August 11th, John and I had the privilege to attend a casual 80th birthday celebration for Tom Colwell of Colwell Industries. John's former employer of 40 years. Tom was in Kendallville (the main plant) for other meetings and we all congregated at Brian Fosters lake house at Sylvan Lake. Tom had been looking through the archives and fished this picture out. I will be putting some of those pictures on Facebook where you can see them instead of one picture at a time here. Facebook: Faith Souder
Anyway, what a neat time with several oldies but goodies that evening. Got time to catch up and spend time with Tom. Hard to believe he will be 80 the end of this month.
Do you ever get your pictures out from years ago? Why don't we? I have over 40 years of memories taken on film, video and digital, yet, very seldom bring them back out to look at. Those parties at Christmas time and the sales conventions in Reno, Chicago, Orlando, and Bermuda are forever memories. It is good to go back and thank a man like Tom Colwell for providing that rich history career wise and how he celebrated his people through get togethers. Thank you for a blast from the past!
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