It is that wonderful time of year when we celebrate and Worship God's sacrifice for us. His Son died on the cross for us so we could get free of sin and live forever with Him.
I had another subject I was going to write about, but I got very engrossed in Pastor Stuart's sermon on Worship. And, especially the 7 Pathways to Worship God.
It has such Psychological connection for me:
1. THE INTELLECTUAL - The one who loves to learn, by listening to Sermons, or reading books about God. They love to study eveything available. They are not so much into music, just get on with the Sermon or presentation of learning.
2. RELATIONAL - They are the ones who love to be with people when they worship. Small groups that study the Word. Conferences, one on ones.
3. SERVING - Helping others - greeters, ushers, pray with others, serve in the kitchen, anything that helps others at church or in the community.
4. WORSHIP - ARTS PART OF WORSHIP: Choir, or singing, dancing, drama's anything with a flair for presentation. Listening to praise music all week.
5. ACTIVIST - THEY LOVE PROBLEM SOLVING- anything that needs leading, or done, they will see to it - it gets done.
6. CONTEMPLATIVE - They love to mediate on everything - but always alone. Read, sing, pray, meditate.
7. CREATION - These are your nature lovers. Long prayer walks in the woods, fishers, hunters, anything that requires being outside and worshiping God.
Which one, or two, or three are you? He emphasized that even if we are a one, two or three type of worshipers, think on being balanced in all of them. You will like one more than all the rest, but be open to them all. He noted and I have seen it myself, that some will come after the corporate worship music has ended to hear the Sermon, and or if there isn't enough worship music, they will hunt for a church that has all music. Balance is good, because:
"I must prioritize my daily worship of God instead of a daily worship of myself!"
What more can I say. I chose four I like the best, but I could say I have developed the rest out of a need to stay connected 24/7.
Col. 1: 16
Enjoy your Easter Weekend. Good Friday services at CLC from 7-8 PM. And Easter Sunday 9:30 and 11AM. Wherever you worship, do it in honor and celebration of our Lord and Savior.
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