(Evidently I am supposed to leave this picture of the Armor up - I went in to change it and no deal.) Hmmm!
This week, I want to introduce another part of the Armor - we looked at the physical parts of our armor, we talked about the authority, now let us add to the mix another big component. GRACE - SUFFICIENT GRACE!
11 Cor. 12: 9 Amplified Version
But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you (sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully); for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in (your) weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!
Two things jump out at me here. 1). Sufficient against any danger and enables me to
That is why we suit up everyone! The armor of God prepares and is our protection from evil and His grace enables us to bear it all, bear all the trouble manfully. I love that. No matter what the journey is that we are on, we now see that scriptures from Philippians 4: 7 - where He talks about how His peace transcends all understanding. WE can't figure it out, we can't do it on our own, and most of all we can't man it by ourselves. He enables us to do all things through Him who strengthens us.
Our job then, is to put on the Armor of God, each day, suit up with His authority. Luke 10: 19. And, KNOW that his Grace enables us with power and strength to deal with
each trouble.
2). That Christ (the Messiah) may rest \ pitch a tent over and dwell upon me.
Visualize that for a moment. The peace, the comfort, the protection, the deliverance of that blows my mind.
Dwell on II Cor. 12: 9
and, please remember - Let's stay in His Armor, Authority, and Grace.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
TAKE HEART! I AM! Mark 6: 50
. . .Stop being alarmed and afraid."
Armor could be really heavy I suppose. I have never put it on, but when you see it in old movies or on those old religious movies, it seems too hard to put it on and walk it in. Cleaning it would be okay, but putting it on and actually walking in it would be quite over-whelming. What do you think? It is, of course, our metaphor to suit up and be prepared for every day living. Here is my point. Just a reminder that there will be some days you just don't feel like suiting up. You will even forget to take aim. To stand firm and hold your ground. It is okay. When I wrote about putting on the armor, it was for you to have in your tool belt. We need to stand firm and hold our ground. I am reminding you to keep your tools and wits about you. He has given us the power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions. The more reminders, the better.
Memorize the armor, memorize your verses and that is how you will HOLD YOUR GROUND. You will get faster and faster at remembering to suit up. Not to worry the enemy will give you many opportunities to remember. This past week, I had to remind myself several times over situations thrown my way. Can you imagine the field of soldiers if we kept it together every day?
I got caught up with the above verse as a follow up for our putting on the armor.
In the old testament He tells us again - Exodus 3: 14 "And God said to Moses, I AM
WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites, I AM has sent me to you." Mark 6: 50 . . .TAKE HEART! I AM!
Don't be alarmed or afraid.
Isn't that our battle cry? It should be. Then suit up ladies. Nothing will be too heavy, right?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Recently, I was impressed to look at some of my old handouts and either redo, or throw them out. The very next day, I was doing a devotion and I slowly, carefully, and meticulously read Ephesians 6: 10 - 18.
The handout that you see on the right side of this blog is a remake, thanks to my artistically minded husband. However, I see some of the type is a little too small. If you would like one sent to you, please email me at shirley.faith.souder@gmail.com and I will send you a copy via email, or through the mail.
When I went through this in the amplified Bible, I could see things I had not seen before.
It forced me to think long and hard about why do we need to put on the Armor of God and what specifics are in there for us to catch hold of.
It is important because while God has a plan and will for your life, so does the enemy and when you recognize that as well, you will get serious about putting on the Armor of God. He gave this passage of scripture to us for a reason. Henceforth, the scriptures along the right side of your upper handout.
I am convinced that sharing this with everyone is tantamount to our daily walk in Christ. I notice this year that keeping a mindset to take captive thoughts that are evil, judgmental, pride-filled, opinionated, and mean-spirited takes a lot of awareness. Our enemy has stepped up his pace, and now we need to.
1). Helmet of Salvation - It is our protection through acceptance that Jesus Christ died to set us free.
2). The Breastplate of Righteousness must be seen as our Biblical application of daily integrity, backbone to do the right thing, and be seeking adaption to be more like Jesus every day.
