When we experience straight on fights, or getting undermined, isn't it gracious and relieving to know Jesus pulls us up so we have hinds feet for high places.
"The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk (not stand still in terror, but to walk) and make (spiritual) progress upon my high places (of) trouble, suffering, or responsibility!"
Last week we talked about staying alert for straight on attempts at stealing our joy and now we talk about how to visualize climbing higher. Goats have hinds feet to climb mountain and craggy places. We don't have that. There is a book written on Hinds Feet for High Places which I highly recommend to all. It is a fascinating, can't put it down story, about how a fictional character went through all kinds of barricades to climb to Jesus.
Since Jesus knows about our every moment, every hour of each day, it stands to reason then, that we
can trust Him to get us up out of any pit. Jesus can get us away from any pit. And, He can steer us to higher places where His strength is our everything. His strength is our very power to do all things in His strength. Phil 4: 13.
I was praying with someone the other day and felt like I had hit all the marks of that request in asking God to show them the path etc. As soon as I was done that person said, "Well, I sure hope we know what to do about________?" I was floored. So there it is. The biggest, the hardest, thing we learn about God, is to get out of our heads and into His heart for us.
Let Him have it. Surrender. Step out and watch Him do it. God's Got It!
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