Saturday, May 17, 2014


God's Word is our tool for every situation in life.  This won't be new perhaps to you, but to me it is the companion to Deut. 31: 8 - Amplified version, about how God goes before us and He walks the journey with us.  I hang onto that like fly paper.  He knows what bumps in the road we go through, and yet, He promises to walk it with us.  We do not have to worry or be in fear about anything.  He never leaves us alone, abandons us, or fails us.  So don't get up in your shorts and or walk around on the ceiling anymore.  God's Got It!  So then here is our other commandment to remember:

II Timothy 4: 2 - Amplified version

Herald and preach the Word!  Keep your sense of urgency (stand by), be at hand and ready), whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. (Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.) And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching.

Sounds like quite a BIG task doesn't it?  It is.  I recently taught the book The Full Armor of God.
For some it was like taking it in like a sponge in water.  For others it was quite daunting to realize how the enemy loves to scare us silly and keep us distracted and in sin.  I decided to STAND my ground and talk about the hard stuff anyway.  God wants us equipped.  He wants us to TRUST Him without one flinch or nervous tick.  Then we are to put on those sandals from Ep 6 and dig in.  When I look at that verse it reminds of a nice one hour sermon.

Be URGENT (excited - bold - passionate!
Be READY - always - always - always
Speak up no matter where it is or what it is.
Tell people the truth of God's Word without hurting or judging them.  Do it in a loving (tough love) manner.
Be ENCOURAGING -  I see that as help them no what resources or tools they need to change their lives.

Key word - PATIENT!  I do admit that I want to give up sometimes, but one person in my life took 8 years to make some changes, but it is remarkable now.  Thanks be to God.  It is only my job to teach and give out God's Word, it is His job to fertilize and water.

I remember my professors in my masters program.  Give them the truth.  Then go about your business.  Don't get caught up in how they learn or when they learn.  God's Got It! Now!

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