And, I don't mean on a bicycle. I don't mean a mustang convertible, or balloon ride!
I also don't mean a ride in an airplane, helicopter (although I do happen to think that that is a ride of a life time), a space ship and look at earth. A limousine won't cut it either. Nor a bullet proof pontiff car, Presidential vehicle, and finally a tank. Nope!
Actually it was a colt of the donkey.
Mark 11: 1/11. Jesus told two of his disciples to go ahead of him, as they approached Jerusalem, to get him a colt of the donkey tied up. It must be one that had never been ridden and to tell the people that it was Jesus who needed the Colt. Everyone would be celebrating the exit from Egypt and people knew Jesus would be approaching. They also had heard he was the chosen one. It was a jubilant time. As they rode in Jerusalem that put their garments on the colt for him to ride on and also people laid their garments before him in honor of his approach. It was the ride of a life time because it was the beginning of the end. It would be the end of our sin and the beginning of salvation. No one knew the full impact of that ride.
Do you ever wonder why he did that at all, or why he chose that venue to do that? As a child we always acted that part of the Bible out during this Easter season. I never ever wondered why? We just accept that Palm Sunday was the entrance of God's final gift to us. Our salvation. He chose the lowly colt from local farmers because of its down to earth loving nature of our Lord Jesus. He wouldn't have impressed anyone but the rich people had he come in on an elephant dressed in gold and carried by slaves. He once again proved to us how real, and on our level he always was, and always would be.
His sacrifice for our sins and gift of salvation was very subtle. Yet they celebrated his entrance. They were also the same people who jeered when he was hung on a cross.
Today is a good reminder that Jesus took the low road to prove how much he loved us and wanted to relate right where we are. It is our job to do the same for others. To have his broken heart for the unsaved, we need to see his heart and celebrate the beginning of the end.
Invite someone to church this Sunday. Show them who the risen Lord is! Then celebrate with God and all the angels in heaven when they see Jesus and take his salvation to heart.
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