Sunday, June 23, 2013


WHAT ARE YOU HANGING BY TODAY?  A nice specifically made hanger?  A nice tight and packed with dirt container?  Or is the fertilizer that makes you grow?  What engineer formatted and programmed this Black Eyed Susan to grown this way?  I submit it was, of course, God who implemented this entire part of our stunning visual capacity.  Look at it.  This is just one of many
things (ALL THINGS, ACTUALLY) that He did for our pleasure. 

In studying Col 1: 17, we see it very clearly.  "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."  He even got someone to invent the hanger, the pot, and the fertilizer.   He supplied the rain or water from a hose.   It is a master programmer that can do it all.  I certainly can't hold it all together.  I have heard many people say, "I just can't keep it together!"  Well meaning people will say, "Get your stuff together, will you?"  And, the fun answer is always, "Well, even if I could get it together, I can't lift it."   

We are more than relieved to learn that He goes before, He holds it all together for us.  More than once I have had to be bopped on the head to "let it go" and let him hold it.  It is too heavy anyway.

And, God's Word reminds us that we are to bring our heavy stuff to him for He cares.  He takes the burden, He shines the light ahead.  So, if you are hanging by a thread today, can you let it go and fall safely into the hands of your Lord and Savior who promises in His Word that he has it all together?
Or maybe you are swinging from a lovely golden rope that is swaying gently in the breeze.  Fabulous.
Whatever it is, we all know that at sometimes, we hang by a thread.  Let God show you the special made and heavy duty hanger.  Let Him show you the very special and prepared pot with enriched dirt to supply your needs.  Let Him show you the fertilizer and water that will make you grow full and beautiful.  Wilting only happens when you don't fertilize and water.  His Son Jesus is the water, and His Word is the fertilizer.  Use them all and as much as you need.

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