  .
"Wear my robe of Righteousness with ease.  I custom-make it for you, to cover you from head to toe.  The price I paid for this covering was astronomical - My Own Blood.  You could never purchase such a royal garment, no matter how hard you worked.  Sometimes you forget that My righteousness is a gift, and you feel ill at ease in your regal robe.  I weep when I see you squirming under the velvety fabric, as if it were made of scratchy sackcloth.  I want you to trust Me enough to realize your privileged position in My kingdom.  Relax in the luxuriant folds of your magnificent robe.  Keep your eyes on Me, as you practice walking in this garment of salvation.  When your behavior is unfitting for one in My kingdom, do not try to throw off your royal robe.  Instead, throw off the unrighteous behavior.  Then you will be able to feel at ease in this glorious garment, enjoying the gift I fashioned for you before the foundaiton of the world.

Isaiah 61: 10   I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God.  For he has clothes me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

So you see, we only need one real garment.  Figuratively, of course.  We do need to wear clothing so as not to embarrass ourselves.  But, and I do mean but, walk like you are wearing the Robe of Righteousness and behave as if it is the greatest garment you ever possessed.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Jeremiah 1: 5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew (and) approved of you (as my chosen instrument), and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; (and) I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

And, I would also recommend reading Psalm 139.  Why?  Because this reminds you of WHO you are, rather than WHAT you do!

Joyce Meyers is always good reading, but this particular concept is something I have to teach a lot of people.  First I had to learn it myself.  Dr. Timothy Warner always said, remember who you are in Jesus Christ.  Eph 2: 6.  Christ invited you to come and sit with Him in the heavenlies.  DO it!  And, know WHO you are!  So many of us get the idea it is what we do that attracts Jesus to us.  Or He must be smiling from Heaven about all the committees, or projects, or a clean home, or clean kids, or what we just did for the lady across the street.  You cleaned her house, but yours is a shambles.  God's Word is very clear here in Jeremiah, and Psalm 139.  It is about WHO he formed.  Not what we formed for Him. 



See, you are forgetting that nothing we do is ever perfect or really as good as it could be.  So we just work even harder to make it right.  Every thing needs improvement, but that is not the point.

TODAY. . . think about just leaning into Jesus and enjoying His presence.  Walking outside by yourself and looking at His creation.  Praying for your family, praying for someone you could tell all about Jesus to!  Play, enjoy, communicate graciousness.  Just relax!  If you can't, then maybe you had better ask why?  We do quite enough in any given day.  Some part of that should be about the DO with your friend and savior Jesus.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


So you see, I could have said, Lean on the Lord God.  Can I lean on you Jesus?  It felt more intimate to say to him last Tuesday - "Jesus, may I lean into you today?"  And, as I have mentioned before, it would seem and is true, He knows our everyday and He know what we're going to say, think, and do.

I am always amazed at how then my devotionals will accompany that very first thought and feel for the day.  All the scriptures, and comments were directed at lean on Jesus.  Proverbs 3:5.
Lean not on your own understand, and acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your days straight.    It freaked me out a little about all that connectedness.  So I packed up Jax and we went to Pokagon for awhile.

That Proverbs 3 is something to concentrate on.  Isaiah 30:15 talks about how . . .In returning (to Me) and resting (in Me) you shall be saved;  in quietness and in (trusting) confidence shall be your strength.

Then today I got caught up in reading about how we could sit quietly and think about a pool of water, or actually go look at one.  Even a glass full of water.  Then hold another glass in your hand, and with the other an eye dropper - drop into that water.  See how it just absorbs into the water.  That is like leaning into Jesus.  Melting into Him for the day.  Not breathing without Him, not busy without Him, not playing without Him present, not sleeping without Him in your dreams.  I love that metaphor.
Not that I can't think for myself, and make decisions, but I sure want to do everything in His name.
Listening to the birds call for each other, think about how His love calls to us. 

Are you listening today, are you taking in His creation?  Or are you doing it all yourself, because someone has to do it?

Read Psalm 37.  All of it.  Commitment to taking in the concept that He is in every detail and facet of your life - means TRUST.  Not leaning on your own understand, but trusting, committing everything to Him.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Of course, I pray you all have a wonderful weekend.  Its been beautiful.  The weather is a gift from God!

