Saturday, November 2, 2013


One of my favorite bookmarks has the picture of a sheepdog on it!  I always liked those dogs, but at the same time it drove me nuts to figure out how do they see?  I even tried taking some yarn and throwing across my face to try and imitate what they see.  The caption under this sheepdog's picture is. . .   "We walk by Faith, not by Sight."

Perfect Illustration for how I feel today.  I read some things this morning on how God did let some of his leaders know the future before it happened.  Noah for one, Moses for another.  Moses was even told, go to the Pharaoh and here,  say such and such.  However, he won't believe you.  He has also given us gut instincts paired with emotional feelings and experiences.  We get indications that something might be coming.

          Hebrews 11: 1   Now Faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of proof of things (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality (faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.)

So, there you have it.  God sometimes reveals to us what He wants us to know, and sometimes He just gives us a heads up.  Our commitment then needs to be walking by Faith through the "bangs" of life.  Get it.  Sheepdog "bangs".  We can't see, but He walks us through it.  All things work together for good.  Each one of us has some events in their lives that creates a high need to walk by faith.  If we could see, we might not want to see it all.  I always go back to Deut 31: 8.  He goes before us, and He marches with us through anything. We need to remember He never fails nor forsakes us.  We don't have to be depressed, discouraged and unnerved.  Yes, it is the toughest thing some of us do.  We can be told tomorrow we have cancer.  We can be told next week, that someone we love is terminal.  We have a nation of people about to be out of work because of decisions we had nothing to do with.  We have many scenarios in each family that we struggle with.  Grab on to God's hand Isaiah 40.  Read it all.  And, finally, as often as we can. . .let's pray for our national leaders that God will circumvent the bad headed our way and bring the truth.  The truth will set us free.

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