I just never get tired of looking at this picture and trying to establish in my mind what message this is from God. Besides the obvious. Many people have asked me about this message speculating all kinds of things. The one I chose is, that it means God will be with me in whatever situation or journey that comes my way. Most likely a journey I won't like taking. Then this scripture came up this week - and it comes from the translation in The Message. Mark 8: 34 to the end of the chapter.
. . ."Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I AM. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self - help is no help at all. Self- sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?"
"If any of you are embarrassed over me and the way I'm leading you when you get around your fickle and unfocused friends, know that you'll be an even greater embarrassment to the Son of Man when he arrives in all the splendor of God, his Father, with an army of the holy angels."
Everyone should go and get this book . . .Jesus Calling! It is a daily devotional.
From January 11th
Trust me by relinquishing control into my hands. Let go, and recognize that I am God. This is my world: I made it and I control it. Yours is a responsive part in the litany of Love. I search among My children for receptivity to Me. Guard well this gift that I have planted in your heart. Nurture it with the Light of My Presence. When you bring Me prayer requests, lay out your concerns before Me. Speak to Me candidly; pour out your heart. Then thank Me for the answers that I have set into motion long before you can discern results. When your requests come to mind again, continue to thank Me for the answers that are on the way. If you keep on stating your concerns to Me, you will live in a state of tension. When you thank Me for how I am answering your prayers, your mind-set becomes much more positive. Thankful prayers keep your focus on My presence and My promises.
Psalm 46: 10 AMP, Colossians 4: 2 Peter 1: 3/4
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