Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sun! Sun! Sun!

Well, here in Auburn, Indiana, anyway!

It has been a huge sigh of relief to see the snow gone in three days, 58 degrees, and sunshine everywhere. Dakota and I finally got out for a walk - a normal walk Friday and today. It was 4 1/2 weeks since we had been able to do that. Both days, she put on the 14 lb brakes that she can do so well, and so I left her outside for another hour. Even she has had it.

30 more days until spring and 21 more days until we spring forward an hour! Stop and think about it, we have to accept change many many times in our life don't we. We say goodbye to our grandson (20 years old) a week from today. He flies to Arcosanti, Arizona to participate in a community of learning, and sharing ideas. It is so huge, it has been quite stressful for everyone. No one in John's family has ever traveled outside the confines much. Some of Logan's cousins have, but very few. John Wayne said - Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. I agree. It is still hard to do sometimes. Some people make it and some don't. Choices are everything, aren't they? God told Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Ruth, Esther, you name them - he asked everyone to step out of their comfort zone and Just Do It! And, to prove He was serious, He sent His only son, Jesus to set the bar. And, the bar He did set.
No one can lay down their life, the way Jesus did. He did it for us! And, our response. After we have whined enough, well, okay, maybe I could try.

Personally, I have dealt with some pretty hard questions this week. I am not liking this age very much. I find it hard to know which way to go or for how long. How long will we be at this country home? How long will John be able to get on the roof and shovel 6 inches of snow, so we don't get ice dams? How long can he mow the dam and ride sideways on the tractor on that hill? How long? What are we supposed to do?
How do you get motivated to live each day when there are so many questions? I feel for the young people and their new babies, don't you?

Again, Deut. 31: 8 I always have to go back to that. He goes before me, He marches through stuff with me. He never forsakes, let's down, abandons us. He does expect us to not get tediously wrapped up in our scaredness, depression, discouragement, unnerveness etc.

We must trust His heart and plan for us. Live each day focused on Him, having joy in Him, trusting in Him, and let Him take care of the rest.

Good luck and God Bless you Logan. And, all of us.

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