Thank Him.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


There have been lots of conjecture and stories about how to look at Peter walking on the water.  "You have to get out of the boat in order to walk on water!"  "Well, why wouldn't he trust Jesus to call to him and stay upright?"  The latest is my favorite.  "At least Peter is a risk taker!"  The guys (the disciples) coward in the boat.  "I can hear it right now, can't you?"

Matt 14:  22/33  -  I love this story.  Jesus told the disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side, he would be along.  He went up into the hills to pray.  A storm began to erupt.  Furious winds and rain I imagine.  They grew terrified.  Jesus knew!  So he started walking to them on the water.  Then they really freaked out at seeing this person or something coming across the water.  They called him a ghost.  They were screaming.   He called out to them.  "Take Courage!  I AM! Stop being afraid."
Peter being Peter, said  "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water!"  And, the rest is history.  Peter got out there and was probably pretty proud of himself for beating everyone to the punch and then Jesus gave him the go ahead.  Then what?  Yep, he looked around and saw the fierce wind, rain and crashing waves and began to sink.

So, some of us get all over him for that.  "What you don't trust the Lord Jesus?"  And, I say, Peter was the only one willing to take a risk for Jesus.  Sure he got his perspective wet, but he risked it all to go to Jesus.

What are you willing to risk, to go to Jesus?  Would you get in the wheel barrel on the tightrope and be willing to let Jesus walk you across from one 50 story building to the other with no net?  Be honest!

Think about and ponder - "What are you willing to risk to meet Jesus on the storm of your life, or go on a long journey - knowing he will wheel you over safely?"  It is my belief these days after several decades of learning about this Savior we have, that just stepping out of the boat is the beginning of our love and trust for Him.  We have to do it.  Staying in the boat weeping and afraid - is NOT an option.  What keeps you from stepping out.  Deut. 31: 8.  Reread it again - AMP version.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Ever wondered what its like for God to watch over us?  Does He sit in a large - huge- mega big- chaise lounge observing?  Or does He have His hands on His hips, standing high in the clouds, shaking his finger at us? 

I would prefer to believe that like this mother duck, He is sitting quietly,  observing, waiting. . .!
The sitting quiet wouldn't work for me, and the waiting either.  Mother ducks are always watchful and if there is danger, she is first to immediately move into shelter and they follow her.  You can't find her and her eight babies any other time.  They are hidden and protected at all times.  Even then she lost three out of the original group.  How does this relate to us.  Staying with our pack leader would be my best offer.  Every day in Jesus Calling there is a reference to focusing on Him, letting Him guide our day, turning things over to Him, and letting go of things to follow Him.

I could site a whole list of scriptures.  But to some it up I always go back to Deut. 31:8 in the Amplified Version.  If you have a Smart Phone, you can get free apps on that phone and bring up that scripture on all kinds of versions.  County Line has a new app called YouVersion.  Every Sunday now we can tune into that app and see the sermon, comment or ask questions on there about it.  See all the verses written out, and all the music that was sung.  It is amazing today - the spiritual tools we have.

Anyway, that verse says it all, about He goes before us, and He goes with us into whatever is happening.  Fear not because He is NOT going to fail, or abandon us.  Don't be depressed, and unnerved, because He has got it and you.   You have seen lots of different tools on my blog.

Acknowledge Him and only Him
Surrender to Him and only Him
Follow Him and only Him

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will answer the desires of your heart.  Ps 37: 4

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Acts 6 is about the story of Saul.  How he was crucifying and telling people NOT to follow Jesus.  He was harassing the disciples.    And, one day on a walk to another town to start that process up again, a light shown down on him and God spoke to Saul about "Why are doing this?"  He knew God even though he was speaking out against Him!    His final response to God was,  "Lord, what do you want me to do?  Acts 6: 9

And, the rest is history, as they say.   His name was changed to Paul and he became God's mega speaker for Jesus Christ.  Another part we need to remember here.  To immediately get up from his respite and new name, went out to speak to everyone about Jesus.  Its our reminder that God speaks out through our personality.  The Holy Spirit guides our entire being if we let him.  Friends have asked me, "People didn't have schools, how did they know to read, who taught them to read?  How did Jesus at 13 begin answering questions and teaching in the synagogue?"   Ah, it seemed a little too simple, but because He is God, God spoke through him, gave him all the immediate abilities He needed. 

My question - "What would happen if we did that?"  "What if we were so focused and had so much enthusiasm only for Jesus?"

