It is that time of night, I should be in the bathtub soaking out the Max Walk-Off Class I went to at 4:15. Whoa! What women subject themselves to in order to fit into their clothes. Like they say, "I bit off more than I could chew." Actually, I am not sure I could walk all the way to the bathtub right now. You laugh, I am not!!
What a beautiful day. On days when it is 75 and no humidity, I can't experience enough. I want to work out, work in the garden, fly to Chicago for lunch, go shopping, do it all.
Hope it was good for you, whether inside or out. Each day I gain a little more towards getting my blog straightened up, facebook knowledge, and now we are launching a website. New Logo, mission statement, new photos, mission statement and design of the actual website are in the works. All thanks to my friend, Lori DeWitt, my personal graphic artist - John, and putting all our ideas together - is arriving.
"Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend (to show rage or worthy purpose).
In sharing this concept with you, I would have to start with how that intrigued me and why?
A morning this spring I was reading a devotion from Joyce Meyer. It took me aback when I realized what she was saying about what this means. When I read that many other times over the last 37 years, I visualized the obvious. A thick, heavy club of iron that would be used in old time shaping of horse hooves or oxen memorabilia.
You may have had the right vision. And, I finally got it penetrated through my thick skull that this is really about each one of us being that instrument of God that hones and shapes our friends. Or not! It is our challenge, therefore to be that image and God-like challenge in the people (friends and family). It is imperative, as I see it, that we evaluate each and every day. . .are we being that good influence in those around us. Praying for them, checking on them, confronting when necessary, teaching, loving them to be motivated to be more like Christ each day. AND. . .are they sharpening us? It gets tricky here. God wants us to always be on the look out for those who need to hear about the Way, The Truth, and the Life!
Therefore, the challenge really is - If I am being pulled down, walking around in a toxic emotional drain pool, and pulled into a whirlpool of evil; it is not workable. Iron does not sharpen iron. If this is how you evaluate it, then you must think seriously about how to distance yourself from that situation (person). Yes, I realize what I am saying. Sound judgmental? Let me assure you, 7X 70 does apply. But, even Jesus shook his sandals outside his own home town because it became too toxic and hard hearted.
It takes a lot of prayer and seeking God for the truth. I have had to ask myself some very important questions this year about several situations. I believe God has released me from those situations. You need to consider all aspects. How long have you been involved with this person or situation even a job? Have I tried everything?
Confronting, praying, fasting, gotten counsel. If you have, then seek God for release. I believe this verse proves that He will show you.
You are all welcomed to make comments. I am sure there could be some raised eyebrows here.
It will be another gorgeous day tomorrow. Carpe Dium!
Thought provoking. I agree.