Saturday, December 29, 2012


And, again, I defer to the holidays and busyness!  I will be back next week to finish some things I started two weeks ago.

I pray your Holidays were good, safe and you enjoyed celebrating Jesus's birth.  If I could I would design Christmas Eve this way:   Have someone you haven't seen for a long time over for lunch.
About 4:00, you get ready to go to a 6pm Church service where you get to see the live animals, and the birth scene of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Have a candlelight prayer at the end and then return home.  There you have a candlelight Grilled Salmon and Steak dinner.  Coconut Cream Pie for desert.
Ah! then you open presents and take pictures.  Maybe one of these years if I could find just the right service.  Sunday at County Line they sang the Handel's Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus.  Then at the end, they brought in the mother Mary and Jesus, Joseph joined her, then the kings and Shepherds.  It was very moving and impactful.  So I got snippets of it.  I'm good.   How was yours?

Be safe Monday and Tuesday - Will spend time at the movies, dinner with friends and then Tuesday some fellowship and food with good friends.  ENJOY!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Since we all have so many events this weekend , Monday and Tuesday, I will not be posting until Friday the 28th.  Today Ellen, Jordan and Emily will be coming, and from here on out, it is a very busy time until Wednesday.

I am celebrating the FACT that Jesus, the Son of God came out of His own sacrifice to set us free from ourselves.  He came as a baby to grow up and experience what we experience.  Without Him, I would be such a psychological, emotional and spiritual mess.  I celebrate Him.  I pray you are too!

Enjoy your families and events. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012


It has been quite a week across our nation, has it not?  Seven miles from cousin, Gwen in Portland, Oregon there was a shooting.  They use that mall several times a week not only in Gwen's work format, but personally.  It gets closer and closer, larger and larger.  Let us keep everyone in our prayers that will have a much different Christmas then we will. 

I chose the title to cover several areas that we experience.  Not only this time of year as we fit in all the get togethers we celebrate.  Small Groups, work related, friends, church, family and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  We also have regular work, or meetings, or volunteer, and our home environment to keep up with.  Some of us have college kids coming home, or family coming to visit.  One of the gals in my small group was getting on an airplane the next morning to fly into the Fort Lauderdale area to see her daughter who lives there.  Her daughter asked her to fly down to see her former roommate who is only there for a few days.  Then she will fly back Sunday night, and Angie comes home four days later to spend a few days.  It is insane. 

This is that one specific month of the year, we HAVE to become PERFECT.  Great decorations, new recipes, perfect housekeeping, the best party, best gifts, etc.  I could never figure out why I always got a cold or got sick by Christmas.  Now I know.  I made a decision years ago about starting in November and pacing myself.  It works.  I am no martyr, just got tired of being exhausted and sick in December.  Waving to the New Year as I went to bed at 10p.m.

Oh, and be sure you find time in there to HURRY up and read the Christmas Story. 

This small series will be about trying to be all things to all people.  The Tyranny of the Urgent.  People like everything to be perfect and pretty sure it is up to them to make it perfect.

Psalm 138: 8.  "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me, your mercy and loving kindness O Lord, endures forever - forsake NOT the works of Your own hands."

Do you see anything in there that says "I am to perfect that which concerns me!"?????  Does it say You are to not forsake the Works of your own hands?  Sure, we are to be willing to do what we need  to do.  Unto you O Lord, do I bring my life.  Yes, that means you.  The fine line is very thin here.
Let us use an example.  As a leader of the small group and because I know they like to get together in December for a small exchange and cookies - tea thing;  it is up to me to orchestrate it.  It is not up to me to do everything.  I pray, think, and plan.  Oh and delegate.  Now there is a foreign word for some of you. Delegate.  You can do that in your home, in the office, in your group.  We have had three parties here this season in our home.  In each case, I delegated and that left time and energy to enjoy the party and people in it.  It is a simple illustration, but very effective.

Next time, we will talk more about this perfection thing that women, in particular, take on.

We will be looking at PS 57: 2 and Phil 1: 6.

Here is a prayer:

Unto You Oh Lord, do I bring my life.  It is my intention to ask You to lead me where and how to use
those specific abilities that You have given me.
I ask that You remove any and all demonic distractions that been or will be set up against me this day to bring ungodly, imperfect thoughts ideas or actions into my life that may hurt others in any way.  I turn myself over to you Lord God.  Thank You for what You are going to do through me.  Holy Spirit check my spirit of all negative inputs as I commit to utilizing all your fruits of the spirit.  I praise Your Holy Name and thank you above all else.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


II Kings 4: 3

Collecting Empty Vessels -

"Then he said - Go around and borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels - and not a few"

This is the story of a widow, a very poor widow who was speaking with Elisha.  Elisha had come to her home needing to be fed and also rest.  She told him she had nothing in the entire house to administer to him. 

What I saw here was one very major theme. . .as an empty vessel that means you can put something in it.  Today I notice so many people that are filled to the brim with way too much to do and be responsible for, they can't breath.  There is also the filling of having so much to think about and do that you can't take on one more stimuli.  The widow here had no pride left.  She told Elisha she had little to nothing to offer him.  There wasn't enough to bake a loaf of bread.  I noticed a couple of things.  The fact that she was humble and wasn't trying to look good or pretend in any way.  I noticed that she trusted Elisha, a man of God, and went obediently to make his request a trusted fact.

It is quite hard in today's culture to not put on a show of all we have to offer in our vessel.  God made us His vessel to be filled up.  But what are you filling your vessel with.  Fear, worry, being all things to all people, or so busy you spill over with anger and irritation?  Friend of mine had to have a stint put in her heart.  It may have happened anyway, but she pushes herself to be all things to all people, all the time.  She is rarely able to just sit and rest or keep her vessel rested.  I have women ask me all the time, "But, how do I learn to say no, I can't do that?"  No is no!  Keeping our vessel empty and ready for God's filling is an art, I admit.  It is a matter of saying each morning - "Unto you, O Lord, do I bring my life!"  "What would you have me do today that I can do only today, to help my family, friends and life as I know it?"  Direct my path, show me, guide me.

Ps 25: 1 and Ps 25: 4 and 5.

Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths.  Guide me in Your truths and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You (You only and altogether) do I wait (expectantly) all the day long.

In my own life, I have seen Him do some pretty great things from that earnest request.  I just wish I could say I do it everyday.  I am doing it more and more, but my obedience only came from having burned out twice in my life from being a very FULL VESSEL.  You know when I get full today, I get quite irritable and edgy.  It is not attractive.  I have incentive.  What is your vessel like?


Two weeks from today - everyone, we only have a day until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve is and will be my 39th anniversary as a woman who decided it was time to find out who this guy Jesus Christ is all about and why would He help me.  What a journey.  What a wild ride of learning, messing up;  listening, messing up;   experiencing, messing up;  enjoying the blessings of answered prayer and at last, some changes. . .whew!

Practice the Reason for the Season!  Fill your vessel with Him.

Block Party was fun, these are usin Christmas Chics.  Suzanne Drerup Davis (John's cousin), myself, Sue Michaels and Joyce Covell.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


It is intention always to be original, but today, I digress!

It is often that I hear the "Why" question.  If God is all powerful and could flick His fingers to fix anything, then "Why" doesn't He?"  Why are teenage girls in Africa raped and sold for sexual slavery, how can that be?    I could say "Why" did God place all those resources at our disposal for John's healing of cancer with the number one Melanoma specialist in the World, written up in Time Magazine.  Why was he there only those 7 years?  Why did Pat Delagrange's husband (with cancer at the same time) do all he could do, yet die of that cancer, leaving Pat so distraught and alone?  A woman at our church who got cancer the same time, went everywhere, tried everything, yet died.  Why? 