Another great story illustrates this.  The story of Mary and Martha. Luke 10: 38-42  Martha and Mary had invited Jesus to their home and Martha was angry with Mary for sitting at Jesus's feet.  She had things to do in the kitchen.  "Jesus, tell her to help me! "    What do you think Martha's distractions were?"Was she jealous of her sister Mary?"  We need to take these stories to heart in our everyday life.  We are easily distracted and then that attitude turns into taking on all the event ourselves.  I am a Martha who wants to be a Mary.  I would be out in the kitchen wanting help with getting refreshments and mad at my sister.  And, yet, yearning to be comfortable and focused on Jesus.   To learn from him.  To ask, "Lord, What do you want me to do?"

From Jesus Calling today, is the real priority.  Let me have your situations, trust me to take your situations and either fix it Myself, or show you how to do it.  What's the big deal.

What attitudes cause you not to make Jesus your top priority?

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Some sharing's from Jesus Calling:  by Sarah Young

It is one of those rainy days that you are trying to shake off.  You are trying to decide what to do.  Clean out cupboards, watch movies, read, play with kids, dogs, cats, rabbits;  who knows?

I AM WITH YOU, watching over you constantly.  I am Immanuel (God with you);  My Presence enfolds you in radiant Love.  Nothing including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from Me.  Some of My children find me more readily during dark times, when difficulties force them to depend on Me.  Others feel closer to Me when their lives are filled with good things.  They respond with Thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to My Presence.  I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me.  Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you.  Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs.  When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful.  Do not reject any of My gifts;  find Me in every situation.

Col. 2: 6 and 7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

His creations never cease, they never stop being new.  His beauty is in every season, and in every person.

Be thankful today, even though its dark and raining.  Call someone and tell them Thanks.

I am calling Jennifer Timberlin and thanking her for Star Struck Dance Studio.  I am thanking her for her determined dedication to young girls ages 4 to 18 and teaching them dance and how to express themselves and find their identity in who they are.  That is a God given talent and GIFT. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015



Good questions.  Perhaps I should have used them or saved them for last?  

What are some major ways that Christ's love for you has shaped all your motives and your actions so far in life?

II Cor 5: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;  the old has gone, the new has come!

When you look at that very crisp, short passage, you find it says everything.  Kind of like going through your closet and taking out all the things that don't fit anymore, items that are the wrong color, and things you hid because you didn't look good in them anyway.  So you box them all up and take them to the Goodwill.  Then hippity hop over to your favorite store and buy something you carefully wanted in the first place.  The old is gone and the new has arrived.  This little symbology is just one way to look at how God takes all your old stuff out to the trash and brings you into a whole new realm.

So, now can you sit down and answer these questions.  They are very important.  It took me a little bit to spit it all out on paper.  First,  you start thinking about what you are supposed to say.  Secondly, you try to dress it up.  Finally, I just took out another piece of paper and got to digging very deep about how He has fashioned me.  How he has shaped my thinking.  And, what do I love most?

Seriously, do yourself a favor.  It is a growing experience.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Mother's Day has always been a favorite holiday, much like Easter, and others.  For most of you, your mother is around or you are one.  My cousin is a Great Grand mother this last week.  So it will be special for her.

Hard to imagine it has been eight years since mine passed away.

Whatever you do tomorrow, have a wonderful Sunday.  Celebrate Jesus and enjoy family.

Have a good week, taking this one off from writing.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


There are lots of stories about THE BOAT.  You have heard them for sure.  "You Have To Get Out of the Boat in Order to Walk on Water!"  "Don't Rock the Boat"  "Don't Stand Up In The Boat, You Will Tip Us Over!" 

However, I had not thought of it this way!  No matter what boat of trials or storms you are in, or whenever you are, we are in the same boat with ONE whom even the winds and the sea obey!

Matthew 8: 23-27.   You know the story - Jesus was asleep in the boat and the "guys" were noticing that a storm was building.  They all scared and started yelling.  What did Jesus say?  No, you read it and fill in the blank.

How have I been reading that over and over these last 42 years and not made that application.  I love it!!!  We need to sit and envision that whatever decision, or situation that has taken over and you are yelling at God about - who is in it with you.  Be a boat, or a car, or your living room, or a courtroom;  it doesn't matter.  Jesus is in it to win it!  Calm down!  Sit down! Turn and see. . .Jesus is the ONE whom even the winds and the sea obey.

