People, as well as myself, complain that February can be a terrible month for them. I have always concurred that this is truth. So what did God have in mind when he named this month and put it in our lives? Can't give you an answer, other then it must have been to teach us all how to HANG ON and see that in the end, we survive. All things being possible with Him that is. Phil 4: 13 and then how He works all things together for good out of Romans 8. I pray to see that through as we ship our oldest grandson out to Arcosanti, Arizona tomorrow.
So, is it that we have all decided February is always difficult, dull, and hard to handle? Or is it that we have talked ourselves into putting it out there in the universe, that February is horrible. I mentioned earlier, that December should come off the calendar too. Old negative me. Go figure. It is Christ's birthday after all.
Several of my friends are experiencing the loss of their beloved pet, and then just lost her mother Wednesday too. Another sits at her mothers bedside in Pennsylvania, taking insults from the affects of drugs. Another is loosing her husband to cancer, another her son in an airplane crash. I could talk about cleaning out the apartment of a 20 year-old teenage - soon to be adult- grandson. The stress from how some of these kids live is beyond my scope.
Spring is upon us and that means a new season, the grace disguised. God wants us to see the new green and flowers, leaves and feel the sun on our face. Then, we see February as a loss that now seems distant. New things come. II Cor 5: 17 - If anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new person, old things pass away all things become new. Is that not amazing when you focus on that grace. His Word champions any and all things we feel that piles in and brings such heaviness. It is still the bottom line, that we can always fall forward into His arms and say - "This sucks, Lord, take it away!" And, He does. He brings us new things, new weather patterns, new people, new foods, new fun things, new choices. His Word! Fall forward. If you are experiencing depression, discouragement, health issues, loss, stress, overwhelmed situations. . .fall forward. You can't do this all by yourself. I came within seconds of calling my doctor the other day to get some medical help, but instead I went to God. I asked Him for the truth. If I need med's then show me, if I don't, then show me. All I heard was - play music. So I did. Mama Mia - and it was what I needed. Ask Him, Listen to Him. He is all there is to get through this crazy life we are in.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thought that Blizzards were something you can eat at the Dairy Queen?
We have had it in Auburn, Indiana.
And, another six inches of Snow, and the only good part of that is, it is the end of February and full sun. So much has already melted by 1PM.
I will be back with words of wisdom this weekend.
We have had it in Auburn, Indiana.
And, another six inches of Snow, and the only good part of that is, it is the end of February and full sun. So much has already melted by 1PM.
I will be back with words of wisdom this weekend.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sun! Sun! Sun!
Well, here in Auburn, Indiana, anyway!
It has been a huge sigh of relief to see the snow gone in three days, 58 degrees, and sunshine everywhere. Dakota and I finally got out for a walk - a normal walk Friday and today. It was 4 1/2 weeks since we had been able to do that. Both days, she put on the 14 lb brakes that she can do so well, and so I left her outside for another hour. Even she has had it.
30 more days until spring and 21 more days until we spring forward an hour! Stop and think about it, we have to accept change many many times in our life don't we. We say goodbye to our grandson (20 years old) a week from today. He flies to Arcosanti, Arizona to participate in a community of learning, and sharing ideas. It is so huge, it has been quite stressful for everyone. No one in John's family has ever traveled outside the confines much. Some of Logan's cousins have, but very few. John Wayne said - Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. I agree. It is still hard to do sometimes. Some people make it and some don't. Choices are everything, aren't they? God told Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Ruth, Esther, you name them - he asked everyone to step out of their comfort zone and Just Do It! And, to prove He was serious, He sent His only son, Jesus to set the bar. And, the bar He did set.
No one can lay down their life, the way Jesus did. He did it for us! And, our response. After we have whined enough, well, okay, maybe I could try.
Personally, I have dealt with some pretty hard questions this week. I am not liking this age very much. I find it hard to know which way to go or for how long. How long will we be at this country home? How long will John be able to get on the roof and shovel 6 inches of snow, so we don't get ice dams? How long can he mow the dam and ride sideways on the tractor on that hill? How long? What are we supposed to do?
How do you get motivated to live each day when there are so many questions? I feel for the young people and their new babies, don't you?
Again, Deut. 31: 8 I always have to go back to that. He goes before me, He marches through stuff with me. He never forsakes, let's down, abandons us. He does expect us to not get tediously wrapped up in our scaredness, depression, discouragement, unnerveness etc.
We must trust His heart and plan for us. Live each day focused on Him, having joy in Him, trusting in Him, and let Him take care of the rest.
Good luck and God Bless you Logan. And, all of us.
