Sunday, July 14, 2013

B R E A T H. . . . .!!!!!!!

My new chiropractor tells me this all the time.  Whenever she puts me through a pace, I concentrate and stop breathing.  She says. . ."Breath Shirley, don't stop breathing!"  We have all learned that without breathing, we die.  It takes necessary oxygen to the brain.  We can lose our breath over so many things, pain will make you hold your breath, bad news will make you hold your breath, and yes, swimming makes us forceably hold our breath.

I am referring to the concept of breathing through an event, rather than holding your breath.  Some of my exercises make me want to hold my breath, but once I learned how to do them, I could breath while I did them.  Other exercises proved to be better when I took a breath, let it out and relaxed.
Do you see where I am going?

Knowing how to use our own God given breathing helps us with everyday life events and surprises.

The reason I got impressed with this concept was realizing how important it is to know how and when to use a very important part of our development and creation.  God gave us breathing to maintain life.  Yes, we get the breath knocked out of us at certain times.  Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically.  What else does God tell us in His Word about breathing.  He wants us to practice leaning and relaxing on Him when we get knocked around.  John and I both talk lately about how "this just takes my breath away!" when we hear about what someone in our family is going through, or all of them, and the people in Boston, San- Francisco, just name an area today.  God's Word has so many examples, but let us embrace Psalm 121.

Paraphrased;  I need to lift my eyes to the mountain tops, because there is where I will get help!
My help and my breath only comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.  My God will not let my foot slip or be moved, why?  Because HE NEVER SLEEPS.  He shades me, from the blinding light of the sun and will KEEP ME FROM EVIL.   He has my life in His hands.

Psalm 121: 8  The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

My perspective about this last verse.  He will keep me breathing through anything I need to go through, no matter what, now and forever!

Today, I practiced the five breaths in, hold for 5, and let out for five.  Breath!  Relax.  He's got it covered.

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