Saturday, October 3, 2015


It is a blessing to have such good girlfriends.  My posse as John calls them.  I can never thank God enough for this gift.  He knew several years ago that I would be an only child and that I would need lots of friends.  My whole family, as it were, lives up in Minnesota, in Arizona, Texas, California, and Oregon.  I have seen them maybe four times.  Thank you Jesus, you always know what each one of us needs.

Well, anyway, one of those great gals and I were talking last night about all the sickness in our lives.  The many changes of life because of that, and just everything around how it seems to be so different.
Another "new normal" is on the horizon.  Family, friends, on both sides of just the two of us.  It is breathtaking.  She came up with the following term, while I was stumbling around, which doesn't happen very often, but here it is. . .we are processing and learning how to accept . . .COMING TO TERMS with it all!!!  I had been out for a walk and was doing just that.  Got home, and there she was on the phone.  I love how God works all things together.  Then this morning in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young came the rest. (Don't you love how He knows all that timing)   If you don't have this book - you need to get it.

WHEN MANY THINGS SEEM to be going wrong, trust Me.  When your life feels increasingly out of control, thank Me.  These are the supernatural responses, and they can lift you above your circumstances.  If you do what comes naturally in the face of difficulties, you may fall prey to negativism.  Even a few complaints can set you on a path that is a downward spiral, by darkening your perspective and mind-set.  With this attitude controlling you, complaints flow more and more readily from your mouth.  Each one moves you steadily down the slippery spiral.  The lower you go, the faster you slide; but it is still possible to apply the brakes.  Cry out to Me in My Name!  Affirm your trust in Me, regardless of how you feel.  Thank Me for everything, though this seems unnatural - even irrational.  Gradually you will begin to ascend, recovering your lost ground.  When you are back on ground level, you can face your circumstances from a humble perspective.  If you choose supernatural responses this time - trusting and thanking Me - you will experience My unfathomable Peace.  
Psalm 13: 5 and Eph 5: 20

Geesh!  I had been hitting the worldly floor of my reality so hard each day I had worked clear into my future five years from now.  I didn't like it.  I got all down in the mouth. Do you ever do that?  Its so silly.  It wastes time.  But, as some of my other posse friends have said.  "We are human you know."

So I do hope this touches your life like it touched mine.  I see why we are to be in the WORD every day - and the people He touches to write devotionals.  Send them all to me.  I need it everyday. We all do!.

Thank you Dotty Miller.

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