Monday, February 14, 2011


Did you ever wonder why there are Mondays? Sunday, of course, is to be a day of rest.

So was God wanting us to begin again on Mondays? Is that the whole idea? As for me, I am grateful it is a brand new week. Sometimes it feels like January 1st and 2nd. A whole new chapter. The old has been washed away and all things become new. II Corinthians 5: 17. The very first verse I ever read. Basically it says, if anyone has Christ as his or her personal Lord, we are new creations, the old has passed away and we are all new creations. I love that because it says it all in one verse. So, I have to admit, I love - absolutely LOVE, new beginnings. Today is Valentines Day and that is a coincidence. It wouldn't matter. It is a new day, new week. Last week - I can't even describe without having another melt down. You have to wonder where do those weeks come from? Outer space, our enemy - Satan? who, what, where, and why? You name it, and it happened. Between, arranging airline accommodations for our grandson, finding his cat a new home by asking everyone but President Obama, too much snow, a blind Dakota trying to find her way in the huge snow trails, lost our water for almost three days, and realizing that I put on almost everything, one day - inside-out! And, then wore it out in public. I do mean almost everything! I was stunned. I stood in the dressing room and started laughing. I scooped snow into pans, John dragged buckets of water up the hill from the pond in two feet of snow, it is a wonder we made it. I do NOT want to go back and relive that week.

So, you see, why today is such a glorious day. The snow has melted so much, and the sun shines, and my dog and I can take a walk finally. But, really I am also sharing something I read over the weekend. It comes from Joyce Meyer's The Confident Woman.

Are you doing what you really believe you should be doing at this stage of your life, or have you allowed fear and a lack of confidence to prevent you from stepping out into new things - or higher levels of old things? If you don't like the answer, then let me give you some good news; it is never too late to begin again. . .

She goes on to talk about how you can't just sit around and wait for the fear to subside. You will have to feel fear and taken action anyway. John Wayne said - "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway!"


Pretty aggressive thinking there. One of my glitches pops up and says - "yeah but, look what happened the last time I tried to do something new or different. Why should I finish this book, it won't get accepted anywhere anyway?"

And, so I choose a new day - a new week! I also choose to saddle up anyway. After all, lots of our big world known inventors, was turned down a zillion times. Abraham Lincoln went through how many rejections before he became President.

Think carefully about your life these days. It is tough to stay on top of all the scary news, financial changes, and family dynamics. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Magnificent, Holy, Powerful, Jehovah-Jireh!

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