Saturday, February 2, 2013


Read Numbers 22: 10-34.  In fact I would recommend that you read further into this book on this story of Balaam and his donkey.

Perhaps you have read this story before:

The short version of what is happening here is that Balaam was a sorcerer.  People called on him to place curses on individuals or countries so they win over them or steal from them.  The King of Moab wanted Balaam to use his powers with God to place a curse on Israel.  In doing so, that magic might just cause God to turn against His own people.  The King of Moab (named Balak) wanted to have complete power and he was sure he didn't have the resources to win out over the Israelites.  Balaam had mixed feelings about God.  He believed and talked with God, yet he had his other foot across the line in magic and Idolatry.  There was money involved here after all too!  He went to God three times to ask about going.  God told him three times - do not curse these blessed people.  Finally God got irritated and allowed him to take his trusted, long time favorite donkey and proceed to Balak's country to get the goods. 

I don't know about you, but wouldn't we have heard God after three times?  Or did he hear him, but then the almighty God decided to basically say "Whatever!"  Go!  So, we would have done the same.
This passage of scripture has always made me nuts.  God stopped him on the trail three times.  He even gave voice to the donkey to tell him -"STOP!  You fool STOP!"   Well, maybe not like that, but pretty much.

What did Balaam do.  He beat the donkey up.  The donkey even ran him into the side of the mountain to get his attention.  He beat the donkey again.  Idiot!  When I read this story this week again from the Daily Bread, I get so impressed with the whole flesh thing we have going on.  Our way.  We will do anything to twist things around to make it turn out to benefit us.   And, so I settled down and thought about how God sets up obstacles sometimes to remind us of our foolishness.  We an blame the enemy all we want.  However, I agree with the idea that we need to look at how is God trying to get our attention in His mighty effort to protect us.  The ouch was multi-purposed here for me.  I felt sorry for the donkey even though he was just the messenger.  "Don't shoot the messenger!"  Good thing to put in your mind somewhere for further use.  Asking God for His truth as it stands, is first and foremost.  Asking yourself - "What is my motive for this adventure?"   "Will it bring glory and honor to God, or is this glory and honor just for me?"   

Are you dealing with some obstacles in your path?  Good time to put your God glasses on and not your rose colored glasses on. 

Donkeys were all-purpose vehicles back in those days - used for transportation.  Balaam looked at his donkey with great anger for not only saving his life, but for making him look foolish.  Beware at who or what you are getting irritated with when a message comes through an obstacle.  It most likely is God wanting to protect you from yourself. 

God is an awesome Father figure!  Trust Him, with everything.

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