Sunday, May 17, 2015



Good questions.  Perhaps I should have used them or saved them for last?  

What are some major ways that Christ's love for you has shaped all your motives and your actions so far in life?

II Cor 5: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;  the old has gone, the new has come!

When you look at that very crisp, short passage, you find it says everything.  Kind of like going through your closet and taking out all the things that don't fit anymore, items that are the wrong color, and things you hid because you didn't look good in them anyway.  So you box them all up and take them to the Goodwill.  Then hippity hop over to your favorite store and buy something you carefully wanted in the first place.  The old is gone and the new has arrived.  This little symbology is just one way to look at how God takes all your old stuff out to the trash and brings you into a whole new realm.

So, now can you sit down and answer these questions.  They are very important.  It took me a little bit to spit it all out on paper.  First,  you start thinking about what you are supposed to say.  Secondly, you try to dress it up.  Finally, I just took out another piece of paper and got to digging very deep about how He has fashioned me.  How he has shaped my thinking.  And, what do I love most?

Seriously, do yourself a favor.  It is a growing experience.

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