Sunday, October 27, 2013



It is always good to remember the story of Job!  Here was a good dude who got way laid by the arrogance of the fallen angel - Satan!  My interpretation you understand.

Hey God, look at your favorite fair-haired boy, Job!  He thinks he is so good.  Of course he is good, he hasn't had anything happen to him.  Let me have him for a minute and we will see how he is.  God simply said, knowingly, go ahead, but don't kill him.

Its a story about how a man loses everything, his children, his health everything.  He has a lot of those "good friends" who try to help him understand why this has happened to him.  Famous line.  "You must have done something really bad and God is punishing you?"  In the end Job gives us the mirror to look in.   "No matter what happens to me, I will serve the Lord, for the Lord is Lord of my life and heart."  So what does Job 38: 28 have to do with anything.  It struck me that the Lord is now speaking and talking about what all He does.   28:  "Does the rain have a father?  Who fathers the drops of dew."  Have you ever seen dew's formation.  You can feel it if you are sitting outside at night waiting for the fireworks or to see June bugs, and you can see it the next day on the grass, outside furniture and cobwebs.  I love seeing the cobwebs with all that shimmering dew.  Then we need to think how small and delicate and beautiful that is.  He stores up the rain for when we need it, He stores up the lightening, clouds everything is in His power.  Power that big, and that delicate, and that small is TRUE power.  He touches lives, He helps us forgive, He brings the Sun, Water, and storms.
He moves mountains, He restores relationships.  Who father's the drops of dew.  The great I Am, the great Artist. . .our God.  How breathless is that to take in? 

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