Friday, March 29, 2013



Sunday, March 24, 2013


And, I don't mean on a bicycle.  I don't mean a mustang convertible, or balloon ride!
I also don't mean a ride in an airplane, helicopter (although I do happen to think that that is a ride of a life time), a space ship and look at earth.  A limousine won't cut it either.  Nor a bullet proof pontiff car, Presidential vehicle, and finally a tank.  Nope!

Actually it was a colt of the donkey.  

Mark 11: 1/11.  Jesus told two of his disciples to go ahead of him, as they approached Jerusalem, to get him a colt of the donkey tied up.   It must be one that had never been ridden and to tell the people that it was Jesus who needed the Colt.   Everyone would be celebrating the exit from Egypt and people knew Jesus would be approaching.  They also had heard he was the chosen one.  It was a jubilant time.  As they rode in Jerusalem that put their garments on the colt for him to ride on and also people laid their garments before him in honor of his approach.  It was the ride of a life time because it was the beginning of the end.  It would be the end of our sin and the beginning of salvation.  No one knew the full impact of that ride. 

Do you ever wonder why he did that at all, or why he chose that venue to do that?  As a child we always acted that part of the Bible out during this Easter season.  I never ever wondered why?  We just accept that Palm Sunday was the entrance of God's final gift to us.  Our salvation.  He chose the lowly colt from local farmers because of its down to earth loving nature of our Lord Jesus.  He wouldn't have impressed anyone but the rich people had he come in on an elephant dressed in gold and carried by slaves.  He once again proved to us how real, and on our level he always was, and always would be.

His sacrifice for our sins and gift of salvation was very subtle.  Yet they celebrated his entrance.  They were also the same people who jeered when he was hung on a cross.

Today is a good reminder that Jesus took the low road to prove how much he loved us and wanted to relate right where we are.  It is our job to do the same for others.  To have his broken heart for the unsaved, we need to see his heart and celebrate the beginning of the end. 

Invite someone to church this Sunday.  Show them who the risen Lord is!  Then celebrate with God and all the angels in heaven when they see Jesus and take his salvation to heart.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Zephaniah was an Old Testament guru who joined with Jeremiah and even Habakkuk is wanting to see people released from the captivity of stupidity.  Pretty out there words, I know, but true.  His intent was to see that the people stopped messing around with their attitudes of no gratitude and got on with repentance.  He warned that the Lord's judgment on Judah and Jerusalem was forthcoming.

There are many forms of captivity in our TODAY'S world.  We are captive to our busyness, or even our procrastination.  We can be captive to TV, unforgiveness, or anything in excess of balance.  It seems to be the biggest mountain we climb today.  Worry, worry, worry or cover your head and escape.  Jail cells are nothing to what some of us do right out in freedom land.  I see it in my practice.
Communication within families, or between husband and wife, friends and co-workers gets too verbal or nothing is said.  Our kids and grand-kids just name it.

In the end though, we have to come to terms with getting it brought before God.  Zephaniah 3: 17 and 20 says it best.

"The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior (Who saves)!  He will rejoice over you with joy;  He will rest (in silent satisfaction) and in His love He will be silent and make no mention (of past sins, or even recall them);  He will exult over you with singing.

At that time I will bring you in; yes, at that time I will gather you, for I will make you a name and a praise among all the nations of the earth when I reverse your captivity before your eyes, says the Lord."

In the craziness and bazaar things we hear about and see today, I would much rather find my peace with the Lord God then fall victim to the captivity of what I see happening.

