Monday, July 5, 2010



Just like that we went from wet, storms, and cool to HOT-HOT-HOT!

I don't know about you, but I had to hunker down a little this noon. Did not feel good at all. John and I went swimming and then I felt much better. Just got off skype with my favorite cousin Gwen in Portland. It hardly seems real, it has already been a year since I traveled to Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. Wish I could do that again. Her husband does the books for different business men and they then, let Gwen and Doug stay in their mansions on the coast. How fantastic. It is currently 65 degrees in Portland. I could not believe it. We talked about the passing of our Uncle Bud Grande in California. My mom's brother, her now deceased - father's brother. The last Grande standing. He passed away at age 88, yesterday, July 4th at 3AM. When I traveled to Portland last year, it would be the last time I saw Aunt Ruthie alive (Gwen's mother) and her brother Denny. They have since passed on as of last August 21st, and April 15th of this year. Way too much loss in the last few years. Even though they are now present with the Lord, I missed out on spending time with everyone in my family. So I believe we need to utilize every moment of life and cherish family as they say.

So, how was your holiday weekend. We enjoyed the Holiday Pops Philharmonic at the outdoor theatre with the Covells, Friday night. Saturday was date day, and we shopped, ate at Granite City and saw "Karate Kid". What a fabulous movie full of great acting and a touching story. The fourth was spent with Ellen and her two children Jordan and Emily. Jordan set off Fireworks for us at 9:30 and then we later watched the Boston Fireworks on TV - which were the great end to a very patriotic weekend.

It is good to celebrate our heritage. In God We Trust! Joyce and Jack Covell stopped in last night for the fireworks and she mentioned that at church, they heard a lot about In God We Trust! Or do we? And, what has happened to our nation? Another topic at another time.

Hope you are all well and truly celebrating coolness.

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