Have you ever heard the story about the little boy who was so busy during church time, that his mom began to lose it. She kept putting her finger up to her lips. She also gave him "that" look only women have that indicates how serious and displeased we are. But, to no avail, he kept getting up on the bench, getting down to pick things up, moving, and squirming constantly. Finally she got a hold of his arm and whispered. . ."Get up here, sit down and be still. I want you up here next to me and sit down, now!" The little boy lowered his head, got up and sat quietly for a minute. Then he poked his mother on the arm and said so everyone could hear, "I want you to know I am sitting down and being quiet, but on the inside I am standing up." Clever, of course he was. And, who of us wouldn't have had to laugh. Several people did snicker. Many of us adults have pointed at God and said, okay I will be still and wait on the Lord, but I just want you to know I am standing up on the inside.
Being still and waiting on God is a huge job. It brings on all those patience lectures and scriptures we need to hear.
How clever of the enemy to use every tempting sidetrack he can think of to keep us from being still and waiting on the Lord.
What are you waiting for? A husband to start going to church with you? Perhaps one of your children is going through some major trials? Waiting to hear about that job you need so desperately?
You could be waiting for God to tell you why He continues to allow bad things to happen to you, or others?
It is so easy to be unnerved, to want to take the wheel, and let us get this show on the road - now!
I still go back to Deut. 31: 8 - God goes before us, God marches with me. Maybe its time for you to finally learn the lesson He has been pointing out all along. He allows us to be prepared to learn our lesson. We have no need to fear, he never forsakes, fail's or abandons us. He says in His word that we are to not be afraid, depressed, discouraged, or unnerved with fear.
Wait for it! I can't! Yes you can! What other option do you have. Staying in God's Word and praying helps you focus and wait upon the Lord for what you are to learn from this time. This period of time and how long it is depends on you. Jesus was tempted and the enemy tried to sidetrack Him with all kinds of things. Matt. 4: 1/11 Jesus was tired. He had been fasting and praying for 40 days. He was hungry. Satan swooped in and brought him bread, and offers of great magnitude. What did He say? "Get thee behind me Satan, for I only bow down and worship the Lord God and He only."
It wasn't even about the food or tiredness. It was a major event to get Jesus to be sidetracked and give in to him. Being still and waiting on the Lord simply means. Focus on His Word. Read it every day. Pray and seek your Lord. Trust. Wait for it. Wait for Him.
II Cor 5: 17 - Calling on the Lord and claiming Him as your personal Lord God. Lord of your heart and life. The old you will go away and behold you will be a new creation.
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