Monday, September 8, 2014


Summer is over for me and after Labor Day I always like to revisit my serious side.  It was my decision to bring into the house a black fur ball named Jax (Sir Licks A Lot) "Dude" Souder.  In that decision was housed the desire to focus on him and not on a lot of work, hobbies, or vacations.  It has been a wonderful time.  Most people thought I was nuts taking on an 8 week old puppy at my age.  However, when you go through a breeder like Cathy Brunner who raised them from a box hotel set up in her home, I knew it was going to be a breeze.  When I brought him home, he could sit and do a high five.  He was not afraid of thunder, neighborhood gun shots, the vacuum, or anything.  He was chasing and fetching the first week he was here.  He has been so much fun and received by everyone.  I have loved it.  He has been through 5 obedience trainings and is 6 l/2 months old already.  So, now I can concentrate on other things.  It is true I said there would never be a dog like Dakota, but I have learned another valuable thing about life, via God.  You can love differently and deeply people and animals - even after said relationships have left us.  I would have missed this wonderful bright, and loving little boy with a fur coat.


It is a beautiful day and they have been quite stunning for several days.
John and I celebrated 44 years and the ACD weekend is over and onward and upward.

It is time for harvesting now.  I love how the sun comes down this time of year and my walks and devotions have been so deep and intense.  Due to a family situation, I became quite hopeless.  I don't usually buy into hopeless.  It was quite a smack in the face.  I read and reread Psalm 112: 7 hoping to get some peace and strength.  
"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord."

I just kept escalating in my fear and anger.

After letting it all out there, I got busy and left with Jax for awhile, went to obedience class, came home and felt different.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday were full of special verses, prayer time and confirmation that hmmmm!  You aren't trusting God for your future and how He will take care of you.  He hasn't answered this one thing, so evidently I am just not important enough.  
Proverbs 11: 18 Came up -  "The wicked man earns deceitful wages, but he who sows righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) shall have a sure reward (permanent and satisfying"


Then Mark 4 1/20.  Be sure you read all of that.  Its the story of the seeds being sowed on different parts of the land, some fell off, died quickly etc.

Sow a thought, reap an act;  Sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character;  Sow a character, reap a destiny.

What I noticed about reading Mark and these comments from the Daily Bread, I was mortified to realize, that I need to form a better relationship with trust.  We trust God alright, but that word covers all kinds of trust in all kinds of situations.  If we have seen Him do you TRUST when you haven't seen certain things happen.  Can you honestly say you put the right seed down on the right part of the land.

That led me to thank God for the day I drove into Fort Wayne Bible College. WOW!  I couldn't figure out why God was leading me into the driveway at Fort Wayne Bible College around 1975.  I still remember that day.  I walked in and said I am 35 years old and too old to be here, right?  I was too old to take the entrance exams so I was grandfathered through.  Had I not had that experience with having to know the Word, put it on recipe cards and learn over 100 verses, I would not have had the seed so firmly planted that when things happen I do tend to water and fertilize.  I get it.  I have to ask for forgiveness, but I get it, cause its there.  I understand the doomsday people when they say BE PREPARED.  I see it as being prepared with God's WORD planted deeply in my brain and spirit.  That seed must be watered and fertilized so we
don't lose it.  Think about yourself today on this gorgeous fall day!!!
What are you doing to be prepared in God's Word and then triple that!

My poor flower drooped, but it came back to life quickly.  GET yourself the book "Jesus CAlling"  Fill your mind constantly with His Word and what others write from Him.

1 comment:

  1. That was AWSOME ~ exactly what I needed as well. Thank you