This Morning with God is written by Jennifer Rothschild - She is blind.  She travels with the Women of Faith Team all over the United States.  I have seen and heard her speak, sing and play piano.  Remarkable individual.  Chapter 19 is entitled "Take Me to the Cross".  Because of her speaking engagements and writings many people correspond with her.  This very short essay talks about the two people who wrote her.  Greg who had contracted cancer, asked for prayer and was feeling that his faith would pull him through.  It went away.  Then it came back.  He wrote her again and was scared and wanting to know Why?  Another young mother wrote her about her baby being still born.  Why?
Why was she blind, why had she been struck blind after living some of her life seeing?  What had she done wrong?  It all seems so unfair. 

And we can all agree!  We know God knows best, we can also know that He uses all things together for good for us in the end.  How do we manage all the unfairness?  It seems to very difficult for today's youth to contemplate this question.  They just get plain mad and walk away.  It drove Jennifer to write this song.  Wish we could hear her sing (what a voice) and yet I want to share this concept of her original words.

Take me to the Cross -

He said the cancer's back and he's afraid -   He wonders why.  So do I.
Now his greatest battle is against his fear -  It is so unclear -  He wonders Why.
The God who heals - Won't reveal Himself - In ways we understand.
She said her baby never had a chance to breathe - So she grieves - So Do I.
She struggles with the bitterness and loss - While she looks to the cross - and she cries.
In the mystery we trust, we adjust, and wonder why. -   Oh take me to the Cross where
You cried my tears - Hide me in Your Tomb, crucify my fears.  I'll praise You with
my pain though the mystery remains.
You are a God who cries, You are a Savior who died - and I can trust You with why.
So I travel down this bumpy road called faith - I still try -  To embrace all that I can't understand
Like Your kind plan, Your merciful plan.  I'm not angered, I am anchored.  Yet I feel
weightless, I am hateless.  Since you took me to the cross and cried each of my tears.
Hid me in Your tomb, crucified my fears.  I praise You with my pain though the mystery remains.
You are a God who cries, You are a Savior who died - And I will trust You with why.
I'll ask You why, why this grace?    Why this peace?  Why, Why this love?
I praise You with my pain though the mystery remains -  You are a God who cries, You are
a Savior who died
And I can trust You with why.

There is the bottom line.  And, yes it is is a hard line to follow, but nevertheless Hinds feet for High Places is only achieved by Trust.  PS 112: 7
And PS 25: 1

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Great Time in Chicago - see

Camera is on the fritz, so I am going to have to spend time to get it fixed quickly.

Beautiful at Night in Chicago.

Navy Pier - too cold to go on anything.  But fun to walk the walk without a zillion people.

Later, everyone - have a good week!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Little Tree That Could!


Where is a camera when you need one.  I should have taken the before and after picture.

John and I officially reached senility!!!  I swear.

We decided to purchase a half Christmas tree and mount it on the fireplace.  So, since we will be gone over Thanksgiving, I decide to get things out for Christmas so I don't have to go nuts next weekend.

We both open the box and get the two pieces out.  The top piece is smaller and is easy to see it goes on top.  The bottom part was all stuck together and I knew I would need to start pulling limbs out etc.  So the piece that fitted into the top part goes in, but it seems really loose.  So the geniuses hold it together and one goes to get toothpicks to stick in there.  We mounted it on the fireplace. I began pulling limbs out, but it is very difficult.  I step back and I think, well, I just need to re arrange some things here.  I put the garland on it, and the ornaments.  I step back.  John steps back.  He says - "isn't that cute!"  I squinted a bit.  Something is wrong.  There is a shelf of limbs that looks out of place, so I get up and start trying rearrange.  I said, "what do I put at the bottom to cover that craggy looking bottom?"  John said, "oh try a bow or something."  Yesterday I am sitting in the chair and looking at it
and started laughing.  I do have a sense of humor on occasion.  "John, we have it upside down."  He went over to feel that silly craggy bottom and after we get done blaming one another for who was the stupidest, we took everything down, and turned the bottom half around.   Geesh!


Prayer for Truth and Freedom

(I got this in the mail and wanted to share it with you.  Something I believe we should be doing over the next four years and possibly forever)

Dear Jesus, allow the Truth of the Holy Love to flood the heart of this nation.  Place Truth in the center of every heart.  Return the United States of America too its rightful place under the Dominion of God.  Lord, overcome the contradictions in our laws concerning life.  May freedom of conscience and freedom of religion stand always as bulwarks of our society.  Enlighten the minds of our citizens to the Truth of the path on which our leaders are taking us.  Give our people unity in prayer against all forms of dictatorship and socialism.  May the route of good and that of evil be exposed in all this great nation's leaders' decisions.  Do not allow Satan to gain control through our economy.  May sin no longer be defined as a right and no longer be supported by law.  May good people be empowered to precipitate change that will be for the common good of all our people.  May Truth and Freedom be victorious.  May our President, Supreme Court Justices, Congressmen, Congresswomen, Senators, and all appointed officials do that which is the right thing to do.  In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, we humbly ask these petitions. Amen

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week.  We all have a lot of THINGS going on in our lives, some good an some stressors, but let us be thankful for what God is providing, has provided, and will provide.  He always works all things together for good.  Take a day and thank Him.  Ps 31: 8

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Romans 8: 11

And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you; (then) He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.

I agree with Joyce Meyer when she says, we don't get it about the power that is within us.  We ask God for power and strength to do things.  We ask that because we feel flimsy at the time, tired, worn out, totally incapable.  John was trying to ask me very detailed questions the other night at 8:30 p.m.
(ha - right!  8:30 p.m.)  I mustered up everything I had and said "John, I'm off line, okay?"   He thought that was hilarious.  I was absolutely serious.  I had nothing left to give.  In general, though, I think we don't acquire the power that is already in us as is written in the scripture here.  We are pretty sure we have to ask God for it.  We are pretty sure it has to be for something appropriate and according to level of crisis.

Luke 10: 19

I have been given the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and have POWER over all the enemy and that no harm will come unto me.

So since we have it already, why don't we stay plugged in at all times.  I hear lots of war stories lately and staying level is difficult.  I can't even imagine what it is like for some people that have horrific challenges ahead of them.  The young people today!!!  What will happen to our grandchildren in the future?  Do they have a future?  Only with God.  My opinion, of course.  My experience and years tell me, I have to put them in God's hands and let Him take control.  What about the people who have cancer?  What about the people out east, the people in Indianapolis who lost their homes today in an explosion.  Staying plugged in means I will need to make a commitment to exercise my power, given by the Holy Spirit.

We have a lot of responsibility today.  Praying for our nation, and family.  Ourselves and our friends.

I will be sending through a prayer I received on the internet.  Later.

Next time -  Hinds Feet for High Places!   

Friday, November 9, 2012


How gorgeous is it, today?  And, tomorrow.  We buttoned everything up but my special lounge chair and I plan to go out and sit in it.  Yes, and get a picture!

It has been a superb week - free of tooth pain and back pain.  John has all the wood split, and he had me take a picture that I promised I wouldn't show.  As an artist he gets very creative in his mind.  It was my discretion to not show that he really didn't cut his finger off.  When he asked me to get the ketchup, I should have known.  Now you know the real John Souder.  Macabre for sure. 

What fun last weekend.  The Miss Tri County Pageant went well, and then we went to the show "A Christmas Story"  I hear that I am the only one in the world who has never seen this in the movies or on stage.  It was fun to see Jordan's group in a full page, front page story in the Weekender, last Friday.  We had it laminated and framed.  It was a fabulous play and Jordan was truly bitten by the acting bug.  He did a great job.  The entire family is excited for him and about him.  Then Sunday we celebrated his 15th birthday.  All pictures are on Facebook.  But for those of you who don't do facebook, here they are:

Wow, two weeks from today - it is Thanksgiving weekend.  Can you believe it?

Have a great week!  And, please commit with me to pray (PRAY) for our nation.  We must trust God that He knew this would happen, and has it in His hands.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Braving The Stage!

This won't be terrible inspiring today, but bare with me.  There is a lot of discussion today about little girls in pageantry.  Or is it their mom's living through them.  I have been doing something on a stage since I was 6 years old.  Ballet, tap dancer, baton, you name it.  Yes, it carried over into my adult life, and I still can't tell you I think its a terrible thing to encourage young girls to choose dance classes, acrobat classes, singing classes, pageants, and gymnastics.  We all have talent. 

