Sunday, February 16, 2014


Last week I talked about several components of Speak it!  How the tongue is a very important tool and resource for spreading the word.  It can also be a dangerous tool of spreading the word. 

We read in God's Word so many wonderful promises, and three things I want to be sure we embrace. . .

God is truth. . .

God is Positive. . .

God is bold. . .

And, there is one thing He is NOT!  Negative.  He is also never a liar, nor does He fail at anything.
He tells us clearly in Deut. 31: 8, he will never fail, abandon, or forsake us.  Lassoing our thoughts, taking captive all negative thoughts is a big job for the human being.  So part two concludes with your making a choice.  That choice is to be more like Jesus every day of your life.  In order to do that, you must speak to the enemy and be clear with that liar that he is done messing in your thoughts, and life.  When Jesus shed His blood on Calvary it was for everything we have ever done or could think of doing.  For every thought, for every negative and bad behavior the world has ever thought to use.

Speak it!  I plead the protection of the blood of Jesus Christ over my mind, my subconscious, and my body.  Over my entire life, personality, finances everything.  Jesus, I gladly turn my life over to you today.  Use me to bless someone with who you are even if I only act it out, but most of all when I speak it out.  If God's Got It, and you Believe it, then speak it out.  Do not give the enemy a foothold.

Thank you God for Jeremiah 29: 11 where He talks about how He has plans for our life - a life that prospers and has hope for a future in it.  Prosper (according to Pastor Stuart this morning) means balance in every component of our life.  Well being, balance, prudence.  It doesn't always mean you will have wealth.  But wealth is in peace, wealth as in living out a day with God's Got It, so speak it, believe it, receive it, live it!

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