My other new favorite is - "I don't rock the boat like some say, I am working to balance it!"  said by a local politician.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


When you think about the word Straighten, you can use it in so many different ways.  "Stand straight up, shoulders back," my mother always used to say.  "Did you straighten up the table when we got done eating, you know you need to do that!"  My teacher used to say - "You people straighten up, right now!"

In our small group the other morning I heard from the New Living Testament a different way to understand God's Word is our daily living guide.

II Timothy 3: 16 and 17.

NLT   "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.  It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do."

I am not sure why that stuck out to me - straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.  After all, God is preparing us completely, equipping us completely to do what He wants.  Do you see how big that really is.  We should be awed by the fact that He loves us so much He wants us to see that our perspective is not quite right sometimes.  We get an idea about something and it isn't always right.  So, of course, what is our job.  Our commitment?   To be in His Word and know it, so that we don't miss the mark and need straightening up very often.

I never did like being called into the principal's office.  It was humiliating and awful. 

What do you need to have God straighten out for you?

Saturday, April 18, 2015


The last two weeks have been quite a learning curve.  If you don't accept the idea that our enemy, Satan, can hammer us once in awhile over his agenda certainly not ours, you can stop reading.

After one accident of tripping and falling, and the same thing 5 days later, plus lots of other physical pain issues, I said, "I give up!"  Okay.  Enough already.  Shortly after that statement, a call came for my help about someone.  Would I help that person get rid of the enemy or learn about how to stay away.  I knew right then, uh oh!  Something great is about to happen.  That weekend, last weekend to be precise, at church the confirmation came.  Among other things, this song.  If you like to use the internet, go in on Google and look up the Crabbe Family and this song.

Through the Fire by the Crabb Family:

So many times I question certain circumstances and things I could not understand.
Many times in trials my weakness blurs my vision and that's when my frustration gets so out of hand.
It's then I am reminded, I've never been forsaken.
I've never had to stand one test alone, oh no.
As I look at all the victories, the spirit of God rises up in me.
And, it's through the fire of my weakness is made strong.

Chorus:  He never promised that the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb.
He never offered our victory's without fighting.
But He said help would always come in time.
Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and the adversary says GIVE IN, just hold on.
Our Lord will show up and He will take you through the fire again.

I know within myself that I would surely perish, but if I trust the mighty hand of God, he'll shield the flank again, again. . .
So just hold on, our Lord will show up and He will take you through the fire again, again, and again.

So there you have it.  The complete mantra for every day.  EVERY DAY.  Don't give in, call out, and He will show up.

He did in spades this last Thursday, and its been life changing for many.  Especially me.  Its a steady confirmation that He Has IT!  God's Got It!  

Our job is to STAY THE COURSE.  It's my new steady job.

Sunday, April 12, 2015



Have you ever heard that type of comment from others, or yourself?  I heard that all my growing up life.  "If I wanted a good job done and a job done now, I should have done it myself!"  Some of us have lots of parent tapes that roll around in our heads.  I spent a lot of time trying to undo that tape most of my life.  When I learned about the power of God, and His love, I thought sure I would be good to go now. 

The story of David and the Philistine is one of the oldest most fun stories every told.  I saw it on the flannel graph.  There is an old word many won't know.  It is a fascinating story about how Goliath needed taking down.  Someone was sent to find a foe strong enough and with the right tools to take him down.  David's brothers were all bigger, more mature and very strong.  But God pointed to David.  Saul was flabbergasted.  David was just a shepherd boy.  When confronted about how small and demure he was, he quickly pointed out to Saul that he had to come against the bear and the lion.
That he had slain them easily - so what is the big deal.  Here he is very young, and already knowing that he had the power of God and he trusted God.  If he was to go up against anyone or anything, he had God's power in his hand.  God would surely show him how to defeat the foe. 

How are you with that knowledge these days?  I must admit it has been a very fascinating week.  I have gotten a PhD in just one week about the power that is in me to defeat the foe.  Even though I teach about the Full Armor of God and Girls with Swords, I lost that concept.  I got quite angry about an attack that was very present physically, emotionally and spiritually.  And, then I got angry at God.
I identified that I am like my dad in that respect.  If things weren't comfortable or going just right so he could do his life, he would get extremely angry and loud. 

In our story David, outfitted in armor did what?  He took it off.  It was too heavy.  He went out picked up a STONE and defeated his foe, everyone's foe.    I don't know about you, but this story in I Samuel 17: 33/through 50 blows my mind right now.  Read it!  See it!  Take it all in!  A prayer partner prayed for me this week and she heard God say. . ."Do you not remember that this same spirit that is in me is in you????  The spirit that rose Christ from the dead!!!  Yes!  That spirit is in you."

