Saturday, June 29, 2013


How many books or blogs could anyone write about that word!!  Choices!  It can mean one thing, it can mean thousands of things!

As we go off on vacation for the week, I would invite you to think about the difference between feeling guilty about discipline or excited to make a change.  If I asked you to rate that question with 1 being the lowest, or 10 being the highest, what number would you choose when it comes to being disciplined.  It may feel like this was a trick question.  Sure it depends on the level, who is administrating the discipline, and how bad did you screw up.

Rev. 3: 19

Those whom I (dearly and tenderly) love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten (I discipline and instruct them).  So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent (changing your mind and attitude).  AMP

There are other verses that can be found to back this up, but I like this one because it encourages us to look at that whole conviction thing and make a decision that discipline is good.  Each one of us can look at at any given moment and know whether God is involved in teaching us something new, or we are just bad mouthing ourselves with false humility.   It can be over eating wrong, spending too much money, something you said to someone that hurt them, or  serious things we don't want to share.

The excitement for this choice must be - categorically that we know He loves us, and when we repent or admit we need to fix that, that it becomes that moment of celebration - WE ARE ALIVE IN GOD!  We are spiritually alive and growing.  Do not make the mistake of choosing to beat up on yourself about "How could I have done that, or said that?"  Get up out of that mud puddle and brush yourself off.  Walk out of that pit and choose to realize. . ."He loves me.  He is in me.  He will help me.  I can do this!"

You are alive in your Lord God Jehovah and growing spiritually.  Celebrate.


Have a wonderful holiday over the 4th.  I will be back on by Sunday the 9th refreshed and ready to share more.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


WHAT ARE YOU HANGING BY TODAY?  A nice specifically made hanger?  A nice tight and packed with dirt container?  Or is the fertilizer that makes you grow?  What engineer formatted and programmed this Black Eyed Susan to grown this way?  I submit it was, of course, God who implemented this entire part of our stunning visual capacity.  Look at it.  This is just one of many
things (ALL THINGS, ACTUALLY) that He did for our pleasure. 

In studying Col 1: 17, we see it very clearly.  "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."  He even got someone to invent the hanger, the pot, and the fertilizer.   He supplied the rain or water from a hose.   It is a master programmer that can do it all.  I certainly can't hold it all together.  I have heard many people say, "I just can't keep it together!"  Well meaning people will say, "Get your stuff together, will you?"  And, the fun answer is always, "Well, even if I could get it together, I can't lift it."   

We are more than relieved to learn that He goes before, He holds it all together for us.  More than once I have had to be bopped on the head to "let it go" and let him hold it.  It is too heavy anyway.

And, God's Word reminds us that we are to bring our heavy stuff to him for He cares.  He takes the burden, He shines the light ahead.  So, if you are hanging by a thread today, can you let it go and fall safely into the hands of your Lord and Savior who promises in His Word that he has it all together?
Or maybe you are swinging from a lovely golden rope that is swaying gently in the breeze.  Fabulous.
Whatever it is, we all know that at sometimes, we hang by a thread.  Let God show you the special made and heavy duty hanger.  Let Him show you the very special and prepared pot with enriched dirt to supply your needs.  Let Him show you the fertilizer and water that will make you grow full and beautiful.  Wilting only happens when you don't fertilize and water.  His Son Jesus is the water, and His Word is the fertilizer.  Use them all and as much as you need.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


HERE IS TO YOU JOHN DAVID SOUDER -  A TRUE GENUINE FATHER.  What is a father after all.  Is he like God, all protective, all knowing, all protecting and has your back at every turn?

Some of us had that, some of us didn't.  What I see in John is how he has really put every effort into honoring God by being an upright, honest, God fearing person with integrity and unconditional positive regard for everyone.  He has rescued animals galore, and taken care of God's gift of property that we have had here for 43 years.  No one has done it better.  He has a deep respect for nature and does give the benefit of doubt to most who cross his path.  Does he have a moment when you have crossed that line, oh yeah!  But it takes a whole lot to turn that corner and for that I am grateful.
I have certainly crossed the line many times.  We need more people like John David Souder in today's world.  I am just fortunate to have been blessed with a true renaissance man.  He could iron, cook, plant flowers, mow, build a building, paint one, draw one, fix a car, build a car, parent and grand parent, teach, name it and he would try to conquer it.  I have seen him stay up at nights processing in his head how to fix something that broke or needed facilitated.  Sure enough - he came up with it.
He learned how to say "I'm sorry" which is rare, and fix things he didn't like about himself.  We can learn from him, I just wish we could spread him around more.

Happy Father's Day to a real gem and treasure.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


There are so many bazaar stories out there today, it takes my breath away.  I have heard and read many scenarios in the last few days.  When I was seeking God for why, I was directed to these scriptures, just to name a few.  What do you tell friends and family today anyway.  As a counselor in today's world, I am supposed to be equipped with psychological and Christian principles.  But, I must admit it gets harder and harder for some and they wonder "Where is God!"

Psalm 31: 1 through 5

In you, O Lord, do I put my trust and seek refuge;  let me never be put to shame or (have my hope in You) disappointed;  deliver me in your righteousness!  Bow down Your ear to me, deliver me speedily!  Be my Rock of refuge, a strong Fortress to save me!  Yes, You are my Rock and my Fortress;  therefore for Your names sake lead me and guide me.  Draw me out of the net, for You are my Strength and my Stronghold.  Into your hands I commit my spirit;  You have redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth and faithfulness.

7:  I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy and steadfast love, because You have seen my affliction, You have taken note of my life's distresses and you 8: and You have not given me into the hand of the enemy;  You have my feet in a broad place.

All we can do is guide people to His Word, and ask them to take a breath, sit back, wait, and see the tide turn.  And, it will.

If we know ourselves, if we Know God, and you must know your enemy;  then you take a breath, sit back, wait and see the tide turn.  Very difficult concept when the arrows are piercing and coming too fast.

Psalm 35: 26  Let them be put to shame and confusion together who rejoice at my calamity!  Let them be clothes with shame and dishonor who magnify and exalt themselves over me.

Deut. 31: 8 -  it always comes back to Deut. 31: 8

It is the Lord who goes before you;  He will (march) with you;  He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; (let there be no cowardice or flinching, but) fear not, neither become broken (in spirit) (depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm).

He (God) knows, knew you were going to go through______________________.  That is the one thing some have a problem with.  If He knew why does He let it happen?  And, again, it goes back to free will.  Satan and the fallen angels found out that free will gets them some entertainment, but WE WIN IN THE END.  They broke away and became independent and destructive.  But, we still WIN IN THE END.  Get someone to wait with you, get someone to help you breath and pray.  Get a posse of people who pray and have your back.  YOU'LL SEE!

Friday, June 7, 2013


MY BOOK "FIXING YOUR FUTURE SO IT DOES NOT REFLECT YOUR PAST" (EMBRACING EMOTIONAL FORGIVENESS)has been accepted at  Amazing to me how that all came about.  We will start working through the details on Monday.  Pray God's favor upon its marketing and how it helps people along the way!!