Saturday, April 25, 2015


When you think about the word Straighten, you can use it in so many different ways.  "Stand straight up, shoulders back," my mother always used to say.  "Did you straighten up the table when we got done eating, you know you need to do that!"  My teacher used to say - "You people straighten up, right now!"

In our small group the other morning I heard from the New Living Testament a different way to understand God's Word is our daily living guide.

II Timothy 3: 16 and 17.

NLT   "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.  It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do."

I am not sure why that stuck out to me - straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.  After all, God is preparing us completely, equipping us completely to do what He wants.  Do you see how big that really is.  We should be awed by the fact that He loves us so much He wants us to see that our perspective is not quite right sometimes.  We get an idea about something and it isn't always right.  So, of course, what is our job.  Our commitment?   To be in His Word and know it, so that we don't miss the mark and need straightening up very often.

I never did like being called into the principal's office.  It was humiliating and awful. 

What do you need to have God straighten out for you?

Saturday, April 18, 2015


The last two weeks have been quite a learning curve.  If you don't accept the idea that our enemy, Satan, can hammer us once in awhile over his agenda certainly not ours, you can stop reading.

After one accident of tripping and falling, and the same thing 5 days later, plus lots of other physical pain issues, I said, "I give up!"  Okay.  Enough already.  Shortly after that statement, a call came for my help about someone.  Would I help that person get rid of the enemy or learn about how to stay away.  I knew right then, uh oh!  Something great is about to happen.  That weekend, last weekend to be precise, at church the confirmation came.  Among other things, this song.  If you like to use the internet, go in on Google and look up the Crabbe Family and this song.

Through the Fire by the Crabb Family:

So many times I question certain circumstances and things I could not understand.
Many times in trials my weakness blurs my vision and that's when my frustration gets so out of hand.
It's then I am reminded, I've never been forsaken.
I've never had to stand one test alone, oh no.
As I look at all the victories, the spirit of God rises up in me.
And, it's through the fire of my weakness is made strong.

Chorus:  He never promised that the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb.
He never offered our victory's without fighting.
But He said help would always come in time.
Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and the adversary says GIVE IN, just hold on.
Our Lord will show up and He will take you through the fire again.

I know within myself that I would surely perish, but if I trust the mighty hand of God, he'll shield the flank again, again. . .
So just hold on, our Lord will show up and He will take you through the fire again, again, and again.

So there you have it.  The complete mantra for every day.  EVERY DAY.  Don't give in, call out, and He will show up.

He did in spades this last Thursday, and its been life changing for many.  Especially me.  Its a steady confirmation that He Has IT!  God's Got It!  

Our job is to STAY THE COURSE.  It's my new steady job.

Sunday, April 12, 2015



Have you ever heard that type of comment from others, or yourself?  I heard that all my growing up life.  "If I wanted a good job done and a job done now, I should have done it myself!"  Some of us have lots of parent tapes that roll around in our heads.  I spent a lot of time trying to undo that tape most of my life.  When I learned about the power of God, and His love, I thought sure I would be good to go now. 

The story of David and the Philistine is one of the oldest most fun stories every told.  I saw it on the flannel graph.  There is an old word many won't know.  It is a fascinating story about how Goliath needed taking down.  Someone was sent to find a foe strong enough and with the right tools to take him down.  David's brothers were all bigger, more mature and very strong.  But God pointed to David.  Saul was flabbergasted.  David was just a shepherd boy.  When confronted about how small and demure he was, he quickly pointed out to Saul that he had to come against the bear and the lion.
That he had slain them easily - so what is the big deal.  Here he is very young, and already knowing that he had the power of God and he trusted God.  If he was to go up against anyone or anything, he had God's power in his hand.  God would surely show him how to defeat the foe. 

How are you with that knowledge these days?  I must admit it has been a very fascinating week.  I have gotten a PhD in just one week about the power that is in me to defeat the foe.  Even though I teach about the Full Armor of God and Girls with Swords, I lost that concept.  I got quite angry about an attack that was very present physically, emotionally and spiritually.  And, then I got angry at God.
I identified that I am like my dad in that respect.  If things weren't comfortable or going just right so he could do his life, he would get extremely angry and loud. 

In our story David, outfitted in armor did what?  He took it off.  It was too heavy.  He went out picked up a STONE and defeated his foe, everyone's foe.    I don't know about you, but this story in I Samuel 17: 33/through 50 blows my mind right now.  Read it!  See it!  Take it all in!  A prayer partner prayed for me this week and she heard God say. . ."Do you not remember that this same spirit that is in me is in you????  The spirit that rose Christ from the dead!!!  Yes!  That spirit is in you."

We don't even need a stone.  We just need the Name of Jesus.  Come Lord Jesus Help Me defeat my foe!  NOW, NOW enemy get your hands off me today, tomorrow, or next week or at all!  I am property of the Lord Jesus and you can't have me, how dare you put your hands on me.  Thank you Holy Spirit for protecting and delivering me.

Today everyone, you need to be Focused on Him who gave His spirit to be free and strong and powerful.  That name arises above all names.  Start acting like it.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Resurrection Weekend!

Just remember that Jesus hated our sin so much more then we did, so he died on Calvary to free it from us.  Do we get it at all?  I am convinced this week that the enemy has stepped up his game.  He does not want us to surrender or lay down our "thing" for the Lord Jesus to pick up and take away.

It could be eating too much, it could be that your unforgiving and bitter right now.  I can name a dozen of things that I see people need to lay down.  Do you need to always be right?  Jesus can change that.  You can write your own ticket today.  However, you will have to make a choice to Surrender those things that hold you back.  I could write a book on that word.

Psalm 25: 1  Unto you O Lord do I bring my life. 

Lots of people think that this is a very nifty verse.  But, and I do mean but. . .what are doing to thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you?   Little old you! How is it helping you to hold back and keep that unforgiveness alive.   You know things have to die before they come to life.  When you pick a tomato or a carrot, it begins the dying stage, before you cook it and eat it to add life to your body.

Death brings Life.  Think about it.  Think about Him!