Sunday, August 2, 2015


Jeremiah 1: 5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew (and) approved of you (as my chosen instrument), and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; (and) I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

And, I would also recommend reading Psalm 139.  Why?  Because this reminds you of WHO you are, rather than WHAT you do!

Joyce Meyers is always good reading, but this particular concept is something I have to teach a lot of people.  First I had to learn it myself.  Dr. Timothy Warner always said, remember who you are in Jesus Christ.  Eph 2: 6.  Christ invited you to come and sit with Him in the heavenlies.  DO it!  And, know WHO you are!  So many of us get the idea it is what we do that attracts Jesus to us.  Or He must be smiling from Heaven about all the committees, or projects, or a clean home, or clean kids, or what we just did for the lady across the street.  You cleaned her house, but yours is a shambles.  God's Word is very clear here in Jeremiah, and Psalm 139.  It is about WHO he formed.  Not what we formed for Him. 



See, you are forgetting that nothing we do is ever perfect or really as good as it could be.  So we just work even harder to make it right.  Every thing needs improvement, but that is not the point.

TODAY. . . think about just leaning into Jesus and enjoying His presence.  Walking outside by yourself and looking at His creation.  Praying for your family, praying for someone you could tell all about Jesus to!  Play, enjoy, communicate graciousness.  Just relax!  If you can't, then maybe you had better ask why?  We do quite enough in any given day.  Some part of that should be about the DO with your friend and savior Jesus.

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