Or Do the Writing Himself?
Hebrews 12: 1 and 2
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Most likely we most generally let Him edit our life. He gets to delete the messes, and suggest some new things. He does work all things together for good. . .(Romans 8: 28) we have read that haven't we?
I don't know about you, but since I started writing, I have had to ask for lots of editing skills from friends and experts. Believe me, I want so much to write it, and then send it. In my life I have run ahead of the Lord many times on situations and then have to run to Him to clean it up. "Please, please, please, Lord Jesus fix this for me!" Like the title of my rewrite - "Fix Your Future So It Does Not Reflect Your past!" Easier said then done, but God does love a cheerful giver. It doesn't have to be about how much money you give, it could very well be, how much are you willing to cheerfully take on discipline and change?
Our thought for today is - What can I do differently today to let God write on page?
Personally, I am having to take a breath and do that. There are situations, physically and emotionally that are trying to weigh on my mind and make me want to edit them. Or I could run kicking and screaming into the sunset! Okay, God is my Author and Finisher. Embrace that and like the oxen in the lead, let Jesus lead.
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