Sunday, July 31, 2011


I Hate it When My Soul is Crying!

A book for women who hurt quietly and cry behind smiles!

I find this absolutely mind blowing. In the jungle called “life”, I see women
running, back and forth in total chaos, trying to figure a way out! Like in the picture, they feel trapped in clear bottles. They can’t climb the sides, and they can’t jump high enough. They can’t breath. And, they remember their mothers saying, “Keep A Lid On It, Sister!!! Don’t let anyone know you are messed up.”
Every place they run they see no escape from the chaos. They fall captive to the insanity of their minds. It is during these moments they begin to wonder, hoping, and praying for relief. They look all around expectantly and suddenly see peace and serenity; there ahead of them is a beautiful waterfall. It is in the distance with a rainbow in the gully. It appears to be paradise. They run with excitement to the bridge looming before them. They struggle with their brokenness, feelings of stress, and that they almost do not have the strength to carry on anymore.
The bridge is made of rope and old wood. As they reach the middle of it, it weakens and seems like it will collapse from the sheer weight. Each one grabs the rope sides of the bridge for help, but there is none. One cries out about how they shouldn’t be going over such a weak bridge. “What are we doing?” Another screams out to God, “We are not meant to die on this broken down bridge!” One other woman just falls to her knees and weeps. “Take me home, Lord, right now!” Just as quickly as she called out, she suddenly regained her confidence and claims to the rest, “Wait, we can make it across together if we just join hands, follow me!” Step by step they gingerly made their way across and fell into the plush grass. Immediately, they all started rolling down the hill, laughing and screaming joyfully as if children once again.
After a little silence, one remarked sheepishly, “Why do you think we fell apart in the middle of the bridge?” No one answered!

What they did not see going on as they stepped foot on that bridge was the raging war that was taking place all around them. Angels were fighting to keep the bridge sturdy and their enemy Satan trying to use his claws to destroy the bridge. Each step they took was an angel's hand under their foot. The beautiful part was seeing them sacrifice their lives together so each one could reach the other side. They couldn't see any of this above them. And, they weren't aware they were doing that until they reached the other side. When the woman got down on her knees and prayed, the angels built a wall of protection around them so they could cross. Even though the women would encounter war again someday, the angels would be there at their beck and call.

Psalm 91: 11 "For He will give His angels (especial) charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways (of obedience and service)."

submitted by guest writer Lyn (J.E.) and edited by Shirley Faith.
Part two and finish of Chapter Two (NEXT)
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Sunday, July 24, 2011



It really is the "day" and "age" to be guarding your heart and mind. I am impressed to continue on with this mindset management, because there are many distractions in today's world.

Again - Proverbs 4: 23

"Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out it flow the springs of life." Amplified Version

Today I want to emphasize the need to set your mind against what the enemy sends your way, and what your own mind will conger up. What is the first thing that pops into your mind every morning? "Well, it is a brand new day, and I am so excited to roll out and get started!" My wager is, and I don't make a practice of wagering, that you are NOT thinking that. Or, maybe you are warring with yourself to even get up? In general, many of us start thinking about someone or things we need to do. Would you be willing to admit that the first thought sets the tone or "mindset" for the day?

Joyce Meyer got me to thinking this week while listening to one of her CD's. I did not like what she said. However, I am going to develop this concept and take it seriously. She challenged me by saying, "Is your mindset for the day, pride-filled or spirit-filled?" Oops. What would pride-filled look like. Are we controlling, judging, speculating, manipulating, opinionated, unforgiving, negative, cynical, offended________________you fill in the blank? Guarding our mind does take vigilance and discipline. Thinking of the positive on each score isn't totally human, but it can be obtained for the majority of the day.

Waking up can sometimes begin the war to even roll out, or for some a minor conflict. "I just plain don't want to get up, I went to bed late, or I just feel lazy. So What?" And, for some it starts the play over in your mind of what you were worried about the night before. I admit that what I watch before bed makes a HUGE difference on my dreams and how I sleep. Consequently, then, how I wake up. I don't dare watch murder mysteries, Dateline mysteries or anything like that. My commitment has been to find an old time comedy on cable, or read. The other half of my new commitment is to monitor those first thoughts in the morning. It is true, it can start our whole day off on the wrong foot.

Last Monday, I made up my mind that even if I could not go outside, I would not do my usual negative spiel about the weather this summer. It was my best week. I got my article ready to be sent. All the contacts necessary for that. My book cover is designed and only one more chapter to type on the book. Cleaned out drawers, went to the gym, had lunch, when I got cabin fever, went places. That has been a huge turn around for me. And, the bottom line is simple. It is a CHOICE to CHANGE your MINDSET!

Whatever you are dealing with, what are you thinking? Evaluate it, make a decision to change it. What positive thing can you say or do regarding your situation. It is what it is, manage it. It is surprising isn't it, what one thought can do?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


What a very HOT time we have going! We are inside "cooling" our jets this afternoon. Hope all you all' are safe and cool!