Let Him fight the battle for you and us.  Exodus 14: 13 and 14.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today I want to share with you some interesting resources right in our back yard.  Networking is such a fun thing when it works.  It is educational, rewarding, and fun.  While I received a massage one day my therapist Sarah Lapadot from Auburn Massage Center (who I believe has a special gift from God) started telling me about some things she was doing with her partner to increase their marketability.
And, just so you know I also believe massages aren't just for "spoiled brats", they are extremely important to achieve and keep flexibility and mobility.  I remember my chiropractor telling me twenty-three years ago that if I wanted to walk straight up and do things in my 70's, I would need to have a relationship with a massage therapist, as well.  I did that, and he was right.  Anyway, Sarah told me she would be advertising with a new Christian owned company called   She explained what all they would be offering and why she thought this kind of marketing entity would be good for everyone even if you didn't advertise on there.  So, I looked into it, set myself up for a free month and then met with Tracy Barse the owner.  She and her husband have their own home based company's, his is designing rooms, building them and the necessary cabintry to fit in your home.  She is offering free luncheons to those who are members twice a month to introduce each other and to network.  When you go on her website, of course, you can read all about this company and the many who are already on line.  Even Dekalb Health Care Center.  I see all kinds of places I knew nothing about.  I do experience a lot of questions from my clients who are looking for all kinds of helps and resources.  In the near future, they will offer - www.findgreatchurches (for which they will provide free space) and then the most asked about
item. .

In my entire time living in Auburn of 43 years, I have not seen anything this great.  When I first started working here years ago, it was some business women who got together for lunch, for a time, but then it fizzled.      I love Tracy's heart for people and desire to help small and large businesses get their name and services out there.  I see integrity, honesty, and care for this community.  And, when you have a Christ centered church, or business of any kind, you will see God.  In 30 days - they can't keep up with the flow of interest.

Look at the site even if you aren't a business, its for everyone to learn about what we have at our fingertips right here.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Naturally, several things come to mind when you say, Shake, Rattle, and Roll.

For me, it has been one of those weeks when there has been a little of all three in every area of my world.  The weather being one big giant that needs slaying as far as I am concerned.  It was so beautiful last weekend and then world war four and trying to take care of an almost invalid too!  Among all those things that could possibly be in one week, the scriptures Exodus 14: 13 and 14 resurfaced. 

I remembered that time when I was driving a new Honda hatchback with power steering and power brakes.  I was late for a class at the Bible College and had to also drive over for a class at the University of St. Francis.  It was raining.  I had had this vehicle three days.  Back in 1982, County Road 52 had a steel covered bridge.  As I approached that bridge I suddenly see a dog standing in the rain in the middle of that bridge.  And, being human I went for the brakes like I did the last car I had owned (without power brakes).  I did a 180 and ended up in the ditch on my side.  It certainly was providential to be driving a hatchback.  I crawled out the back and when they turned the car on its wheels, it was wrecked on one side, but I drove it home.  As we know from experience, the mind and the body have their own ideas about fright and flight.  The dog happened to be deaf and blind, I didn't run over it, and the people came forward to take responsibility that that dog was not to have been out of the house.  From that moment on, my response became aware of every kid on a bike that pulled in front of me, cats across the road, tree limbs that fell in front of me and that is the tip of the iceberg for six months. Finally, I had had enough.  In my devotions one morning after pleading for some of help with this growing phobia, God showed me Exodus 14: 13 and 14.  Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

What a great deliverance took place that day for me.  I had been letting the enemy scare me and think the same thing was going to happen again.  What we must see here is that we need to turn the battle over to God.  We need to trust and be still.  Whatever we are experiencing, we will never see that again.  It is God's battle.  From that thought, came Psalm 18.  Friday we saw Jack and the Giant Slayer.  All the way home I thought of how God is a giant slayer as well.  A real quiet came on my spirit as I thought about Psalm 18: 6/9   In my distress I called to the Lord;  I cried to my God for help.  From his temple he heard my voice;  my cry came before him, into his ears.  The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry.  Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it.  He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. . .read the whole chapter, I would recommend.  It is our reminder that when we are in need and can't fight the fight, there He is bringing in the Shake, Rattle, and Roll for us. 

Can you STOP trying to fix it yourself?  Can you STOP shaking in your boots?  Can you STOP rattling your nerves and everyone around you?  Can you STOP rolling around on the ground in worry and fretting?  Yes, once you embrace the entire idea of God has the Battle,  God is a Giant slayer, let Him do His job!