Saturday, February 28, 2015


There will be some argument for me here until you read on.

Comparison shopping at the stores are relevant and necessary.  However, we do this with our own personalities and life.  Let me explain better with something from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  February 28th:

Stop judging and evaluating yourself!


This is not your role.  Above all, stop comparing yourself with other people!


This produces feelings of pride and inferiority;  sometimes, a mixture of both.  I lead each of My children along a path that is uniquely tailor-made for him or her.  Comparing is not only wrong; it is also meaningless.

Don't look for affirmation in the wrong places; your own evaluations, or those of other people.  The only source of real affirmation is My unconditional Love.  Many believers perceive Me as an unpleasable Judge, angrily searching out their faults and failures.  Nothing could be father from the truth!  I died for your sins, so that I might clothe you in My garments of salvation.  This is how I see you, it is never in anger or disgust; it is to prepare you for face-to-Face fellowship with Me throughout all eternity.  Immerse yourself in My loving Presence.  Be receptive to my Affirmation, which flows continually from the throne of grace.

Luke 6: 37

Isaiah 6l: 10

Proverbs 3: 11 and 12.

Jesus is very clear here.  STOP doing this!  We all do it.  STOP IT!.  

From my perspective it is the simple question. . .How is it helping you to always beat up on yourself, compare yourself to others, or add up all your insurrections?

What do you need to do then?____________________________________________________

When do you want to STOP IT!__________________________________________________

Make a Commitment and look for change to happen.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Please February go away!  Too much horrible weather and things happening this month.

Please pray for a young mother, good friend, small group participant, neighbor over on CR 35, Holly Kline.  She is a nurse at Parkview, two great kids 5 and 3.  Her husband is the stay at home until school begins tree cutter, all around guy - Joey.  Holly was in a car accident on Saturday on her way to work.  She was going south on 427 and a man pulled out from Hollopeter Rd and t - boned her on her side of the car.  He called Joey on her phone and Joey could hear her in the background.  He asked the man if he was a Christian and he said yes.  Joey asked him to pray with her.  He then talked to her and she said her goodbyes.  They had to cut the door off to get her out.  She has a fractured pelvic area and broken arm.  The meds for pain are creating terrible reactions.  Her parents have come in so Joey can stay with her.  Today (Monday) they will be assessing for other internal issues.  Our small group will be stopping in at 2PM and hopefully we can learn more.  Most likely she will be too miserable to talk with us, but we hope to pray with her.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors, pray the kiddos will not be terribly anxious, and peace for Joey.  And, also that the right meds will be used and
reactions diminished.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Some people blame the full moon for strange things and behaviors that go on, and I say:


My goodness, this has been one of the worst February's ever.  Last year we said it was the worst Jan, Feb, and March for weather and everyone had cabin fever.  This year, they have mind fever.  I am totally taken aback!  Unto You Oh Lord Do I bring my Life!  Please bring a quick spring or something.  HELP!

I was educated to know what the heck is going on with people, but this is my first time ever to step back and say. . ."What is going on?"

I don't know about you, but I sure hope you are just chillin and readin, and takin naps!!!!!!!

I wrote this verse out to give me strength.  I pray it helps you too!


"I will instruct you in the way which you should go;

I will counsel you with My eye upon you."

I think they came up with the Super Bowl, Grammy's and Acadamies to give us some worldly events to look at and perhaps some of you watch those for something glitzy to look at.  The land of the black sticks is very black, the temperature is mind numbing and maybe that works.  Even our Pastor prepares February with lots of laughter and light topics to keep us afloat.

Whatever, let's keep focused on Jesus and pray for each other !

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Yes, what a silly question, or is it?

There are people I talk to in this counseling office and friends, family as well, that would say - "nothing ever worked for me, or works out for me!"  It takes a lot of patience in those moments to relay Romans 8: 28.  "  All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called accordingly to His purpose !"  It takes some real prayer and careful management of communication skills to help some people see that God loves them, and that bad people do bad things to good people.  The enemy likes nothing better then to create spaces in our minds and makes us BELIEVE we are not worth it, or something is wrong with us.  I spent a great deal of time the other day explaining that this is really the truth.  This person is highly educated, very independent, has tons of achievements and accomplishments.  Yet, they can't believe that God loves them, so people can't either. 

Self processing is a very important part of spiritual growth.  "Do you believe God loves you as you are?"  "Do you believe and like/love yourself?"  "Do you believe when someone tells you they love you, can you take it in, accept it, apply it?"  This very complicated emotional process is the MOST important thing you will ever do. 

It is a good moment for you to take time and journal that question!!!

In life, and in order to manage and deal with life;  we must Know God, Know ourselves, and Know your enemy!  Do you?

Quietly reflect God's beauty even in the winter mornings of our life.  He does work ALL things together.  However, let us not miss it.