We don't even need a stone.  We just need the Name of Jesus.  Come Lord Jesus Help Me defeat my foe!  NOW, NOW enemy get your hands off me today, tomorrow, or next week or at all!  I am property of the Lord Jesus and you can't have me, how dare you put your hands on me.  Thank you Holy Spirit for protecting and delivering me.

Today everyone, you need to be Focused on Him who gave His spirit to be free and strong and powerful.  That name arises above all names.  Start acting like it.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Resurrection Weekend!

Just remember that Jesus hated our sin so much more then we did, so he died on Calvary to free it from us.  Do we get it at all?  I am convinced this week that the enemy has stepped up his game.  He does not want us to surrender or lay down our "thing" for the Lord Jesus to pick up and take away.

It could be eating too much, it could be that your unforgiving and bitter right now.  I can name a dozen of things that I see people need to lay down.  Do you need to always be right?  Jesus can change that.  You can write your own ticket today.  However, you will have to make a choice to Surrender those things that hold you back.  I could write a book on that word.

Psalm 25: 1  Unto you O Lord do I bring my life. 

Lots of people think that this is a very nifty verse.  But, and I do mean but. . .what are doing to thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you?   Little old you! How is it helping you to hold back and keep that unforgiveness alive.   You know things have to die before they come to life.  When you pick a tomato or a carrot, it begins the dying stage, before you cook it and eat it to add life to your body.

Death brings Life.  Think about it.  Think about Him!

Saturday, March 28, 2015


A friend of mine and prayer partner sent me picture of an office building hallway.  There were many doors and they were all shut.  I tried to upload this into this blog, but it won't load.  So I will establish my own take on the hallways of life.

They used the verse from Isaiah 22:22 about David getting a key from God to open the door and that no one could close the door on him.

We all wonder at times why a door shuts and sometimes a window opens.  Sometimes the doors just don't open to what you thought they would.  We pray, we wonder?  We pray, we question?  We pray, we yell at God!  The door still doesn't open.  In my older years and experiences I have certainly been there and did that.

So, hallways!  What do they mean to you.  It can be a real trip trying to wonder up and down the hall trying this door and that door.  It becomes frustrating and unnerving.  We have friends who say, keep praying.  We have friends who say, it is just not God's will for you right now.  Let it go.  Or, of course you can continue to WAIT.  Hmmm!  I am not a good waiter.  However, God has taught me to do just that.  My hallways had lots of yelling in them, and asking, doubting and banging on those doors.  What does your hallway look like when you have been shut out of something?

There are lots of scriptures that tell us that God knows best.  His perfect and pleasing Will is the best one.  Romans 12: 1-2  This is all about making a decisive dedication of your body and mind to be a living sacrifice - holy and consecrated for God.  And, to NOT be conformed to the world.  Thinking its thoughts and wanting what it wants.  You have heard people say, the heart wants what the heart wants!!  You need instead to renew your mind and attitude - WHY?  So that you can KNOW what is the good, acceptable, perfect will of God is, what He knows is best for you.

In order to get out of the hallway you need to PAY all your attention to God and what He wants.  It will require from you some letting go and waiting.  He knows best.

Psalm 25: 3 and 4, and 5.

Yes, let none who trust and wait hopefully and look for You be put to shame or be disappointed;  let them be ashamed who forsake the right or deal treacherously without cause.  Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You (you only and altogether) do I wait (expectantly) all the day long.

In other words, let's not be that little train engine that runs up and down the track, smoking puffing and whistling a lot.  God will come to get you and show you the way.

Sunday, March 22, 2015



When we experience straight on fights, or getting undermined, isn't it gracious and relieving to know Jesus pulls us up so we have hinds feet for high places.

"The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk (not stand still in terror, but to walk) and make (spiritual) progress upon my high places (of) trouble, suffering, or responsibility!"

Last week we talked about staying alert for straight on attempts at stealing our joy and now we talk about how to visualize climbing higher.  Goats have hinds feet to climb mountain and craggy places.  We don't have that.  There is a book written on Hinds Feet for High Places which I highly recommend to all.  It is a fascinating, can't put it down story, about how a fictional character went through all kinds of barricades to climb to Jesus.

