Just remember that Jesus hated our sin so much more then we did, so he died on Calvary to free it from us. Do we get it at all? I am convinced this week that the enemy has stepped up his game. He does not want us to surrender or lay down our "thing" for the Lord Jesus to pick up and take away.
It could be eating too much, it could be that your unforgiving and bitter right now. I can name a dozen of things that I see people need to lay down. Do you need to always be right? Jesus can change that. You can write your own ticket today. However, you will have to make a choice to Surrender those things that hold you back. I could write a book on that word.
Psalm 25: 1 Unto you O Lord do I bring my life.
Lots of people think that this is a very nifty verse. But, and I do mean but. . .what are doing to thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you? Little old you! How is it helping you to hold back and keep that unforgiveness alive. You know things have to die before they come to life. When you pick a tomato or a carrot, it begins the dying stage, before you cook it and eat it to add life to your body.
Death brings Life. Think about it. Think about Him!
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