However when I see Honey Boo-Boo I cringe.  I see how it can go over the edge and become obnoxious.  So once again, it is temperance, prudence, and balance in all phases of life.  The Miss Tri-County Pageant was yesterday.  Little girls from ages 4 all the way up to 18 participated in their age category.  My favorite show stopper was a little one who had one the ages 4 - to 6 last year.  Paige Fillenwarth.  I wish you could see this little tyke take the stage at age 5.  It was so cute.  She wasn't demanding, or yelling, or making sure everyone watched her.  She just is a little showstopper. 
I wonder what she will be like at 18 and 28.  Most of the young ladies yesterday were in dance or something like that.  I must admit, it brings on a confidence and empowerment that I think is good when handled right.

Do you take the stage?   Karli is the 11 year old daughter of Jen Timberlin who is the Executive Director for Miss Tri County.  She also runs a dance studio called StarStruck.  Her daughter wins most of the competitions statewide for dance and choreography.   When we were doing the administrative work for the pageant, Karli was at the head of the line helping me organize and keep straight putting all the contestants, pictures, and bio's in the book.  She is a very confident, capable young lady.  Her mother would tell you how she has struggled her whole life to feel half the way her daughter does.  So she has also taken the stage and paved the way for another young person to go out and make a difference.  I truly believe when its handled right, that is what happens.  There are five young women who hold a title this morning in their age category.  Five young women won individual Talent crowns.  One won the Grand Queen (Total highest points over all).  She is 18 and is a senior at Garrett.  Its quite thought provoking isn't it.  Do I take the stage in life, or would I rather hide because I probably wouldn't do it right (whatever that is) in the first place.  It is called getting outside the box.

Whether we are stay at home mom's, homeschooling, or running a show, let us keep a positive influence going for our young women today.  They are, after all, going out there to represent us.

Judges John Wilson from Auburn, Denise Helmer, former owner of Jitterz Cafe), and Dance Mogul, Jacob Flynn from Carmel, Indiana and Intensity Dance.

Sunday, October 28, 2012



Consider this:

Eph 3: 10

His intent was that now, through the church, the MANIFOLD wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms.

It is always good to learn something new.  After 38 years of reading and studying God's Word, I never saw this coming.

"The angels are actually watching us to see how we react to life.  They are learning from us!"

I see you, you are going "Oh, now Souder, you have really gone off the beam!"  Maybe so, but when you read this and understand the whole concept, it sure set me up straight in the bed.

This week when I was going over readings and scriptures this particular author pointed out something I had never noticed about this scripture.

Let's look at the word MANIFOLD.  Manifold in the dictionary means - operating several parts of one kind.  Having many forms.  Angels.  They were created just below our God, and they are our protection yes.  Psalm 91: 11.

When I see what this author is saying, it causes me to pause.  They are not only watching OVER us and after us, but they see every little eyebrow raise, every reaction we have to the people and events of life.  Think of it as you are performing on stage and you look out over the audience and they are taking notes of what you are saying and doing.   It is one thing to have God know everything about me, but to be even the tiniest representative or role model to an angel - takes my breath away.

I always think about them being nonjudgmental in their care of us.  I see them as overseers and here we learn they are learning about our relationship to God.

How does that affect you?  I am also learning about Temperance this last week.  I am praising God for conviction of actions and that He forgives.  I am praising Him because I can then make a choice
to change.  Conviction - repentance.  Commitment - Reconciliation.  Change - Restoration.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Last week a client said to me, "I want Freedom from this nightmare at all cost!"

Everyone at some point and time, no matter what age will incur a situation in their life that brings on "the nightmare", "I am trapped" feeling.

When I think about that statement of I want freedom at all cost, it brings on a lot of ideas.   What does it mean to do something no matter what the cost?  We all understand freedom in our own minds.  Running down a beach in Florida with no more thought then - how beautiful it is, and how the sun glistens on the water.  Dozing on the porch or in a favorite chair.  Laughing at a friend for being so silly.  Going to any church of your choice.  Freedom to vote for who you want.  Eating a dish of ice cream and feeling no guilt.  But, what is the cost?

Let us take a look at Gal. 5: 1

In (this) freedom Christ has made us free (and completely liberated us);  stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery (which you have once put off).

Since we see here that Christ has already supplied us with the freedom we need to apply to our life, what is the problem?  Why do we get so scared, frustrated, blown away, and caught up?  I see this over and over in my practice, with many people in my life.  They hide, they cover up and they run for cover.  

The cost then is we will have to give up our fears, lack of trust, frustrations, ill gotten ideas about our life. 
        The Word clearly states -    "Stand Fast then!"
                                                          DO NOT be HAMPERED and ENSNARED -
                                                          DO NOT SUBMIT CONTINUOUSLY TO THE YOKE
                                                                          OF SLAVERY.

I added the word continuously!   It is insane to keep doing something over and over again, expecting a different result.     The cost is surrender!  The cost is giving it up!  The cost is making a NEW choice.  It is always about the choices.     A).  Do I want to continue in this blackness or B), do I want to risk it all and step out to do something new.  Make a choice to be free. 

It does have to be that the PAIN of CHANGE exceeds the PAIN to STAY.  Trusting Our Lord Jesus Christ to help us through the knot hole.  I have personally experienced that it is painful to change, but once I stepped out and experienced the freedom, now it is much easier.  He is always there to help you manage the pain of change.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Have you ever heard the story about the little boy who was so busy during church time, that his mom began to lose it.  She kept putting her finger up to her lips.   She also gave him "that" look only women have that indicates  how serious and displeased we are.  But, to no avail, he kept getting up on the bench, getting down to pick things up, moving,  and squirming constantly.  Finally she got a hold of his arm and whispered. . ."Get up here, sit down and be still.  I want you up here next to me and sit down, now!"  The little boy lowered his head, got up and sat quietly for a minute.  Then he poked his mother on the arm and said so everyone could hear, "I want you to know I am sitting down and being quiet, but on the inside I am standing up."  Clever, of course he was.  And, who of us wouldn't have had to laugh.  Several people did snicker.  Many of us adults have pointed at God and said, okay I will be still and wait on the Lord, but I just want you to know I am standing up on the inside.

Being still and waiting on God is a huge job.  It brings on all those patience lectures and scriptures we need to hear.

How clever of the enemy to use every tempting sidetrack he can think of to keep us from being still and waiting on the Lord.

What are you waiting for?  A husband to start going to church with you?  Perhaps one of your children is going through some major trials?  Waiting to hear about that job you need so desperately?
You could be waiting for God to tell you why He continues to allow bad things to happen to you, or others?

It is so easy to be unnerved, to want to take the wheel,  and let us get this show on the road - now!

I still go back to Deut. 31: 8 -  God goes before us, God marches with me.  Maybe its time for you to finally learn the lesson He has been pointing out all along.  He allows us to be prepared to learn our lesson.  We have no need to fear, he never forsakes, fail's or abandons us.  He says in His word that we are to not be afraid, depressed, discouraged, or unnerved with fear.

Wait for it!  I can't!  Yes you can!  What other option do you have.  Staying in God's Word and praying helps you focus and wait upon the Lord for what you are to learn from this time.  This period of time and how long it is depends on you.  Jesus was tempted and the enemy tried to sidetrack Him with all kinds of things.  Matt. 4: 1/11  Jesus was tired.  He had been fasting and praying for 40 days.  He was hungry.  Satan swooped in and brought him bread, and offers of great magnitude.  What did He say?  "Get thee behind me Satan, for I only bow down and worship the Lord God and He only."

It wasn't even about the food or tiredness.  It was a major event to get Jesus to be sidetracked and give in to him.  Being still and waiting on the Lord simply means.  Focus on His Word.  Read it every day.  Pray and seek your Lord.  Trust.  Wait for it.  Wait for Him.