Since Jesus knows about our every moment, every hour of each day, it stands to reason then, that we
can trust Him to get us up out of any pit.  Jesus can get us away from any pit.  And, He can steer us to higher places where His strength is our everything.  His strength is our very power to do all things in His strength.  Phil 4: 13.

I was praying with someone the other day and felt like I had hit all the marks of that request in asking God to show them the path etc.  As soon as I was done that person said, "Well, I sure hope we know what to do about________?"  I was floored.  So there it is.  The biggest, the hardest, thing we learn about God, is to get out of our heads and into His heart for us. 


Let Him have it.  Surrender.  Step out and watch Him do it.  God's Got It!

Sunday, March 15, 2015


What do a turtle names Mr. Painted Turtle and Jax Rylee have in common for what I want to talk about?

Look at each one very carefully.  The Painted Turtle thinks he is on solid ground.  Jax thinks he is on solid ground.  Both are precarious at best.  The ice will melt and he will fall through.  The Glass can break and Jax will fall through.

The point is, we can truly believe we are on solid ground.  But we aren't always.  It can be a delusion.

The Bible doesn't say how many ways the enemy, Satan can find to delude us, distract us, discourage us, and bring us down.  We just know he is evil and we can expect trials and tribulations.

During our Prayer Team Meeting this week, I said with all conviction he has found another way at us.
We are to be alert, put on our full armor every day.  Pray, and stay strong.  Beth Moore has a book about The PIT.  I love that book.  It explains how we must be very careful and stay alert.  You can walk close to the pit Satan has for you, but walk on.  You can not be paying attention, and fall in involuntarily.  You can also choose to get too close, bend over to see. . ."What's all the big deal, what is really in there?"  And, step too close, it crumbles, you are in the pit.

Now there is another way.  And, beware it is even more cunning then all the other ways.  I noted earlier about how I saw a couple of red flags in February.  However, I went on thinking I was fine, after all I prayed, and made note of the situation for a later time.  When I came crashing down through the ice, glass, solid ground, I woke up and didn't like what I saw when I looked around.
So then what did I do, I got so mad at myself that I started in with that self condemnation we get so good at.  "How stupid are you?"  "How could you get caught up in yourself and the enemy dug a great big burrow underneath you and then goodbye!!!!?"  From there I made myself sick for three days.  Some people call it stress sick.  I have names I can't use on here.  I thank God for my prayer team and how they pray and keep me lifted up.  Thank God for His written Word.

"For Greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world!"  I John 4: 4

Psalm 27 is just one great chapter that says it all.
Ps 27: 1  The Lord is my light and my salvation---whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?"
PS 27: 8  My heart says of you, "Seek his face!"  Your face, Lord, I will seek.
PS 27: 9  Do not hide your face from me, do not tur your servant away in anger; you have been my helper.
PS 27: 14 "Wait for the Lord;  be strong and take heart ad wait for the Lord!"

I could write hundreds of scriptures.  The point here is, there is a NEW way we need to be aware of.
He will burrow under you.  You won't see it coming.  So, what do I do then?

You will pick yourself up out of that mud puddle, Ask God for forgiveness, and move on.  Ask, of course, for more awareness, more prayer time, more alertness, until the next new thing.  God is always just to forgive our sleep walks and put us back up in righteousness.

Let's BE AWARE.  Put on your armor and hold that Sword of the Spirit up higher than normal, and also, point it to the ground, and straight out.  Turn around and be sure your back is covered.

Sunday, March 8, 2015



Look to the Lord and His Strength;  seek His face always!

Several things are pressing in on my brain today!  Questions in particular!

God wants our full attention, our full obedience.  He wants us to seek Him at all corners, roads, junctures, etc.  I have been one to not clean out the corners very well.  How about you.  It takes a toothbrush sometimes to get things.  Or maybe even a q-tip.  I don't like getting down on the floor to do it, so it doesn't get done.  What does that have to do with anything?  Think about your own life right now.  I am quite tired of thinking about mine, but God doesn't always give us a break.  How holy is your thinking these days, your obedience, your teach-ability.  Are you humble?

Pastor Stu was talking about John 14: 15 to the end of the chapter.  Are we teachable?  It takes humility to be less worldly.  That takes some seeking God and His strength to put a fence around that
concept.  I have always thought I was way out there and extremely teachable.  I found myself in the corner looking hard at the pile up of dirt in that corner.  One particular aspect of my personality sucks this afternoon.  Think about it for yourself today.  See what you come up with.  Ask for forgiveness, ask Him along on the journey, be willing to be changed.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


There will be some argument for me here until you read on.