It has been a huge sigh of relief to see the snow gone in three days, 58 degrees, and sunshine everywhere. Dakota and I finally got out for a walk - a normal walk Friday and today. It was 4 1/2 weeks since we had been able to do that. Both days, she put on the 14 lb brakes that she can do so well, and so I left her outside for another hour. Even she has had it.
30 more days until spring and 21 more days until we spring forward an hour! Stop and think about it, we have to accept change many many times in our life don't we. We say goodbye to our grandson (20 years old) a week from today. He flies to Arcosanti, Arizona to participate in a community of learning, and sharing ideas. It is so huge, it has been quite stressful for everyone. No one in John's family has ever traveled outside the confines much. Some of Logan's cousins have, but very few. John Wayne said - Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. I agree. It is still hard to do sometimes. Some people make it and some don't. Choices are everything, aren't they? God told Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Ruth, Esther, you name them - he asked everyone to step out of their comfort zone and Just Do It! And, to prove He was serious, He sent His only son, Jesus to set the bar. And, the bar He did set.
No one can lay down their life, the way Jesus did. He did it for us! And, our response. After we have whined enough, well, okay, maybe I could try.
Personally, I have dealt with some pretty hard questions this week. I am not liking this age very much. I find it hard to know which way to go or for how long. How long will we be at this country home? How long will John be able to get on the roof and shovel 6 inches of snow, so we don't get ice dams? How long can he mow the dam and ride sideways on the tractor on that hill? How long? What are we supposed to do?
How do you get motivated to live each day when there are so many questions? I feel for the young people and their new babies, don't you?
Again, Deut. 31: 8 I always have to go back to that. He goes before me, He marches through stuff with me. He never forsakes, let's down, abandons us. He does expect us to not get tediously wrapped up in our scaredness, depression, discouragement, unnerveness etc.
We must trust His heart and plan for us. Live each day focused on Him, having joy in Him, trusting in Him, and let Him take care of the rest.
Good luck and God Bless you Logan. And, all of us.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Did you ever wonder why there are Mondays? Sunday, of course, is to be a day of rest.
So was God wanting us to begin again on Mondays? Is that the whole idea? As for me, I am grateful it is a brand new week. Sometimes it feels like January 1st and 2nd. A whole new chapter. The old has been washed away and all things become new. II Corinthians 5: 17. The very first verse I ever read. Basically it says, if anyone has Christ as his or her personal Lord, we are new creations, the old has passed away and we are all new creations. I love that because it says it all in one verse. So, I have to admit, I love - absolutely LOVE, new beginnings. Today is Valentines Day and that is a coincidence. It wouldn't matter. It is a new day, new week. Last week - I can't even describe without having another melt down. You have to wonder where do those weeks come from? Outer space, our enemy - Satan? who, what, where, and why? You name it, and it happened. Between, arranging airline accommodations for our grandson, finding his cat a new home by asking everyone but President Obama, too much snow, a blind Dakota trying to find her way in the huge snow trails, lost our water for almost three days, and realizing that I put on almost everything, one day - inside-out! And, then wore it out in public. I do mean almost everything! I was stunned. I stood in the dressing room and started laughing. I scooped snow into pans, John dragged buckets of water up the hill from the pond in two feet of snow, it is a wonder we made it. I do NOT want to go back and relive that week.
So, you see, why today is such a glorious day. The snow has melted so much, and the sun shines, and my dog and I can take a walk finally. But, really I am also sharing something I read over the weekend. It comes from Joyce Meyer's The Confident Woman.
Are you doing what you really believe you should be doing at this stage of your life, or have you allowed fear and a lack of confidence to prevent you from stepping out into new things - or higher levels of old things? If you don't like the answer, then let me give you some good news; it is never too late to begin again. . .
She goes on to talk about how you can't just sit around and wait for the fear to subside. You will have to feel fear and taken action anyway. John Wayne said - "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway!"
Pretty aggressive thinking there. One of my glitches pops up and says - "yeah but, look what happened the last time I tried to do something new or different. Why should I finish this book, it won't get accepted anywhere anyway?"
And, so I choose a new day - a new week! I also choose to saddle up anyway. After all, lots of our big world known inventors, was turned down a zillion times. Abraham Lincoln went through how many rejections before he became President.
Think carefully about your life these days. It is tough to stay on top of all the scary news, financial changes, and family dynamics. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Magnificent, Holy, Powerful, Jehovah-Jireh!
