Sunday, August 21, 2011

TAKE HEART! I AM! Mark 6: 50

. . .Stop being alarmed and afraid."

Armor could be really heavy I suppose. I have never put it on, but when you see it in old movies or on those old religious movies, it seems too hard to put it on and walk it in. Cleaning it would be okay, but putting it on and actually walking in it would be quite over-whelming. What do you think? It is, of course, our metaphor to suit up and be prepared for every day living. Here is my point. Just a reminder that there will be some days you just don't feel like suiting up. You will even forget to take aim. To stand firm and hold your ground. It is okay. When I wrote about putting on the armor, it was for you to have in your tool belt. We need to stand firm and hold our ground. I am reminding you to keep your tools and wits about you. He has given us the power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions. The more reminders, the better.

Memorize the armor, memorize your verses and that is how you will HOLD YOUR GROUND. You will get faster and faster at remembering to suit up. Not to worry the enemy will give you many opportunities to remember. This past week, I had to remind myself several times over situations thrown my way. Can you imagine the field of soldiers if we kept it together every day?

I got caught up with the above verse as a follow up for our putting on the armor.

In the old testament He tells us again - Exodus 3: 14 "And God said to Moses, I AM
WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites, I AM has sent me to you." Mark 6: 50 . . .TAKE HEART! I AM!
Don't be alarmed or afraid.

Isn't that our battle cry? It should be. Then suit up ladies. Nothing will be too heavy, right?

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