Sunday, September 2, 2012


I love September!  The sun hits the ground differently.  There is this cozy, lazy, hew that floats across the land.

August begins letting us know with that change in the hemisphere.  Fall is coming.  That beautiful colorful gift that God gives us each season.  How will it be this year?  I have no idea.  I see the other side of the lake changing already.  In fact, many things started to die and change in August.

I have put away the spring and summer things, and brought out my fall flowers and leaves.  I will share them next week.

When we were in California I thought about how much they miss what we see each September.
Those vibrant, reds, oranges, and yellows.  Their flowers are the same year around.  When we were at the hotel one day, John asked the lawn care people what they do.  Each August they tear out all the cement barrels and replace all the dirt and start over.  Same flowers, same decorations, only new.

We saw no insects, no birds and only one butterfly.  But, knowing God, He has something else for them to see and enjoy that is a gift to them.

And, so, I praise the Lord for His gifts this week.  Not only the verbal gifts, but the scenic ones I received.  IS 43: 18 and 19.

When I get my sea legs back, I will begin a new series.  Until then, Worship and praise our Lord, for He brings us many gifts.  Look for them.

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