II Cor 5: 17 -  Calling on the Lord and claiming Him as your personal Lord God.  Lord of your heart and life.  The old you will go away and behold you will be a new creation.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Oh so you think I have that backwards!  Really!

I Peter 1: 8

"Though you have not seen him, you love him;
and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy."   NIV

Thomas was the one who set the bar on "But let me touch the hole in your hands, and then I will believe."  So to him it was "I need to see it to believe it."

Jesus had so wanted them and us to believe without seeing him.  Most of the disciples and people back then got to see, hear, and touch him.  We do not have that privilege.  Think of what it is like for a blind person.  Think about what it is like to have seen and then go blind.  Think about what it is like to see it but not get it. 

Another version:

I Peter 1: 8

"You love him even though you have never seen him.  Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy."  NLT

Both verses put an emphasis on trust, believe, rejoice with an inexpressible joy that even though we don't see him physically, we could be physically blind, and know he is there.  He is here.  He is inside

When I was reading this morning from a new author's daily devotional, I came to terms with the fact that she is physically blind.  She travels the world speaking and writing.  Gets on airplanes and depends on people sometimes to tell her what is happening and why.  She is married and raising two children.  Not many of us would sign on for that to be a part of our destiny.   Yet, here we are most generally saying, "Well, if He would just tell me what to do, where is He when I need Him?"  "How long do I have to go through this. . .?

As long as it takes to believe and then see His hand was in it all along.  It even turned out better then you could have dreamed.  I learned that one the hard way and a long time ago.  BELIEVE IT!  Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior knows it all and has a plan.  The trial - that despicable period of time you went through or are going through will stop.  How you ask?  When you believe that He has a better plan and that this is just preparation for you to do better things, be stronger, be tougher, and grow you up.  TRUST me, I have been there and am still being prepared at times.

Next time -  What does it mean to be still and wait on God!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


It's Saturday, about 3:00 p.m.  I wish you could be sitting here with me as I absorb the sun from the south west coming in my office window.  The windows are open and all the way around is the brilliant colors of red, burgundy, yellow, greens, and shades of mauve.  You have to be impressed with the dazzling array of those colors spread over an entire bank that goes up to the road.  The breeze is cool but perfect in its warmth from the sun and winds from the south.  I want it to last forever.  It almost feels like you are in this feathered basket of bunny down and there is this soft green blanket covering part of the nest.  Nothing could be wrong in the world, right?  Everything for everyone is perfect.  No worries, no cancer, no fears. . .only comfort and beauty.   God's beauty.  He is the great artist.  I believe He gives us times like today to help us deal with the real world.  I insist that that is true.  How else would we be able to face any situation that life sends our way. 

There are many many twists and turns in life these days.  It is like that game you see at some restaurants and fairs.  The Mole Game.  You have a hammer, and you keep trying to score by when the mole comes up, you make him go down in the hole.  You hit him.  He disappears.  Just when you get him gone, another one pops up.  Life is just like that.  You get a few things all settled and bedded down, and then a new event pops up.  Today is a day to celebrate and enjoy so we can have the strength for yet another change in our lives.  You know where I am going with this, right?  I am watching the last fall beauty on the bank of our hill right next to my office.  Some men are going to come along and cut it ALL down.  it interferes with their work and whether we get interference free electricity.  Oh okay!  I get it.  But, I am going to bask in God's beauty through trees and leaves this fall.  Change is coming.  And, a come back will ensue. 

In your life right now, what do you wish would go on forever?  Or, maybe you are looking for change.

John 14: 19  This chapter talks about how HE is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, and how He is everything and all we need. 
19:  Just a little while now, and the world will not see Me any more, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.

I challenge you to read all of 14.  Like the leaves and trees going away outside my window, they are still etched in my memory and on pictures I took.  The change will bring a come back.  Just like Jesus who will come back for us.  That change will be the greatest come back of all.  He is here with you in what ever place you are in, and he will walk it with you.  He will be there in the end and that means
We Win!  Our enemy looses!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Psalms 37: 24

Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him.

This saying is another great way to remember that God has every one of our steps within His sight.  I hear most often, well "why me?", or "why did this have to happen now?", or even "why does it happen at all?

There are those who come back and say, "Why Not You?"  I have even heard a friend say, that God said to her in her mind. . .""Why not you, why not this?"

This saying reminds me a little of my book cover that says. . "Fix your future so it doesn't reflect your past!"   The entire idea for today is, use it for the good God intended it to be.  The story of Joseph in Genesis.  God used what others intended for harm, to bring greatness out.  His come back was enormous.  He became the head man for the King's kingdom.  People ate or didn't eat because of his management of the empire back then.  We hear about all kinds of horrible things today.  I just received a prayer request from my friend Jen in Ft. Wayne.  Her friends were in a car wreck caused by a drunk driver.  The father is in such bad shape they believe he will be in surgeries for two more years.  They have a 5 month old baby and two other kids.  One who was rushed to Riley Hospital this week.  Why did this happen?  What will God do through this to bring about a come-back for them.
He will use people to draw along side, to contribute help and with prayers.  All we can think now is how we can pray mercy upon this family and ask God to use this set back to bring a great come back.

This is just one story.  You know people around you that have impossible situations to deal with.  Things they can't imagine will ever be set back up right.  God's Word is full of come backs. 

Isaiah 43: 18 and 19.   Do not earnestly remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs forth;  do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

As difficult as it is to see how we can get through a set back;   think about His promises throughout His Word.  It can be financially, through loosing a job, a friend, through death, through anything that takes you back, sets you back so far you think you have fallen off the end of the world. 

Psalm 119: 164 -  Seven times a day, and all day long will I praise the Lord and His decrees.

Read all of Psalm 18 again.  I use that one so much.  Deut. 31: 8

He knows, He says don't be afraid, I will not fail you.  I go before you and I march with you.  Do not be unnerved.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012


There is so much to talk about when it comes to God's attributes and character, but let us look at the basic three:

POWER   ****    WISDOM    ****     GOODNESS

Col. 1: 4

For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus (the leaning of your entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness) and of the love which you (have and show) for all the saints (God's consecrated ones).

Here we get to put the pedal to the metal.  Taking it in, accepting it, and applying it to our lives.

Do you grasp it that you have the power from Jesus Christ to live the life He planned for you?
Do you embrace the wisdom of God?

Eph 2: 10

For we are God's (own) handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, (born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time), that we should walk in them (living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live).

And, there you have it, His goodness.  He prepared all that for you and me.  Yet, we act like we know or some of us are afraid to try. 

So let us wrap that all up in TRUST.  Surrender it all to Jesus Christ who has the Power, The Wisdom and the Goodness just for you, just for me.  Takes a lot of pressure off - or at least it should.  Think on these things.

Psalms 119: 164

Seven Times a day and all day long do I praise You because of Your righteous decrees.

Focus on that - Dream on that - Do all on that!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I love September!  The sun hits the ground differently.  There is this cozy, lazy, hew that floats across the land.

August begins letting us know with that change in the hemisphere.  Fall is coming.  That beautiful colorful gift that God gives us each season.  How will it be this year?  I have no idea.  I see the other side of the lake changing already.  In fact, many things started to die and change in August.

I have put away the spring and summer things, and brought out my fall flowers and leaves.  I will share them next week.

When we were in California I thought about how much they miss what we see each September.
Those vibrant, reds, oranges, and yellows.  Their flowers are the same year around.  When we were at the hotel one day, John asked the lawn care people what they do.  Each August they tear out all the cement barrels and replace all the dirt and start over.  Same flowers, same decorations, only new.

We saw no insects, no birds and only one butterfly.  But, knowing God, He has something else for them to see and enjoy that is a gift to them.

And, so, I praise the Lord for His gifts this week.  Not only the verbal gifts, but the scenic ones I received.  IS 43: 18 and 19.

When I get my sea legs back, I will begin a new series.  Until then, Worship and praise our Lord, for He brings us many gifts.  Look for them.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back Home Again in Indiana!