Comparison shopping at the stores are relevant and necessary.  However, we do this with our own personalities and life.  Let me explain better with something from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  February 28th:

Stop judging and evaluating yourself!


This is not your role.  Above all, stop comparing yourself with other people!


This produces feelings of pride and inferiority;  sometimes, a mixture of both.  I lead each of My children along a path that is uniquely tailor-made for him or her.  Comparing is not only wrong; it is also meaningless.

Don't look for affirmation in the wrong places; your own evaluations, or those of other people.  The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love.  Many believers perceive Me as an unpleasable Judge, angrily searching out their faults and failures.  Nothing could be father from the truth!  I died for your sins, so that I might clothe you in My garments of salvation.  This is how I see you, it is never in anger or disgust; it is to prepare you for face-to-Face fellowship with Me throughout all eternity.  Immerse yourself in My loving Presence.  Be receptive to my Affirmation, which flows continually from the throne of grace.

Luke 6: 37

Isaiah 6l: 10

Proverbs 3: 11 and 12.

Jesus is very clear here.  STOP doing this!  We all do it.  STOP IT!.  

From my perspective it is the simple question. . .How is it helping you to always beat up on yourself, compare yourself to others, or add up all your insurrections?

What do you need to do then?____________________________________________________

When do you want to STOP IT!__________________________________________________

Make a Commitment and look for change to happen.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Please February go away!  Too much horrible weather and things happening this month.

Please pray for a young mother, good friend, small group participant, neighbor over on CR 35, Holly Kline.  She is a nurse at Parkview, two great kids 5 and 3.  Her husband is the stay at home until school begins tree cutter, all around guy - Joey.  Holly was in a car accident on Saturday on her way to work.  She was going south on 427 and a man pulled out from Hollopeter Rd and t - boned her on her side of the car.  He called Joey on her phone and Joey could hear her in the background.  He asked the man if he was a Christian and he said yes.  Joey asked him to pray with her.  He then talked to her and she said her goodbyes.  They had to cut the door off to get her out.  She has a fractured pelvic area and broken arm.  The meds for pain are creating terrible reactions.  Her parents have come in so Joey can stay with her.  Today (Monday) they will be assessing for other internal issues.  Our small group will be stopping in at 2PM and hopefully we can learn more.  Most likely she will be too miserable to talk with us, but we hope to pray with her.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors, pray the kiddos will not be terribly anxious, and peace for Joey.  And, also that the right meds will be used and
reactions diminished.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Some people blame the full moon for strange things and behaviors that go on, and I say:


My goodness, this has been one of the worst February's ever.  Last year we said it was the worst Jan, Feb, and March for weather and everyone had cabin fever.  This year, they have mind fever.  I am totally taken aback!  Unto You Oh Lord Do I bring my Life!  Please bring a quick spring or something.  HELP!

I was educated to know what the heck is going on with people, but this is my first time ever to step back and say. . ."What is going on?"

I don't know about you, but I sure hope you are just chillin and readin, and takin naps!!!!!!!

I wrote this verse out to give me strength.  I pray it helps you too!


"I will instruct you in the way which you should go;

I will counsel you with My eye upon you."

I think they came up with the Super Bowl, Grammy's and Acadamies to give us some worldly events to look at and perhaps some of you watch those for something glitzy to look at.  The land of the black sticks is very black, the temperature is mind numbing and maybe that works.  Even our Pastor prepares February with lots of laughter and light topics to keep us afloat.

Whatever, let's keep focused on Jesus and pray for each other !

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Yes, what a silly question, or is it?

There are people I talk to in this counseling office and friends, family as well, that would say - "nothing ever worked for me, or works out for me!"  It takes a lot of patience in those moments to relay Romans 8: 28.  "  All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called accordingly to His purpose !"  It takes some real prayer and careful management of communication skills to help some people see that God loves them, and that bad people do bad things to good people.  The enemy likes nothing better then to create spaces in our minds and makes us BELIEVE we are not worth it, or something is wrong with us.  I spent a great deal of time the other day explaining that this is really the truth.  This person is highly educated, very independent, has tons of achievements and accomplishments.  Yet, they can't believe that God loves them, so people can't either. 

