Saturday, June 27, 2015


There have been lots of conjecture and stories about how to look at Peter walking on the water.  "You have to get out of the boat in order to walk on water!"  "Well, why wouldn't he trust Jesus to call to him and stay upright?"  The latest is my favorite.  "At least Peter is a risk taker!"  The guys (the disciples) coward in the boat.  "I can hear it right now, can't you?"

Matt 14:  22/33  -  I love this story.  Jesus told the disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side, he would be along.  He went up into the hills to pray.  A storm began to erupt.  Furious winds and rain I imagine.  They grew terrified.  Jesus knew!  So he started walking to them on the water.  Then they really freaked out at seeing this person or something coming across the water.  They called him a ghost.  They were screaming.   He called out to them.  "Take Courage!  I AM! Stop being afraid."
Peter being Peter, said  "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water!"  And, the rest is history.  Peter got out there and was probably pretty proud of himself for beating everyone to the punch and then Jesus gave him the go ahead.  Then what?  Yep, he looked around and saw the fierce wind, rain and crashing waves and began to sink.

So, some of us get all over him for that.  "What you don't trust the Lord Jesus?"  And, I say, Peter was the only one willing to take a risk for Jesus.  Sure he got his perspective wet, but he risked it all to go to Jesus.

What are you willing to risk, to go to Jesus?  Would you get in the wheel barrel on the tightrope and be willing to let Jesus walk you across from one 50 story building to the other with no net?  Be honest!

Think about and ponder - "What are you willing to risk to meet Jesus on the storm of your life, or go on a long journey - knowing he will wheel you over safely?"  It is my belief these days after several decades of learning about this Savior we have, that just stepping out of the boat is the beginning of our love and trust for Him.  We have to do it.  Staying in the boat weeping and afraid - is NOT an option.  What keeps you from stepping out.  Deut. 31: 8.  Reread it again - AMP version.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Ever wondered what its like for God to watch over us?  Does He sit in a large - huge- mega big- chaise lounge observing?  Or does He have His hands on His hips, standing high in the clouds, shaking his finger at us? 

I would prefer to believe that like this mother duck, He is sitting quietly,  observing, waiting. . .!
The sitting quiet wouldn't work for me, and the waiting either.  Mother ducks are always watchful and if there is danger, she is first to immediately move into shelter and they follow her.  You can't find her and her eight babies any other time.  They are hidden and protected at all times.  Even then she lost three out of the original group.  How does this relate to us.  Staying with our pack leader would be my best offer.  Every day in Jesus Calling there is a reference to focusing on Him, letting Him guide our day, turning things over to Him, and letting go of things to follow Him.

I could site a whole list of scriptures.  But to some it up I always go back to Deut. 31:8 in the Amplified Version.  If you have a Smart Phone, you can get free apps on that phone and bring up that scripture on all kinds of versions.  County Line has a new app called YouVersion.  Every Sunday now we can tune into that app and see the sermon, comment or ask questions on there about it.  See all the verses written out, and all the music that was sung.  It is amazing today - the spiritual tools we have.

Anyway, that verse says it all, about He goes before us, and He goes with us into whatever is happening.  Fear not because He is NOT going to fail, or abandon us.  Don't be depressed, and unnerved, because He has got it and you.   You have seen lots of different tools on my blog.

Acknowledge Him and only Him
Surrender to Him and only Him
Follow Him and only Him

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will answer the desires of your heart.  Ps 37: 4

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Acts 6 is about the story of Saul.  How he was crucifying and telling people NOT to follow Jesus.  He was harassing the disciples.    And, one day on a walk to another town to start that process up again, a light shown down on him and God spoke to Saul about "Why are doing this?"  He knew God even though he was speaking out against Him!    His final response to God was,  "Lord, what do you want me to do?  Acts 6: 9

And, the rest is history, as they say.   His name was changed to Paul and he became God's mega speaker for Jesus Christ.  Another part we need to remember here.  To immediately get up from his respite and new name, went out to speak to everyone about Jesus.  Its our reminder that God speaks out through our personality.  The Holy Spirit guides our entire being if we let him.  Friends have asked me, "People didn't have schools, how did they know to read, who taught them to read?  How did Jesus at 13 begin answering questions and teaching in the synagogue?"   Ah, it seemed a little too simple, but because He is God, God spoke through him, gave him all the immediate abilities He needed. 

My question - "What would happen if we did that?"  "What if we were so focused and had so much enthusiasm only for Jesus?"

Another great story illustrates this.  The story of Mary and Martha. Luke 10: 38-42  Martha and Mary had invited Jesus to their home and Martha was angry with Mary for sitting at Jesus's feet.  She had things to do in the kitchen.  "Jesus, tell her to help me! "    What do you think Martha's distractions were?"Was she jealous of her sister Mary?"  We need to take these stories to heart in our everyday life.  We are easily distracted and then that attitude turns into taking on all the event ourselves.  I am a Martha who wants to be a Mary.  I would be out in the kitchen wanting help with getting refreshments and mad at my sister.  And, yet, yearning to be comfortable and focused on Jesus.   To learn from him.  To ask, "Lord, What do you want me to do?"

From Jesus Calling today, is the real priority.  Let me have your situations, trust me to take your situations and either fix it Myself, or show you how to do it.  What's the big deal.

What attitudes cause you not to make Jesus your top priority?