Saturday, December 21, 2013


Who knew on December 21st, 1973, that Faith's whole life would take a very huge leap of "faith", three days later.

Christmas Day 1973 was no different then normal.  It would be a trip to the "family's house for dinner and everyone would complain they ate too much, take naps and go home miserable from over eating.

As she went on with her story, the animals all gathered around to hear how God would change Faith's life.  


A few days after Christmas, the phone rang and it was the client's wife on the other end.  "I want to apologize to you, it seems my husband was mad at me and took that opportunity to throw everyone under the bus.  I truly am sorry.  We would like to make it up to you, I called your employer, and made things right.  And, so we would like to take you out for New Years Eve on us.  Like old times.

"No!"  "There will be another account executive on your business as of Monday, and don't ever call here again."

As she got down on her knees, her thoughts were scrambled, but one to be clear was, she was asking God to come in and take control.  "Thank you God, for intervening, now use this to change my life, I give you the reigns!"

Faith got involved in the local Methodist Church again, and heard that Tony Fontane was coming to the church to entertain and give his testimony.  A good friend of Frank Sinatra, he had been in an accident, lost his singing voice and eyesight.  We had heard he was going around to places to tell them what had happened, because now he could see and sing.  He had given his life to God.  He would really be coming to Auburn, Indiana.  It didn't seem possible.  His testimony was vivid and disturbing.  It caused Faith to go forward and give her life publicly to the Lord.  It just so happened that Tony Fantane had cancer and Auburn, Indiana was his very last stop before he died.  What can anyone say about God's timing and how He works all things together for good.

From there, Faith joined the Tri-State Lay Witness Movement Leader Group of people who traveled to churches and spent the weekends giving their testimony and talking to people about the Lord.  She traveled in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Kentucky giving her testimony about being involved in occult activities.  One weekend in particular she was experiencing pains in her ear and head.  She got on the airplane anyway and traveled to Tennessee to give her testimony.  The guest house she stayed in was an older couple.  After her testimony on Friday night the lady remarked about how she had better take down that sun-dial of the horoscopes in her bathroom.  Faith dropped to her knees.  She could see in her minds eye the sun-dial of horoscopes in her laundry/bathroom also.  She excused herself and went into the bedroom to pray.  The pain immediately was removed from her head and ears.  After praying, Faith went back out into the living room and they discussed for hours about how Satan's deceives and causes a blind eye to his devices.   Faith went home and tore the house apart for sun-dials, jewelry, a story she had written about Satan, and other artifacts.  It was quite remarkable how things changed at that point.

She changed churches, changed jobs, changed friends, and began the rest of the journey to Fort Wayne Bible College to become a Christian Counselor.

Stay tuned for next week when an overall update of the rest of the story is explained.

Closing her journal, the reached down for her favorite bunny and everyone  took a well deserved nap.

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