They say, don't be said because you have to leave a great memory or experience, just be glad you did it!

And, that is how I view our trip to Burbank, California.

If you want to read the particulars, I have copied and pasted a Thank You letter to the ACD Festival on  The Star will be putting an article in as well.  We did get our picture taken with Jay Leno in the Green Room and talked with him.  They promise to email that.  I am praying for that.  They had let go 20 people from NBC Leno and now I wonder if we will see it.
The tour of his garage is mouth dropping and what a memory of that, but only fleeting.  Since they won't let you tape or take pictures.  What a gift from God.  I do recommend you go in and read it.

Jet lag was worse going out then coming home.  Pretty much caught up now and preparing for all the events of ACD for next week.  What we did miss very much was all the birds, little animals, even insects, and flowers.  We saw one monarch butterfly.  They replace their flowers every six months, and they were in the process of tearing them all out and replacing while we were there.  We saw some flowered trees.  Meanwhile our house sitter/ dog sitter was going on about the big black snake, two fawns, our visiting for food cat, squirrels, and all kinds of things going on back here.  Pretty cute.
She must be a dog whisperer, because she taught Dakota how to eat off a plate.  For 12 years she and I have gone round and round about eating.  Boy am I stupid.  So - if you want to see other pictures, go to my facebook page.  Faith Souder.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Until we Meet Again!

By next weekend I hope to have pictures of our trip to Burbank, California and where we see Jay Leno.

Until then pray for us a safe trip.  I am sure we will have some amusing stories to tell.  Two older people getting on and off airplanes.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


With our Circumstances!

Proverbs 16: 9

A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.

Reading on into Proverbs 16: 25 - His Word indicates we want Him to be quick about a circumstance that we are currently involved in, but He has His timing and it is, of course,  better.

I like thinking and preparing for  the idea that God has appointment with our circumstances.  It is after all another opportunity to utilize that "P" word.  Patience!

How many different circumstances can I name here for everyone I know.  I couldn't handle what Anna Bell is dealing with.  12 days of a temperature over 101.   Nor the people that are still rebuilding their homes, down south, out west. . .pick a direction. 

Let us take some time today and every day to thank Him for showing up when we need Him.  Whether we like the timing or not.  Another old time friend is watching her daughter go from hospital to hospital, to nursing home.  Nine months now!  And, yet, we know in our heart and spirit that Deut. 31: 8 is true.  He goes before us, He goes with us, we need not be unnerved for He never fails or forsakes us.  So, today, I too, wait for a physical healing, and know He will show me the way.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Besides delighting myself in the Lord, it also stems from needing that clean heart, and a good attitude.

Psalms 51: 10,11, and 12

Ps 10:  Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.

This is a very clear cut, upfront written commandment from the Lord.  If He says create in me a clean heart, then He must know it is possible.  Chew on that for a minute.  Is that not fantastic that He knows it is possible for us to have a clean heart.  All we have to do is ask for for HELP.    I sure wish I knew was it the never-ending heat or what made me lose my temper two days running with my beloved Dakota.  She is my buddy as most of you know.  I was in a hurry and had things to do, and she just would not go to the bathroom.  And, then the storms came.  Well, that did not add to my mood.  Poor little girl.  And, of course it played out in other areas of my life until I realized what was happening.  After a zillion "I am sorry" sob stories to the Lord, John, and Dakota, of course my devotions this morning were Psalm 51. 10, 11, and 12.  I can not tell you how many times that has happened and I am so thankful to God there are no coincidences in life. 

I so needed a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit.  We need to check ourselves into the Hotel Bible every night.  We need to evaluate our day and not let irritations, distractions, and the enemy trip us up.

Ps: 11  Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.

Enough said there!

Ps: 12  Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.

And, then the best part!  Restore my JOY, Take Me Back Lord, and Help me be willing to not only give into those daily pesty nothings, but be willing to always want Your spirit within me.  He knows it is difficult, but He still knows we can do it.  Thank you God for the awesome reconciliation and forgiveness you always have for us.

Are you checking yourself out daily?  Are you evaluating how you handle those daily distractions?

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Psalms 37 1/5

What does that mean to delight yourself in the Lord?  I can think of many ways to do that.  Take a walk out in His green pastures and drink in all that creativity.  What a relief it was to stand in the yard at Eckhart Park this week and see green grass again.  It is such a small thing we take so for granted.  Getting out of the car and going for a walk in the park, on your block, or in the woods.  Suddenly, I realized how important his colors were.  This morning it was cool, unmuggy, and  colorful.  I delighted in that as I had never done before.  Thank you God for reminding us what color green really is. 

You can delight yourself in His music.  You can delight yourself in His Word.  You can delight yourself in praying for others and celebrating answers to prayer.  I want to delight myself today by celebrating who He is.  His character, His plan for our lives, His unconditional love, His unconditional forgiveness and best of all the sacrifice He made so we could be free.  His Son, Jesus Christ.

Vs 1:  Fret NOT yourself because of evildoers, neither be envious against those who work unrighteousness (that which is not upright or in right standing with God).
Vs 2: For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
Vs 3: Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed.
Vs 4: DELIGHT yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.
Vs 5: Commit your way to the Lord (roll and repose each care of your load on Him); trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.

There is a lot of depth to these five verses.  We do, unfortunately, have a lot to fret about.  Columbine, Colorado, 9/11, just to name a few.  Here we get to grab onto the fact of His Word that we can and must TRUST Him to deliver us out of the worldly tyranny today. If we surround our self with His protection, promises, plan, and truth - we will have a decision to make, of course.  A)  FRET, or B) TRUST and DELIGHT!   It is crazy out there, and sometimes it is crazy right where you stand.

Bottom line:  COMMIT your every waking moment to the Lord.   Turn your tyranny over to Him. Trust Him, never yourself or anyone else and you WILL see the streams in the desert He has made just for you.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Isaiah 43: 18 and 19

Do not (earnestly) remember the former things;  neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs forth;  do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

These verses certainly cover a multitude of issues in all of our lives.  Just name a subject and you can apply this verse.

As a veteran of holding onto things or truly believing that this can't change, or I will have to be the one that changes it;  I just keep relearning this one.  

And, God, just keeps reinforcing how He takes things from small to large and changes it.  He even has to say. . .behold, do you not perceive it. . .I am even making a way in the desert.  I can imagine Him saying also - "What is wrong with you people?"  Can't you get it, LOOK - LOOK -  LOOK!

This was a couple of verses I learned by heart when I was in Bible College.  Dare we say how many years ago that was?  40+  some years ago.  And, here I am,  (Read the for the full flavor) learning it all over again.  I got so caught up in how I couldn't go anywhere on vacation or overnight, or even for the day.  My dog, Dakota would never live through it.  She will have a seizure and die.  Even I see how silly and ridiculous that looks on paper.   I finally took it to prayer, and remember these verses and claimed them.  He brought me a dog sitter plus He added on that she house sits.  Brought us a free trip and then I was forced to test this theory.  I have to leave and enjoy myself and see that He made a way in the desert.  She did great, and I did great.

Now seriously, this seems silly to you, but it was real to me.  Drama queen or not, it was real.  Apply this to your life in all directions.  Some of you have some really hard places to turn over to God. There is cancer everywhere, there is divorce everywhere, there is a murderer lurking around some corner everywhere.  We have had, or are having many things that throw us under the bus.  Face them, Speak to Them, Turn them over.  TURN THEM OVER.  LET THEM GO!!!!

He answers small and large prayers, but our JOB is to pray, face it, speak to it, turn it over and let it go.   It is a Five Step process that WORKS!  Test it.   I John 4: 1/4 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Mark 11: 23

Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him.