3). The Belt of Truth - is always - always - always about seeking truth, knowing God's truth through knocking at His door until we get it!
4). The Shield of Faith is our acceptance and trust of belief. It is our authority.
5). The Sword of the Spirit - God's Word. John 14: 6 " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." It cuts through every lie, or half truth we hear or speak. You might hear someone or even yourself say - "Well I know its wrong, kind of, but. . .!" He is the truth - no swapping out for anything else. His Word stands as the total Truth of life forever and ever.
6). The Boots of or shoes of Peace. Here is where I finally came to grips about this business. If we are marching, standing firm for God, how can we be wearing shoes of peace. Maybe you already understand it. Here is what I came to grips with regarding the whole concept. It really is the consistency of ready God's Word, applying (being obedient) to His Word. Standing Firmly in place. Holding our ground. Taking ground back from the enemy. Being prompt to respond when we are aware of things "not so good" going on around us.
The morning I read this and decided I needed a new handout, I then went to church. It was good. On the way home, I got a thought, a pride-filled thought. I let it take off for three days without even blinking an eyelash. Whoa! I do not like sharing that. I do pray you see how important this concept is. It is my passion to teach this and reinforce it often. It is way too easy to get off center and then wonder what happened. We need to pray for our country, our politicians, as well as, our families.
LUKE 10: 19 - talks about how He has given us the authority and power to tread on the serpent, scorpions and ALL OF THE ENEMY and that no harm will come onto us.
Remember, the enemy has stepped up his pace to destroy you, and isn't it awesome that we have a God who also steps up His pace. We win in the end!
Let's do it!
The handout that you see on the right side of this blog is a remake, thanks to my artistically minded husband. However, I see some of the type is a little too small. If you would like one sent to you, please email me at shirley.faith.souder@gmail.com and I will send you a copy via email, or through the mail.
When I went through this in the amplified Bible, I could see things I had not seen before.
It forced me to think long and hard about why do we need to put on the Armor of God and what specifics are in there for us to catch hold of.
It is important because while God has a plan and will for your life, so does the enemy and when you recognize that as well, you will get serious about putting on the Armor of God. He gave this passage of scripture to us for a reason. Henceforth, the scriptures along the right side of your upper handout.
I am convinced that sharing this with everyone is tantamount to our daily walk in Christ. I notice this year that keeping a mindset to take captive thoughts that are evil, judgmental, pride-filled, opinionated, and mean-spirited takes a lot of awareness. Our enemy has stepped up his pace, and now we need to.
1). Helmet of Salvation - It is our protection through acceptance that Jesus Christ died to set us free.
2). The Breastplate of Righteousness must be seen as our Biblical application of daily integrity, backbone to do the right thing, and be seeking adaption to be more like Jesus every day.
3). The Belt of Truth - is always - always - always about seeking truth, knowing God's truth through knocking at His door until we get it!
4). The Shield of Faith is our acceptance and trust of belief. It is our authority.
5). The Sword of the Spirit - God's Word. John 14: 6 " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." It cuts through every lie, or half truth we hear or speak. You might hear someone or even yourself say - "Well I know its wrong, kind of, but. . .!" He is the truth - no swapping out for anything else. His Word stands as the total Truth of life forever and ever.
6). The Boots of or shoes of Peace. Here is where I finally came to grips about this business. If we are marching, standing firm for God, how can we be wearing shoes of peace. Maybe you already understand it. Here is what I came to grips with regarding the whole concept. It really is the consistency of ready God's Word, applying (being obedient) to His Word. Standing Firmly in place. Holding our ground. Taking ground back from the enemy. Being prompt to respond when we are aware of things "not so good" going on around us.
The morning I read this and decided I needed a new handout, I then went to church. It was good. On the way home, I got a thought, a pride-filled thought. I let it take off for three days without even blinking an eyelash. Whoa! I do not like sharing that. I do pray you see how important this concept is. It is my passion to teach this and reinforce it often. It is way too easy to get off center and then wonder what happened. We need to pray for our country, our politicians, as well as, our families.