Got to spend time with Steve Ohning, Lisa his wife and son Carson yesterday! Steve was 11ish, his son Carson's age, when we met him. He lived down the road and wanted to mow our yard. The rest, as they say was history. He would even fix the tractor for us if it broke. They have a son Ryan 21, and Carson who loves baseball and not mowing, is 11.
We had a lot of lake time, fellowship and eating too much for Steve's 40th Birthday. There is never enough time for all the people you want to spend time with, that is for sure. Happy year, Steve.


When you do any reading or listening to Joyce Meyer, this one statement always comes up and I truly believe that it is true. You can't be pityful and powerful at the same time. Seems like an easy choice doesn't it? Just be powerful. When I think about some people in my life right now and how easy it is to choose the pityful choice, it makes me very sad. It really gets hard to pull up those boot straps and beat up the enemy who is causing that attitude. Things and Satan can certainly seem higher then any mountain you need to climb.

Col. 3: 1 and 2 says - "Set your mind on only those things above!" Seems simple, but it isn't always. How in the world can we rise above, take the lid off, and put on boxing gloves. It can be done you know. You do need to stay consistent and vigilant to God's Word and know "The enemy is all about using F E A R and false evidence that appears real - in order to get us to follow our feelings". Once we fall into that cracked fretting, fussing, stewing, and steering mind set - he has us right where he wants us.

We need to absorb and keep ourselves wrapped tightly in knowing how much He loves us unconditionally. We can always use a prayer team, or a good friend who holds us up during times like this, but ultimately we must hang tightly to our Lord and God. He has a much bigger whip and can strike those iron chariots out of our way. After all, He says in Jer 29: 11 that He has thoughts and plans for our life. Ones that bring us hope, deliverance and plans that won't harm us.

In my book "I Hate It When My Soul Is Crying", one guest writer illustrated how when crossing that bridge that wavers and looks scary - too scary to cross - please remember that over head are warring angels sent to fight your battles and keep you safe until you cross to the other side. Don't you love that? Visualize it. Absorb the power (POWER-STRENGTH) of that picture. Live it! Choose to live it!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Just think of all the blessings and gifts that God has "rained" down on you. Family, friends, your church, trips, careers, things you loved volunteering for, grandchildren, music, flowers, His whole creation.

Thant is what we need to think about - I started thinking about all the things I didn't see coming over the last 10 years. We sure didn't see 9/11 coming. Our parents, or even children who died that we couldn't have predicted. You were sure one child or another would turn out a certain way, and the other did it, not the one you predicted. Parents going to heaven the way they did. Things we just didn't sign up for happened.
And, then I had to turn all that around to the beginning. The fountain of blessings and special gifts, resources we didn't expect, friends we made, people who we came to know Jesus because of our words or actions. Once again it proves that how we respond to things in life is so much better then how we react. We have so much to contribute each day.

Get up tomorrow and ask God who you can rain His love down on and go where He is tomorrow. Let us think carefully and diligently about going where He is tomorrow (today) and minister. Interesting concept to think about going where He is tomorrow and not what is He going to do in my life today, isn't it?

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hope you all had a great weekend. Goodness it certainly was warm enough.

Today, I am convinced that reading through the Bible every year, in one fashion or another is really THE most important thing we do. Some people have reported to me "Well, I already know what is in there, why do I have to go over it and over it again?"
After 38 years of reading some parts of it every day, I can speak to that issue this way.

II Timothy 1: 7 This is a verse I have read over the last three decades several times.
In these years I have had to deal with many convictions and ask God for help to change.

Amplified version:

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but (He has given us a spirit) of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self control."

A friend made the statement yesterday "I wish I knew how to do it!" This verse came up and I noticed something new. He has already given each one of us the power, and love, a calm well-balanced mind, discipline and self control. We already have it! I emphasize this, because I notice that so many, including myself, look at the timidity, cowardice, craven and cringing fear part of ourselves. Then we ask the question, "Well, if I just knew how to do it!" "I have tried before, but it just doesn't happen for me."

One of my many glitches in life has been sweets. I have looked and looked for magic bullets. Special appetite suppressants, diet books, and exercises that will help with this issue. Ten years of looking, spending dollars on things I didn't need to. When I finally got the power and self discipline together, and stopped three weeks ago, guess what? God honored that action and has shown me the other half of that verse.
Plus Deut. 31: 8. He goes before me, He marches with me. Stop retreating out of fear and discouragement. He has already given us the power. Geesh! Concentrate on the Power, the love, the ability to exercise discipline and self control IN ALL THINGS!

Sweets are just the tip of the iceberg. I can't believe how that has changed my eating habits and perspective about Glitches.

God rules, and is awesome to respond to obedience. May we all use this for whatever part of our lives we need answers about.

Got a prayer request that seems to go unanswered. Believe in the power God has to change in His timing. Go on about your business and life. He knows, He Does, He is!