Facing your mountain is one thing.  Taking a piece of paper and naming the THING that bothers you the most and doesn't seem to go away, is one thing.  I have faced many mountains, hurdles, and curves in the road.  The one in particular came the day I brought the box of "books" home and sat them down in the hall closet.  I quietly closed the doors on the closet and got a stiff neck looking up at the mountain of "what to do now".  Not to long after that, I came down with Pneumonia, and it forced me to sit down, rest, and think about how I was going climb it.  Why this was a mountain would be the big question.  It was good to be forced to sit back and pray, think, and analyze what had happened.   Our God always provides a scripture that comes along and clicks.  The piece of the puzzle for me was not only facing the problem, but then lifting up and throwing into the sea.  I also like to think about the symbology of pushing it to the cross and saying, "Hear Jesus, this is too heavy, too big for me, thank you for taking it away and showing me what to do.  Thank you for giving  me your wisdom.  I believe it will come."  And, come it did. 

The beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ is, that He doesn't mind us having those weak spots.  He doesn't get all impatient and arrogant about our fears and doubts.  What he expects, however, is that we acknowledge them, turn them over, and then thank Him for what He is going to show us from that

Our problem as I see it at times, comes from we need to be strong.  God helps those who help themselves, right?  No, we know that.  So, why do we try to handle the mountain all by ourselves?
Why do we doubt ourselves, have fears, and get so frozen with insecurity?

Mountains come in all sizes, heights, and hurdles.  It does not matter to Him if it is small, medium, or large face it, lift it up, and throw it to King Judah!  Thank Him for what He is going to do.  Be Amazed.  I was.  Actually I found it kind of amusing after all the passive, heel dragging, and hiding I did from facing it.   Celebrate King Jesus, He knows it all anyway.  Give it up, He knows about it all and can help anyway. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Just had to share this with you today.  Wish it was original, but it is by Joyce Meyer from her book A New Day New You! 

We face all kinds of mountains today, July 4th.  Some are facing the mountain of days without electricity, their home gone from Colorado fires, flooding, droughts, and 100 degree days that are creating all kinds of monumental issues.  Emotional trauma, job loss, marital breakups, worry and concerns over family members you can not seem to fix.  Here is God's spin on that:





Zechariah 4: 6
Not by might, nor by my power, but by my Spirit. . . says the Lord of hosts!

Enjoy the 4th everyone.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Today I will be spending time on thanking everyone for making my book signing, June 23rd, so special.  There were a lot of surprises.  In the picture is a former teen who I gave a Bible to and she brought it with her.  She is now an adult and the whole family came in.  She asked me to sign her Bible also and that was so special.  A lady from the late 70's made a special trip down to see me.  We had been in several places where I was doing some speaking.  Many ladies from long before stopped in.  Another family I hadn't seen for 15 years came down.  They named one of their girls after my middle name.  Many, many more then I expected did stop in and by multiple copies of "Embracing Emotional Forgiveness". 

In the beginning when I wrote about this subject, it was to educate and give people another tool to live their life free of emotional excess baggage.  It has been quite rewarding to realize from the feedback that that is what is happening.  How do I thank all of you for helping me realize a passion and platform that has been so revolutionary?  I can't.  But thank you anyway. 

Pray that it will be God's plan to anoint it and grow it for those out there who need to know the truth and that the truth will set them free.

Since it will be hot for so long, I will be working on Part Three and coming back on faithvoice- two by Tuesday, July 3rd.   And, since you can't go to the fireworks except on TV, take some time and read the blog.

Psalms 31: 1/9

Friday, June 22, 2012


When we look into God's Word we find so many verses that point the way to truth.  If we have a question or need to make a very important decision in our life we must have him directly in our sights.   When we aim for excellence and obedience it is a very risk free bet that we will miss sometimes.  However, when we make Him the object of our AIM we learn about Him, and His Character.  If I asked you what the character of God is, what spin would you put on that?  What does that mean?  How does it relate to you?  Do you mimic His character? 

Gal 5: 22 and 23.  But the fruit of the Holy Spirit (the work which His presence within accomplishes) is:  love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness  23  gentleness (meekness, humility), self - control (self restraint, continence).  Against such things there is no law (that can bring change).

What a mega check-list of things to do - to emulate our God.  So let's bring this up to speed and organize it.

If I want to know what God's plan for my life is and how to be sure He is in on all decisions -

What is my first step._____________________?

I must claim Him as my personal Lord and Savior.
I must claim His Word as the inerrant Word of God.
I must be about AIMING to know Him. 

So that when I make a decision, I know it lines up with His Word, and now His Character.

Step Two then is_________________________?

Lining up with His Character - is demonstrating and living my life around:

Love  -   Joy   -   Peace  -  Patience -   Kindness -   Goodness -  Gentleness -  Faithfulness -
          Self - Control (self restraint).  I added that because of that one trips us up the most.

This is God -  Study now, where you see you need the most work.  He brings all of those words to life in His Word for us.  He expects us to live out those very words in our every day life.  When we know those those character traits and strive to live them out in our daily lives, we learn even more about who He is.  Then it becomes clearer on how to know the truth for living a lifestyle that demonstrates how we line up with Christ's Word and His character.

Take each word in Gal 5: 22 and 23 - What does it mean to love like Christ?  To have Peace in Christ?  To have Joy in Christ?  To demonstrate patience every day?  To be kind, gentle, and good?
How do you show faithfulness?   And, especially - do I show self control in life on a daily basis?

Rate yourself and make a prayer of commitment for those you need to work on.  And, praise and thanks for the ones He has helped you change.


With the Book signing, and Logan and Ailsa visiting back and forth in between Canton, Ohio and here, I will get our series going on as soon as I can.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


"What does it take to KNOW God is guiding you to make life decisions, or is you doing all the talking?"

We have been talking about how to AIM high for Jesus, and stay focused.  It takes work, but nevertheless essential for daily living out God's purpose and plan for your life.  Jer. 29: 11/15


A very bright young lady peer-friend of mine were talking at lunch the other day.  She does mentoring at her church with women and has become frustrated at the women who are leaving their husbands and children.  She has spent hours and hours on showing them the truth in God's Word.  They listened and still believe that God is telling them to leave.  They have peace about it.  "After all, I don't feel anything for him anymore."

What is happening today?  This culture and generation have a whole different look at their lives.  They are becoming justifiers.  They want what THEY want.  They can not tolerate much pressure in life, and so they look for romance and feel good experiences.  Her frustration was born out of , God sent me these people, I told them the truth, only to see evil win out. "What's the deal?"

During personal counseling, student counseling, and my time at the colleges, I was instructed to give them the tools.  That was my only job.  Some will listen, some will not.  Accept that you did your job and move on.  My "Traditional Age Generation" understands that, but we like to FIX things.  We need to know why today's generation isn't following through on truth.  My friend is much younger, but she thinks like a traditionalist.  We work through things, we push through and do whatever it takes to get the desired result.  We would much rather drive ourselves to the hospital in whatever condition we find ourselves.   We watch with great frustration and sadness today's Millinia generation.   All those born from 1997 on came just as the internet came.  Those born prior to 1997 are the Y Generation.  They deserve it and you need to give it to them.  Millinia's question everything.  They have hundreds of options and choices.  Just google it.  I am so thankful I grew up in the 1940's.  I had two choices.  Eat it, or sit at the table until bedtime.  Go to church or be grounded from friends.  Wear this or go naked.  Not today.  Today they look at 18 different gods, someone will take them wherever to eat because they sure aren't going to eat "that".  I am not going to that school anymore,  we have to move, Mom.  And, guess what?  They move.

And, so you see the problem.  What do we do?  What are the answers to bring truth and have it accepted.  It would seem we as helpers need to find a way to understand all those options, be sympathetic, but STILL tell the truth.  They still have a choice.  It may take longer.  But here we get to aim at God with our prayer.  "Holy Father God, I have tried everything, please favor me with saving my grandchildren from all these choices and to find you.  Save them.  Thank you Jesus!"

Steps to the Truth's that never change.

