Saturday, September 29, 2012


It's Saturday, about 3:00 p.m.  I wish you could be sitting here with me as I absorb the sun from the south west coming in my office window.  The windows are open and all the way around is the brilliant colors of red, burgundy, yellow, greens, and shades of mauve.  You have to be impressed with the dazzling array of those colors spread over an entire bank that goes up to the road.  The breeze is cool but perfect in its warmth from the sun and winds from the south.  I want it to last forever.  It almost feels like you are in this feathered basket of bunny down and there is this soft green blanket covering part of the nest.  Nothing could be wrong in the world, right?  Everything for everyone is perfect.  No worries, no cancer, no fears. . .only comfort and beauty.   God's beauty.  He is the great artist.  I believe He gives us times like today to help us deal with the real world.  I insist that that is true.  How else would we be able to face any situation that life sends our way. 

There are many many twists and turns in life these days.  It is like that game you see at some restaurants and fairs.  The Mole Game.  You have a hammer, and you keep trying to score by when the mole comes up, you make him go down in the hole.  You hit him.  He disappears.  Just when you get him gone, another one pops up.  Life is just like that.  You get a few things all settled and bedded down, and then a new event pops up.  Today is a day to celebrate and enjoy so we can have the strength for yet another change in our lives.  You know where I am going with this, right?  I am watching the last fall beauty on the bank of our hill right next to my office.  Some men are going to come along and cut it ALL down.  it interferes with their work and whether we get interference free electricity.  Oh okay!  I get it.  But, I am going to bask in God's beauty through trees and leaves this fall.  Change is coming.  And, a come back will ensue. 

In your life right now, what do you wish would go on forever?  Or, maybe you are looking for change.

John 14: 19  This chapter talks about how HE is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, and how He is everything and all we need. 
19:  Just a little while now, and the world will not see Me any more, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also.

I challenge you to read all of 14.  Like the leaves and trees going away outside my window, they are still etched in my memory and on pictures I took.  The change will bring a come back.  Just like Jesus who will come back for us.  That change will be the greatest come back of all.  He is here with you in what ever place you are in, and he will walk it with you.  He will be there in the end and that means
We Win!  Our enemy looses!

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