Sunday, May 31, 2015


Some sharing's from Jesus Calling:  by Sarah Young

It is one of those rainy days that you are trying to shake off.  You are trying to decide what to do.  Clean out cupboards, watch movies, read, play with kids, dogs, cats, rabbits;  who knows?

I AM WITH YOU, watching over you constantly.  I am Immanuel (God with you);  My Presence enfolds you in radiant Love.  Nothing including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from Me.  Some of My children find me more readily during dark times, when difficulties force them to depend on Me.  Others feel closer to Me when their lives are filled with good things.  They respond with Thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to My Presence.  I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me.  Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you.  Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs.  When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful.  Do not reject any of My gifts;  find Me in every situation.

Col. 2: 6 and 7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

His creations never cease, they never stop being new.  His beauty is in every season, and in every person.

Be thankful today, even though its dark and raining.  Call someone and tell them Thanks.

I am calling Jennifer Timberlin and thanking her for Star Struck Dance Studio.  I am thanking her for her determined dedication to young girls ages 4 to 18 and teaching them dance and how to express themselves and find their identity in who they are.  That is a God given talent and GIFT. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015



Good questions.  Perhaps I should have used them or saved them for last?  

What are some major ways that Christ's love for you has shaped all your motives and your actions so far in life?

II Cor 5: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;  the old has gone, the new has come!

When you look at that very crisp, short passage, you find it says everything.  Kind of like going through your closet and taking out all the things that don't fit anymore, items that are the wrong color, and things you hid because you didn't look good in them anyway.  So you box them all up and take them to the Goodwill.  Then hippity hop over to your favorite store and buy something you carefully wanted in the first place.  The old is gone and the new has arrived.  This little symbology is just one way to look at how God takes all your old stuff out to the trash and brings you into a whole new realm.

So, now can you sit down and answer these questions.  They are very important.  It took me a little bit to spit it all out on paper.  First,  you start thinking about what you are supposed to say.  Secondly, you try to dress it up.  Finally, I just took out another piece of paper and got to digging very deep about how He has fashioned me.  How he has shaped my thinking.  And, what do I love most?

Seriously, do yourself a favor.  It is a growing experience.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Mother's Day has always been a favorite holiday, much like Easter, and others.  For most of you, your mother is around or you are one.  My cousin is a Great Grand mother this last week.  So it will be special for her.

Hard to imagine it has been eight years since mine passed away.

Whatever you do tomorrow, have a wonderful Sunday.  Celebrate Jesus and enjoy family.

Have a good week, taking this one off from writing.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


There are lots of stories about THE BOAT.  You have heard them for sure.  "You Have To Get Out of the Boat in Order to Walk on Water!"  "Don't Rock the Boat"  "Don't Stand Up In The Boat, You Will Tip Us Over!" 

However, I had not thought of it this way!  No matter what boat of trials or storms you are in, or whenever you are, we are in the same boat with ONE whom even the winds and the sea obey!

Matthew 8: 23-27.   You know the story - Jesus was asleep in the boat and the "guys" were noticing that a storm was building.  They all scared and started yelling.  What did Jesus say?  No, you read it and fill in the blank.

How have I been reading that over and over these last 42 years and not made that application.  I love it!!!  We need to sit and envision that whatever decision, or situation that has taken over and you are yelling at God about - who is in it with you.  Be a boat, or a car, or your living room, or a courtroom;  it doesn't matter.  Jesus is in it to win it!  Calm down!  Sit down! Turn and see. . .Jesus is the ONE whom even the winds and the sea obey.

My other new favorite is - "I don't rock the boat like some say, I am working to balance it!"  said by a local politician.