1.  You have asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior.
2.  You are now embracing ALL of His Word.  It is the inerrant Word of God.
3.  Learning that He made you and KNOWS you!  Ps:  139 (Read all of it)  Particularly Psalm 139: 16.  "Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your

Saturday, June 9, 2012


This is an old saying by now.  Or shall I say, it has been revamped over and over and this is the latest version of dealing with the "big unexpected changes in life".     My mother always used to say to me as a very young person, "You are too idealistic, young lady, hop into the real world with the rest of us!"

Grrrrrr!   I never have been able to completely let go of this question.  "What was the purpose for that. . . . . . situation or set of circumstances?"  Friends love to tell me that I need to ask God "What do you want me to learn from this situation?"

My intellectual side totally gets that whole concept of things that happen in our life that we can not control.  People that we can't control. 

James 4: 14  "Yet you do not know (the least thing) about what may happen tomorrow.  What is the nature of your life?  You are really but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible  for a little while and then disappears (into thin air).

James 4: 15 You ought instead to say, if the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that (thing)."

Deut. 31: 8 still resounds in my head.  About how God goes ahead of me, AND He marches with me in everything.  I am not to be fearful or dread,  I am to be expectant that He helps me DEAL with IT!

Romans 8: 28 - And, of course, He is always working ALL things together for GOOD on my behalf.

So there it is.  He understands my personality.  He knows I would love everyone to have the job of their dreams, the mate of their dreams, the children of their dreams and that we all had enough money to eat and do what we need to do. 

However, unexpected and uncontrollable (from the Daily Bread) things come our way.  They slide in under the door, they come over the phone, the email, the elaborate facebook and texting.  They can come in the mail, right in front of us, or from afar.  The only way to deal with all those "big and ugly surprises" is to pray on a daily basis.  Sure we are to pray for others, for our nation etc.  I am proposing that we start our day with asking God how we can be used for Him.  Help me be the person you want me to do.  Help me do and say all things to the glory and honor of You.  And, help me deal with IT.  Because It Is What It is, no matter what it is.  I can do all things through you who gives me the STRENGTH to do it.  Phil 4: 13.    Bottom line.  Whether you are alone in life and just rebuilding a life, or are content in whatsoever you are, He is the only one who can take us to the finish line.

I admit I tried really hard to come up with why did or do I have to come down with things physically.  I have spent my whole life trying to answer that questions.  I want to be young, full of vim and vigor, and able to go and do whatever.  Exercise, walk 5 miles, do counseling, or whatever I want.  This time around with Pneumonia, something new happened.  I loved being sat down to catch up on my reading, got a new doctor which I had promised to do for years, smelled the roses, and realized that people were right, because if how hard I do work at taking care of myself, I didn't end up in the hospital like some others I knew.  I bounced back, I didn't get angry, and I went with it.  Oh! Did you get it?  Went with it!  That means God always (ALWAYS) has a reason and it is always going to be for your ultimate good.  Go with it!  It creates a lot less stress.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Col. 3: 1 and 2

"If then you have been raised with Christ (to a new life, this sharing His resurrection from the dead), AIM at and seek the (rich, eternal treasures) that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  (Ps 110.1)

And SET your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. "

Col. 3: 17

"And whatever you do (no matter what it is) in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in (dependence upon) His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him."

                      " W     H     O     A     !!!!!!!!!"

Here it is - For every day life!  AIM, SEEK,  SET your MIND on the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

How good is your AIM right now?

                 Average -  Above Average    -     Good    -   Pretty Good   -   Working on it!

                                                   Working on it EVERY DAY!
                                      (Slip up a little, could do better but WORKING on it EVERY DAY)

Think on these verses, read the entire chapter.  It is our platform expectations for every day!
God's Word spells it out -  

So, what are you aiming at, what is your tool of choice!  On a scale from 1 - to 10, ten being the highest, where do you score at AIMING your life's choices, thoughts, and deeds to?

Let us think hard about this chapter and these verses.  AIM HIGH! 



Saturday, May 26, 2012



It is nice that the weather man was slightly off today.  It is much cooler and beautiful.  But we do need to pray for rain.

PART 11 - Psalm 16: 10 and 11
For you will not bandon me to Sheol (the place of the dead), neither will You suffer Your holy one (Holy One) to see corruption.  Psalm 16: 11 - You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.  (Acts 2: 25-28 and 31)

There are hundreds of references to how our God tells us,  over and over,  how He will NOT abandon us.  That He will show us the path.  And, that we will experience a fullness of Joy from that knowledge.

On this Memorial Day when we reflect on how hundreds, thousands and ten thousands of men gave their lives for us;  let us take this whole thing in, embrace it, and live it.  The Knox family will be burying their son, father, brother, husband, friend who gave his life so we could be free.  I am sure they were moved when they learned the news.  It brought up a lot of questions, tears and where is God.  In this passage we are still to cling to that fact that no matter what happens to us God is there.  He says He doesn't abandon us, He says he has a path for us all, and that He will march ahead and with us.  Deut. 31: 8.  If we are to claim unmoved, if we are to claim no abandonment, if we are to claim His path, we must do what then?  TRUST!  His Word is to stand on.  His Word is to drive a flag into the ground for.
His Word is the truth, the inerrant truth forever.  All we have to do is collect ourselves, go before Him on our knees and wait.  The truth, the Way, the Life will suddenly rise before the Knox's, and ourselves.
No matter where we are today and no matter what we are doing - we will never be abandoned.

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
John 14: 6

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Psalm 16: 8/through 11

"I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."

Have you ever tried to respond to life UNMOVED?  It is an art form.  Yet, here we read about how we are to have the Lord continually before us, and that when He is, when things jump out at us, we're declaring to not be moved by them.  Whoa!  It can certainly be a goal, right?  It can certainly be something I would like to do, or we do! 

I read this early in the week at a very critical time.  It was my very avid desire to know why I had to take time out for Pneumonia.  Or,  actually it could have been gall bladder surgery.  Name some things and you will probably want to know what the Lord had in mind when He allowed this particular thing to cross our path.  However, I must shout out to the world that I quickly came to terms with it this time.
It can happen -

"Therefore my heart is glad and my glory (my inner self) rejoices;  my body too shall rest and confidently dwell in safety. . ."

Don't you love this.  And, think about how many times you might have to learn this one before you get it.  It was my decision to not keep relearning this one.  Take the time and absorb how you can praise the Lord for this _________________whatever it is, sit back and let Him help you heal. 


I am getting better and next week will be starting to market my book "Embracing Emotional Forgiveness."  It is ready to be requested and soon available outside of here at the office.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

COMING. . .!!!

As some know today, John has bronchitis and I have Pneumonia and so this weekend has been quite "out there".  I am way behind. 

Pray for us and I shall be back.  You know I will.  I don't let much of anything get in my way, but I told the nurse this morning, that death was imminent and it didn't bother me.  Just kidding.  This one almost got the best of me.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


of warring angels that are fiercely standing around you.  Imagine them mounted on huge work horses that are pawing the ground.

Phil 4: 7

And, God's peace (shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace) which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

This is our moment to go ahhhhhh!.  We don't have to be anxious about anything (Phil 4: 6) and I do mean anything.  But, since we are human and we do get a little fretty here and there, put this group of passages on 3 X 5 cards and carry them with you.  Phil 4: 4.  1)  REJOICE ALWAYS,   2) DO NOT BE ANXIOUS, 3) LET HIM GUARD YOUR CONTENTMENT and then our dessert 4) REST . . .
Phil 4: 8 -    Whatever is TRUE,  Whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, Whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think (THINK) on and weigh and take account of these things ( FIX YOUR MINDS ON THEM).

And, I would add, and ONLY THESE THINGS. 

I love that part about a GARRISON (fortified soldiers who are fiercely keeping watch) mounted to watch over me.  To guard me. 

Our very important commitment then, needs to be, that we also watch and guard our thoughts and do not let unwanted, empty, paranoid, ill-gotten perspective thoughts;  get a handle on us.  It only takes one thought.


Embracing Emotional Forgiveness is done and the announcement for a book signing and how to receive your copy will be forthcoming.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Congratulations to Cheryl and Bill Redinger!  April 28th, 2012


Psalm 25: 15

"My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He will pluck my feet out of the net."