So was God wanting us to begin again on Mondays? Is that the whole idea? As for me, I am grateful it is a brand new week. Sometimes it feels like January 1st and 2nd. A whole new chapter. The old has been washed away and all things become new. II Corinthians 5: 17. The very first verse I ever read. Basically it says, if anyone has Christ as his or her personal Lord, we are new creations, the old has passed away and we are all new creations. I love that because it says it all in one verse. So, I have to admit, I love - absolutely LOVE, new beginnings. Today is Valentines Day and that is a coincidence. It wouldn't matter. It is a new day, new week. Last week - I can't even describe without having another melt down. You have to wonder where do those weeks come from? Outer space, our enemy - Satan? who, what, where, and why? You name it, and it happened. Between, arranging airline accommodations for our grandson, finding his cat a new home by asking everyone but President Obama, too much snow, a blind Dakota trying to find her way in the huge snow trails, lost our water for almost three days, and realizing that I put on almost everything, one day - inside-out! And, then wore it out in public. I do mean almost everything! I was stunned. I stood in the dressing room and started laughing. I scooped snow into pans, John dragged buckets of water up the hill from the pond in two feet of snow, it is a wonder we made it. I do NOT want to go back and relive that week.
So, you see, why today is such a glorious day. The snow has melted so much, and the sun shines, and my dog and I can take a walk finally. But, really I am also sharing something I read over the weekend. It comes from Joyce Meyer's The Confident Woman.
Are you doing what you really believe you should be doing at this stage of your life, or have you allowed fear and a lack of confidence to prevent you from stepping out into new things - or higher levels of old things? If you don't like the answer, then let me give you some good news; it is never too late to begin again. . .
She goes on to talk about how you can't just sit around and wait for the fear to subside. You will have to feel fear and taken action anyway. John Wayne said - "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway!"
Pretty aggressive thinking there. One of my glitches pops up and says - "yeah but, look what happened the last time I tried to do something new or different. Why should I finish this book, it won't get accepted anywhere anyway?"
And, so I choose a new day - a new week! I also choose to saddle up anyway. After all, lots of our big world known inventors, was turned down a zillion times. Abraham Lincoln went through how many rejections before he became President.
Think carefully about your life these days. It is tough to stay on top of all the scary news, financial changes, and family dynamics. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Magnificent, Holy, Powerful, Jehovah-Jireh!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
In life you either have the opportunity to meet some really special people, or not. I have no idea why I have been privy to some of the best. When I look back and remember all the trips we have had because of Colwell Colour - it amazes me. Bermuda, Orlando, just to name a few. Miss America's, Miss Indiana's, and dance champions. Mohammed Ali in an elevator - what a nice man. Meet just one of many - Jacob Flynn. He was a senior in H.S. when I asked him to come and dance for the Miss Northeast Indiana Pageant as fill. He had already won many national tap dance championships and I was very excited to have him on our stage. I also remember his mother who is Human Resources Director for Colwell, she asked John what was she going to do with her young son. "Why?" "Well, he likes to dance, what should I do?" John told her to encourage him and see where it goes. Wow, well, there he was on my stage, and moving on in the world. Close to 30 now, he is a choreographer with the Fox TV channel's, So You Think You Can Dance. I never miss those shows. He also owns his own Dance Studio called Insensity out of Carmel, Indiana. He trains young dancers and they travel the United States to compete in dance shows.
Last night he judged for Dancing With The Stars fundraiser in Kendallville, Indiana. It is a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. They raise a lot of money for this dance-off. John does their posters and I have judged. This year I was asked to be the photographer. Jacob is not only talented, but everyone loves his personable demeanor and that he is so down to earth. You could run into him in Los Angeles, or Kendallville and get a tremendous greeting and interest in what is new with you. I consider it a real privilege to know Jacob and wanted to share him with you.
We need lots of young people like him in this world.
Just so you know we are NOT enjoying 10 inches of snow on Wednesday and 5 more today, they missed that prediction by a mile. John is out right now snow blowing a trail for Dakota and I for the 5th time this week alone. Yeah - 43 more days until spring. Bah Humbug!
Okay - so I will go out make a snow angel.
Last night he judged for Dancing With The Stars fundraiser in Kendallville, Indiana. It is a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. They raise a lot of money for this dance-off. John does their posters and I have judged. This year I was asked to be the photographer. Jacob is not only talented, but everyone loves his personable demeanor and that he is so down to earth. You could run into him in Los Angeles, or Kendallville and get a tremendous greeting and interest in what is new with you. I consider it a real privilege to know Jacob and wanted to share him with you.
We need lots of young people like him in this world.
Just so you know we are NOT enjoying 10 inches of snow on Wednesday and 5 more today, they missed that prediction by a mile. John is out right now snow blowing a trail for Dakota and I for the 5th time this week alone. Yeah - 43 more days until spring. Bah Humbug!
Okay - so I will go out make a snow angel.
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