Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy 75th Dr. Jack Covell!

Surprise! Surprise!

Don't you love getting someone's goat? I do. Especially when they hate it sooooooo much!

Joyce and I had been planning for two weeks to go out for Jack's birthday. And, so on Monday - yesterday, I called to wish him a happy birthday. He fell for it hook, line and sinker. Something about how he didn't know for sure where she was taking him, and how she really wanted to cut back on going out and played it down. So when they left their drive way, he asked which way to go, and suddenly they were picking us up. We went to Chappell's for his favorite breaded shrimp. And, yes, he grumbled here and there about how sneaky we were, but secretly loving all the food. Afterwards we surprised him with a cake and ice cream "gala" at our place.

The point here is, celebrating someone's life is a high priority. John and I celebrate good friends like Jack and Joyce Covell who add so much to our lives we can't even measure it. Happy Life to you, Jack and Joyce.

John and Shirley

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