Saturday, August 13, 2011


Recently, I was impressed to look at some of my old handouts and either redo, or throw them out. The very next day, I was doing a devotion and I slowly, carefully, and meticulously read Ephesians 6: 10 - 18.

The handout that you see on the right side of this blog is a remake, thanks to my artistically minded husband. However, I see some of the type is a little too small. If you would like one sent to you, please email me at and I will send you a copy via email, or through the mail.

When I went through this in the amplified Bible, I could see things I had not seen before.

It forced me to think long and hard about why do we need to put on the Armor of God and what specifics are in there for us to catch hold of.

It is important because while God has a plan and will for your life, so does the enemy and when you recognize that as well, you will get serious about putting on the Armor of God. He gave this passage of scripture to us for a reason. Henceforth, the scriptures along the right side of your upper handout.

I am convinced that sharing this with everyone is tantamount to our daily walk in Christ. I notice this year that keeping a mindset to take captive thoughts that are evil, judgmental, pride-filled, opinionated, and mean-spirited takes a lot of awareness. Our enemy has stepped up his pace, and now we need to.

1). Helmet of Salvation - It is our protection through acceptance that Jesus Christ died to set us free.
2). The Breastplate of Righteousness must be seen as our Biblical application of daily integrity, backbone to do the right thing, and be seeking adaption to be more like Jesus every day.
3). The Belt of Truth - is always - always - always about seeking truth, knowing God's truth through knocking at His door until we get it!
4). The Shield of Faith is our acceptance and trust of belief. It is our authority.
5). The Sword of the Spirit - God's Word. John 14: 6 " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." It cuts through every lie, or half truth we hear or speak. You might hear someone or even yourself say - "Well I know its wrong, kind of, but. . .!" He is the truth - no swapping out for anything else. His Word stands as the total Truth of life forever and ever.
6). The Boots of or shoes of Peace. Here is where I finally came to grips about this business. If we are marching, standing firm for God, how can we be wearing shoes of peace. Maybe you already understand it. Here is what I came to grips with regarding the whole concept. It really is the consistency of ready God's Word, applying (being obedient) to His Word. Standing Firmly in place. Holding our ground. Taking ground back from the enemy. Being prompt to respond when we are aware of things "not so good" going on around us.

The morning I read this and decided I needed a new handout, I then went to church. It was good. On the way home, I got a thought, a pride-filled thought. I let it take off for three days without even blinking an eyelash. Whoa! I do not like sharing that. I do pray you see how important this concept is. It is my passion to teach this and reinforce it often. It is way too easy to get off center and then wonder what happened. We need to pray for our country, our politicians, as well as, our families.


LUKE 10: 19 - talks about how He has given us the authority and power to tread on the serpent, scorpions and ALL OF THE ENEMY and that no harm will come onto us.

Remember, the enemy has stepped up his pace to destroy you, and isn't it awesome that we have a God who also steps up His pace. We win in the end!

Let's do it!

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