LUKE 10: 19 - talks about how He has given us the authority and power to tread on the serpent, scorpions and ALL OF THE ENEMY and that no harm will come onto us.
Remember, the enemy has stepped up his pace to destroy you, and isn't it awesome that we have a God who also steps up His pace. We win in the end!
Let's do it!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Psalm 91: 11
"For He will give His angels (especial) charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways (of obedience and service)."
How true this is, as women today, we are constantly trying to cross that bridge. We are beating ourselves up because we feel like we aren't getting it all done. Which brings up all that failure, looser feeling. However, I do believe the key to crossing that bridge is one step at a time until we can experience the figurative ability to fly over those invisible battles. (Trials)
We do know intuitively that these battles are raging. What happens sometimes, I believe is that we just get caught up in the drama of trying to fix it all ourselves. We forget that we are not alone. You have heard the tongue in cheek and also on cop shows. . . ASSUME THE POSITION! Remember the bridge. Remember the lady that got down on her knees and asked for help. Assuming the position is what gives us wings to fly over or walk over with confidence. In Luke 10: 19 I love how He talks about our authority and power to tread on serpents and scorpions. I put verses like these on 3 X 5 cards and have them at my fingertips when I freeze up. Another good one to print out is Psalm 91: 11 and 12. It is always a good thing to absorb and understand the supernatural power of our God and how it is ours for the asking. It is true, everyone, that that all encompassing power is from Jesus. He gave us all we needed freely when He gave Himself up on that Cross. He has that wonderful unconditional love for us and He sees our worthiness when He looks at us.
Accept that God loves us (you-me) as we are and take in how much He adores you. We will never be perfect like Him, but let us be women after God's own heart.
Psalm 63: 8 "My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to you; Your right hand upholds me."
"No Trial you face is new to God!"
Bottom line: When things get chaotic, we not only have His promises that He stands with us, He marches with us, and we have our sisterhood to call on. We can get across the bridges in life with Him and our friends.
(I finally put more teeth into that piece on the Armor of God, Ep 6: 10/18, and saw some new things I want to share with you.)
(All scriptures come from Amplified Bible)
Until I get some help with how to make comments on here, you can always let me know or ask questions on shirley.faith.souder@gmail.com
"For He will give His angels (especial) charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways (of obedience and service)."
How true this is, as women today, we are constantly trying to cross that bridge. We are beating ourselves up because we feel like we aren't getting it all done. Which brings up all that failure, looser feeling. However, I do believe the key to crossing that bridge is one step at a time until we can experience the figurative ability to fly over those invisible battles. (Trials)
We do know intuitively that these battles are raging. What happens sometimes, I believe is that we just get caught up in the drama of trying to fix it all ourselves. We forget that we are not alone. You have heard the tongue in cheek and also on cop shows. . . ASSUME THE POSITION! Remember the bridge. Remember the lady that got down on her knees and asked for help. Assuming the position is what gives us wings to fly over or walk over with confidence. In Luke 10: 19 I love how He talks about our authority and power to tread on serpents and scorpions. I put verses like these on 3 X 5 cards and have them at my fingertips when I freeze up. Another good one to print out is Psalm 91: 11 and 12. It is always a good thing to absorb and understand the supernatural power of our God and how it is ours for the asking. It is true, everyone, that that all encompassing power is from Jesus. He gave us all we needed freely when He gave Himself up on that Cross. He has that wonderful unconditional love for us and He sees our worthiness when He looks at us.
Accept that God loves us (you-me) as we are and take in how much He adores you. We will never be perfect like Him, but let us be women after God's own heart.
Psalm 63: 8 "My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to you; Your right hand upholds me."
"No Trial you face is new to God!"
Bottom line: When things get chaotic, we not only have His promises that He stands with us, He marches with us, and we have our sisterhood to call on. We can get across the bridges in life with Him and our friends.
(I finally put more teeth into that piece on the Armor of God, Ep 6: 10/18, and saw some new things I want to share with you.)
(All scriptures come from Amplified Bible)
Until I get some help with how to make comments on here, you can always let me know or ask questions on shirley.faith.souder@gmail.com
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