Self processing is a very important part of spiritual growth.  "Do you believe God loves you as you are?"  "Do you believe and like/love yourself?"  "Do you believe when someone tells you they love you, can you take it in, accept it, apply it?"  This very complicated emotional process is the MOST important thing you will ever do. 

It is a good moment for you to take time and journal that question!!!

In life, and in order to manage and deal with life;  we must Know God, Know ourselves, and Know your enemy!  Do you?

Quietly reflect God's beauty even in the winter mornings of our life.  He does work ALL things together.  However, let us not miss it.

Friday, January 30, 2015


"The Lord will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry!"

Isaiah 30: 19

Just when I was saying "Counseling is so hard today, maybe it is time to do something else, or nothing!"

The very next morning, here came the Daily Bread with this entire discussion.  Even when things change and THEY HAVE since 1982, it is still the very same issue no matter what you are doing in your life.

"Today people all around us are in need of someone to take action to help them.  It is a high privilege to become the hands of God, as we respond on His behalf to cries for help!"

You might notice that January and February get very grey, dry, and boring.  Some do and some don't.
I have to use a light-box every winter to be able to stay up and busy.  People make fun of me all the time about how I count the days of spring and when the time changes.  As of tomorrow 49 and 35.
So, for some of us things can get really funky and I was having one of those days.  For the next two days between devotions, and a sermon on restoring people and getting out there to help them, I have had to stop and breathe.  Breathing in the Lord, His Holy Spirit and grace brings on new feelings, and almost feels like you've had a vacation.  I love how God comes immediately to our aid, if we do cry out.  I don't mess around anymore with thinking about it, getting all down about things.  I have been know to say -"This sucks, do something"  "Jesus, help the girl!"  I swear by it, He comes, He shows up.

Read Isaiah 30 15: 22

Psalm 25: 4 and 5

Psalm 146: 1 and 2

Psalm 112: 7

Sunday, January 18, 2015


It is especially "ah-Hah!" when you can hit it out of the park.  You see that ball going high and right down the center.  There are those times in life when pancakes with blueberries just so hit the spot you think Nervana has come.  Or Sandi Patti just sang Amazing Grace and you know that all is right with the world.  Some birthday parties go so well, you just know it was a perfect pitch.  A concert, a job you finished, a conversation with the IRS, and you just breathed.

Last night was one of those nights.  The minute I saw this poster, I knew!

How do you even marvel or capture the thoughts of being proud of someone and their complete dedication to a volunteerism. 

35 Years of giving his talent to the community - to the ACD Festival Group!  Their over the top, to the moon and back, appreciation!  Thank you ACD FEstival.

Thank you John for being such a giving person, God's gift to a community, to me. 

Friday, January 16, 2015


Although I have been absent here for a week, it was for good reason.  The Souders household has had a 30 days stretch plus of:  No Electricity - New Water Faucets in Kitchen, Oral Surgery, The Flu, no water for 2 days, Septic issues for three days, a bacterial infection, and I could keep going.  However, since Tuesday we are all healthy here, all mechanical things are in place again, and 2015 officially begins tomorrow.    John presents the 2015 ACD Poster at the Dinner held at the ACD Museum for the Board Members and families.  So, then I will get back into gear here very soon.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


It is 2015 already!  John is down with the flu, its been raining all day, Jax has no energy and I just pray not to get this stuff from John.  He has had some sinus drainage, infections before, but this is the real stuff.  Flu.  Even the doctor said the flu shot doesn't work.  So he is on the program they have for him, Tamiflu, inhaler, z-pak, and lots of rest.  Every little twitch I get, I wonder.  And, so then I guess I will need to take my own advice.  God's Got it!  He knows our situation and it is what it is.

Another new year.  Where did this one go?  What are you thinking today?  What do wonder about for 2015?  What surprises will hit, what crisis will make you think you can't do this?  What losses will some of us incur?  What will happen as we try to make decisions about a new National leader over the next 18 months?

Psalm 40: (read it all, but in particular. . .)

1)  I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.  2) He drew me up out of a horrible pit 9 a pit of tumult and destruction), out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.  3) And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.  Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.  4)  Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who makes the Lord his refuge and trust, and turns not to be proud or to followers of false gods.

Every where we turn in God's Word, we read about how He hears, He sees, He fights for us.  He answers our prayers.  He KNOWS!  So then, 2015 doesn't have to have "no never mind's"   Just live each day to His glory and the rest as they say, is History.