Saturday, March 28, 2015


A friend of mine and prayer partner sent me picture of an office building hallway.  There were many doors and they were all shut.  I tried to upload this into this blog, but it won't load.  So I will establish my own take on the hallways of life.

They used the verse from Isaiah 22:22 about David getting a key from God to open the door and that no one could close the door on him.

We all wonder at times why a door shuts and sometimes a window opens.  Sometimes the doors just don't open to what you thought they would.  We pray, we wonder?  We pray, we question?  We pray, we yell at God!  The door still doesn't open.  In my older years and experiences I have certainly been there and did that.

So, hallways!  What do they mean to you.  It can be a real trip trying to wonder up and down the hall trying this door and that door.  It becomes frustrating and unnerving.  We have friends who say, keep praying.  We have friends who say, it is just not God's will for you right now.  Let it go.  Or, of course you can continue to WAIT.  Hmmm!  I am not a good waiter.  However, God has taught me to do just that.  My hallways had lots of yelling in them, and asking, doubting and banging on those doors.  What does your hallway look like when you have been shut out of something?

There are lots of scriptures that tell us that God knows best.  His perfect and pleasing Will is the best one.  Romans 12: 1-2  This is all about making a decisive dedication of your body and mind to be a living sacrifice - holy and consecrated for God.  And, to NOT be conformed to the world.  Thinking its thoughts and wanting what it wants.  You have heard people say, the heart wants what the heart wants!!  You need instead to renew your mind and attitude - WHY?  So that you can KNOW what is the good, acceptable, perfect will of God is, what He knows is best for you.

In order to get out of the hallway you need to PAY all your attention to God and what He wants.  It will require from you some letting go and waiting.  He knows best.

Psalm 25: 3 and 4, and 5.

Yes, let none who trust and wait hopefully and look for You be put to shame or be disappointed;  let them be ashamed who forsake the right or deal treacherously without cause.  Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You (you only and altogether) do I wait (expectantly) all the day long.

In other words, let's not be that little train engine that runs up and down the track, smoking puffing and whistling a lot.  God will come to get you and show you the way.

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