Ever wonder how we are to keep planted in the Word of God, and throw off all the hindrances, and yet keep our eyes toward the Lord?

I visualize myself out in the garden planting seeds.  My head is down as I focus on putting each seed in the ground.  At the same time there is a cloud of mosquitoes who are buzzing me and I am trying to wave them off.  They are certainly being a hindrance to me as I concentrate on putting things together in the ground.  So, how in the world am I going to keep my eyes toward the Lord?  Now you know, in general, we always want to look up when we are acknowledging our one God and Savior.

Psalm 25: 5

"Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You (You only and altogether) do I wait (expectantly) all day long."

What I want us to get from this, is, that since God created ALL things, He created the earth and the Heavens.  So no matter where we look, bend our knee, or look into the sky. . .there He is.  He is in us.  So whatever we are doing, we can see the Lord, hear the Lord in His birds,  and feel the earth that we are planting, which is His creation.  We can praise and pray while we plant, which keeps the things that bug us - bugged off.  Because all it takes is a thought.  It may even be an innocent one at the moment.  Guarding your heart and mind at all times is a job.  I understand that.  However, it will NET you a different result when you evaluate and check out those random thoughts.  "Maybe so and so was just having a bad day when she walked by me and didn't speak!"  "But, we're friends, what if I have done something to offend her?"  "Well, if we were really friends, she would stop and tell me what is wrong!"  Pretty soon, the mole hill turns into a mountain.  The mountain turns into an attitude and resentment creeps in to take over.  Our enemy loves to set a stage and simply call in all the characters.  We come and are glad to help out, after all, there is a NET (pit), it will save me.  Even if I fall in, it won't be such a hard landing.  

Stay tuned in to the Lord Jesus Christ all day, and no matter what you are doing, He will guide the path to safety.  Last week I talked about the covered wagon and how we get surrounded sometimes.  Have you identified those situations with their arrows pointed straight at you, and are you evaluating which ones need handed off to God?  As you put your eyes toward the Lord, and hand off those hindrances (arrows), you can expect God to be there to show you the way out of the net.  That place where the enemy is trying to trip you up.

He (our God)  is ALWAYS waiting, hands held out.  What are you doing to run expectantly towards Him to find contentment and peace in any situation?

Saturday, April 21, 2012


It is Spring after all. What better way then to have an early - early spring! And, then a wedding coming up here soon. From all of us who know Cheryl Sheeler and Bill Redinger - Congratulations! Six months ago, if you had said to Cheryl or Bill, you will be married on April 28, 2012, they would have both laughed you away. Look at God's awesome gifts already in 2012. He certainly does have a plan and a journey. We can be assured about that. His Word is full of different roads and paths that our cloud of witnesses have been down. Paul had no IDEA he would be struck blind and be a beacon of light for Jesus Christ. Joseph had no idea he would be thrown down into a pit and rise up to be a great King. And, then on top of that - he saved his family from starvation and homelessness. I can could go on and on. So, I guess what we get from all this is, sit back and enjoy the twists and turns. We will ALWAYS land back on our feet in ways we had not anticipated at all. Of course, I love surprises. Some people don't.

Today I want to talk about some guidelines that God gives us very clearly for our lives.

We are looking at II Peter 1: 4/11. It is a map that spells out how we are to grow and develop on those roads to holiness. Even though we never get as holy as our Lord God, we can certainly see here what He wants for us and our heart needs to follow and desire this journey. Tough, sure, but rewarding.

You will need to read that entire passage of scriptures. Too long to spell out. I want to concentrate on 4 -

II Peter 1: 4

"By means of these He has bestowed on us His precious and exceedingly great promises, so that through them you may ESCAPE (by flight) from the moral decay (rottenness and corruption) that is in the world because of covetousness (lust and greed), and become sharers (partakers) of the divine nature."

Pay close attention to that part of . . .you may ESCAPE (by flight) from the junk of this world. The things that are going on right now are draw-dropping. But His promises are that if we develop the following things, we can STEER as clear as possible from them. Trusting Him for a good outcome as long as we stay on the path.

I hate ruts, and pot holes. So I get a little testy when I hit them or aren't paying attention and slip off the berm. Yuk!!! So STAY ON THE PATH - THE ROAD.

Therefore, we need to cultivate * diligence * virtue *knowledge (intelligence)
* self control * steadfastness * patience * godliness (piety) * brotherly affection
*Christian love.

Peter goes on to say how this keeps out of idleness or unfruitful distractions. He warns us to stay on track here less we get shortsighted and forget what Christ has done for us.

Homework: I took a sheet of paper and in the middle I put a covered wagon. Then all around the outside of it I put those things (Indians or pirates with weapons) that create distractions or conflicts. People, family, career, anything that generates taking us from the task of drawing closer to God. I came up with 14 items that I think about each day and sometimes stress over or get conflicted about. I turned them back over to God and am committed to developing diligence, virtue, intelligence, self control, steadfastness, patience, piety, brotherly love, Christian Love.

Just think how we would the enemy out if we all did that at once. Let us kick the enemy to the curb and get better focus.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


So much has happened in just one week, I would find it impossible to put it all into perspective for you.

Of course, we know He reigns. We have listened to sermons, been touched by stories and music. I have experienced it here and there, but this year, and especially this last week has taken my breath away. Please turn to Psalm 18. Reading that entire chapter takes a bit of time, but we are going to specifically look at Ps 18: 30-45.

I have been focusing on "Fixing your Future so it doesn't reflect your past!" The tools necessary to choose and firm up that decision are many-fold. Forgiveness is key, knowing God and His Word, staying steadfast, to focus everything you are and aren't on Him, and believing He reigns no matter what is happening. Do you really believe He will intervene and bring answers to prayers? I saw that happen so much this week that I am speechless.

"God's way is perfect. All the Lord's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock?
God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as a surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping. (Please read on through 44. . .they all lose their courage and come trembling from their strongholds.)"

God does protect and deliver us from our enemies.

It started Monday with a couple in counseling. One of them hated God through the entire session and suddenly within 10 minutes (because I had asked God to sit with us and give intervention if necessary) that client folded. The curtain tore from bottom to top and they came to Jesus's feet. That client is so deeply immersed in the Word and special studies, with church tomorrow, it is awesome. He reigns when we don't.

The rest of the week was a testimony is every kind of situation good and evil I can even talk about. Finally hearing about my magazine article, getting closure on a health issue that was quite serious (and it became an instant healing), and a friend who had two weeks to know where her dance studio would be. . . letting go and letting God, she had an answer within 24 hours. He reigns. I would love to explain each juncture I was on this week and how God just kept intervening. So, if I trust Him to always reign (or if we trust Him) then I have to know He will intervene with my step-daughter and the very serious problem she is incurring with her children at this moment. I will believe with prayer and trust, that he will give John peace through this time and show Ellen the way - the truth- the life. I choose to do that.

And, there you have it, no matter what you are enjoying or unnerved about at this moment, Jesus reigns. He knows - He has a plan!

It is not some trite little phrase. God has a plan, just trust Him. He reigns, He has everything under His feet. He will put your hind feet onto high places. Is it easy? No, it isn't, but hanging onto that knowledge even though the roller coaster is on the downward - 100 miles an hour - "what do you want to do with that?" Fly off the rail, fall out of the car, what? The enemy wants you to flounder, give up, be scared, and give-in to fear. When you read all of 18, you need to look for how He knows you are in trouble, and He is downright angry and comes flying to your rescue.

Funny side note: One of my journey's this week was finding out I had to take the written test to get my drivers license. Any idiot can take the drivers license written test, right? I flunked. I laughed. Really I did. I, for once turned it into a spiritual lesson. Maybe I should have my driving privileges taken away. I would have to depend on others or what? I thought about that, read the book, took the test, and passed. Neat symbol though. Give up the wheel. Our God reigns! He drives all the bad monsters away, and brings us victory. We win.