People, as well as myself, complain that February can be a terrible month for them. I have always concurred that this is truth. So what did God have in mind when he named this month and put it in our lives? Can't give you an answer, other then it must have been to teach us all how to HANG ON and see that in the end, we survive. All things being possible with Him that is. Phil 4: 13 and then how He works all things together for good out of Romans 8. I pray to see that through as we ship our oldest grandson out to Arcosanti, Arizona tomorrow.
So, is it that we have all decided February is always difficult, dull, and hard to handle? Or is it that we have talked ourselves into putting it out there in the universe, that February is horrible. I mentioned earlier, that December should come off the calendar too. Old negative me. Go figure. It is Christ's birthday after all.
Several of my friends are experiencing the loss of their beloved pet, and then just lost her mother Wednesday too. Another sits at her mothers bedside in Pennsylvania, taking insults from the affects of drugs. Another is loosing her husband to cancer, another her son in an airplane crash. I could talk about cleaning out the apartment of a 20 year-old teenage - soon to be adult- grandson. The stress from how some of these kids live is beyond my scope.
Spring is upon us and that means a new season, the grace disguised. God wants us to see the new green and flowers, leaves and feel the sun on our face. Then, we see February as a loss that now seems distant. New things come. II Cor 5: 17 - If anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new person, old things pass away all things become new. Is that not amazing when you focus on that grace. His Word champions any and all things we feel that piles in and brings such heaviness. It is still the bottom line, that we can always fall forward into His arms and say - "This sucks, Lord, take it away!" And, He does. He brings us new things, new weather patterns, new people, new foods, new fun things, new choices. His Word! Fall forward. If you are experiencing depression, discouragement, health issues, loss, stress, overwhelmed situations. . .fall forward. You can't do this all by yourself. I came within seconds of calling my doctor the other day to get some medical help, but instead I went to God. I asked Him for the truth. If I need med's then show me, if I don't, then show me. All I heard was - play music. So I did. Mama Mia - and it was what I needed. Ask Him, Listen to Him. He is all there is to get through this crazy life we are in.
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