Saturday, June 29, 2013


How many books or blogs could anyone write about that word!!  Choices!  It can mean one thing, it can mean thousands of things!

As we go off on vacation for the week, I would invite you to think about the difference between feeling guilty about discipline or excited to make a change.  If I asked you to rate that question with 1 being the lowest, or 10 being the highest, what number would you choose when it comes to being disciplined.  It may feel like this was a trick question.  Sure it depends on the level, who is administrating the discipline, and how bad did you screw up.

Rev. 3: 19

Those whom I (dearly and tenderly) love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten (I discipline and instruct them).  So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent (changing your mind and attitude).  AMP

There are other verses that can be found to back this up, but I like this one because it encourages us to look at that whole conviction thing and make a decision that discipline is good.  Each one of us can look at at any given moment and know whether God is involved in teaching us something new, or we are just bad mouthing ourselves with false humility.   It can be over eating wrong, spending too much money, something you said to someone that hurt them, or  serious things we don't want to share.

The excitement for this choice must be - categorically that we know He loves us, and when we repent or admit we need to fix that, that it becomes that moment of celebration - WE ARE ALIVE IN GOD!  We are spiritually alive and growing.  Do not make the mistake of choosing to beat up on yourself about "How could I have done that, or said that?"  Get up out of that mud puddle and brush yourself off.  Walk out of that pit and choose to realize. . ."He loves me.  He is in me.  He will help me.  I can do this!"

You are alive in your Lord God Jehovah and growing spiritually.  Celebrate.


Have a wonderful holiday over the 4th.  I will be back on by Sunday the 9th refreshed and ready to share more.

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