is under His feet!
Another element that is important in our relationship to God, would be, taking in how everything is under His feet. Tricky relationships, loosing your career, family, death just to name a few.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus who died and rose again for us will pull and push you forward in life's hits and misses. This weekend we remember how the moment that Jesus died, the curtain (the veil) was torn in half. There were then NO more barriers between us. We can now and always enter the Holies of Holies. That place where God dwells and we can go running to.
Eph 1: 22 and 23
And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme HEAD of the church (a headship exercised throughout the church),
which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all (for in that body lives the full measure of Him who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself!)
It makes me breath a huge sigh of relief to take in all that He did for us on Easter weekend. Yet, I still cannot rewatch the movie "The Passion". It takes my breath away to watch with reality and totality what He did. But, along came Sunday morning and there were now no more barriers and everyone and everything will bow at the name of Jesus Christ.
It would be such a perfect world if there was switch on every human being and you could just reach over and flip their switch. They would see and grasp the total meaning of our Lord and Savior. So many to pray for, but that is our job. It is our job to pray and be more like Him every day. Let us be convicted, committed, and changed.
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