Sunday, May 19, 2013


OH LORD!  Unto you O Lord, do I bring my life.

Last week I talked about (and if you haven't read it, go back and read it) what do you do if someone makes a decision in their life, that changes yours as well, forever.  If it is negative, we can become bitter, angry and need to forgive.  Embracing emotional forgiveness is a very tough thing to do.  Jane Fonda said years ago,"You can't grow up until you forgive!"   I totally agree.  I also concur that it musters everything in us to let go of things that have altered our life and we didn't give that person permission to do that.  It is like the Butterfly - who has to FIGHT its way out of the bag.  IF we help it out, poor thing, we kill it.  It has to go through that small opening in order to gain strength.  They need that strength in their wings to fly.  Same thing for us, we must struggle and painfully go through the forgiveness hole in order to fly away into freedom and peace.

Psalm 25: 15 - Mine eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He releases my feet from the snare.

What snare, you ask?  Every kind of snare.  We struggle with our personalities sometimes, we struggle with letting go of anger sometimes.  We develop attitudes and ideas about people.  We get strange feelings that become ideas, which turn into brick walls.  Name a scenario today and there is the snare.  Forgiveness is no different.  Letting go of emotional pain is more difficult then taking Advil or Vicodin.  Those pills most likely will get rid of the pain in a few minutes.  Emotional pain can be lost lasting and worse then a bitter pill.   So, keeping your eyes on the Lord and KNOWING that he releases you from the snare, when?  When you finally hit the brick wall and say. . .okay, I am done with this, help me.  I still love Jim Dobson's story about his son.  They were parked somewhere and Jim had the tailgate down in the back of station wagon.  He reminded his son to stay in his seat until he got back with the bags of mulch to put in the back.  BY the time he turned around, his son was dangling from the back of the tailgate.  He was yelling. . ."Somebody, help the boy, please help the boy."  That is what we do many times.  However, I think it is appropriate for what we do emotionally or can do is better.  "Hey Lord, help me. . . I 'm caught, I need released from the snare."

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