Sunday, March 9, 2014


Is BELIEVE!  Do you believe when you sit down in that chair it will be there when you sit?
Do you believe the sun comes up every day?  At least here or somewhere it does?   Do you believe you are loved by the Lord God Jehovah?  And, most of all Do You Believe that He works ALL things together for good to them that are called according to His purpose?   Romans 8: 28

I will hear the most famous line that goes with that, a million times.  "Well, I sure hope He does!"

Wow!  So what would you want a personally signed letter that He will promise to bring that situation together for good that you have prayed for - for ten years, maybe 30 years?

We are all guilty on that one.  I am saying nothing new here.  We are all impatient and want to tell God What, When, and Where!

I mentioned this on my business Facebook awhile back. . .When my good friend Anna said to me "God's Got It!", that was the cement, the glue, the "stuff" I needed to be reminded that BELIEVE is a permanent marker on my life.  In Jesus Calling the devotional book, not too many days ago, it said make friends with your problems and see me fit them all together for good.  After thinking on that awhile I could see that we do tend to get rattled and distracted by problems.  I have met some people that actually freeze up emotionally when things get over the top.  We BELIEVE we have to do something, or we BELIEVE God won't do what is needed quick enough. 

Our real commitment here is to really embrace our problems, turn them over to Jesus and BELIEVE He will fit them, fix them and work them all together for good.  RELAX!  Uhhh!  I hear that sigh you just made.  No, really.  I have had two months of coming to terms with this very concept.  I have been a Christian for a long time.  Yes, I have read the Bible many times.  Yes, I have even applied His Word to my life.  But, this time I smile, because this one I finally get, experienced it, and had no choice but to SEE IT!  Be careful.  God brings things around as many times as is need be until we get it.  He got me through this last month when i thought I would burst at the seams.  Medical crisis after medical crisis with friends, ourselves, two funerals and the death of our beloved Dakota.  Three snow storms and clean up just to get to all these things.  I turned it into a daily mantra.  God's Got It! He has the light on my path, all I have to do is take His hand and walk it.  BELIEVE, and don't make Him bring that circumstance around for the 18th time.
God's Got It!  Spring is officially on it's way.  Whew!

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