Sunday, December 11, 2011


As I think back to Christmas Eve 1973, I am shocked by how long it has been since I came to ask Jesus in my heart!

You do the math!

But, Christmas Eve was the beginning of a very impacting week. Through a very intense conflict that afternoon, I went to church at the United Methodist in Auburn at 11:00 PM.
I sat there in shock and wonderment. It was quiet, dark and the music was breathtaking.
However, in my mind things were not. I remember vaguely that we went to my mothers that afternoon for Lefsa and opening presents. And, now sitting in this spiritual setting I was making amends and coming to grips that a prayer I had issued earlier that summer was coming true. "Lord, if you really are who they say, then show me!" I certainly wasn't expecting that a conflict of this magnitude could bring about a new birth.

Not only the celebrated birth of Jesus, but my own. By weeks, end, the conflict had been resolved and I was on my knees. The rest, as they say, was history.

Thank you Jesus, for surprises that wake us up and bring new life. Every year I try to think of how I could pay it forward or celebrate that moment. I haven't found any answers to that. So this year I thought, do things that symbolize the birth and gobble up those moments. So I started Nov. 23rd downtown Ft. Wayne. Every sermon and accompanying music has had meaning. Christmas get together's that started last week, and all of them this week. It is my commitment to be in the moment that started this entire journey.

This morning they did something different. They spelled out the pregnancy and celebration of birth for Jesus on FACEBOOK. Sound pretty silly? It wasn't. It brought tears to my eyes. Just the idea that people - Joseph and Mary, and friends were talking about the pregnancy, marriage, and birth.

Let us take this moment whether significant of where you accepted Jesus, and be in the every moment. To heck with shopping, decorating, eating, and all those parties. They are fun, but keep in mind who started that festive and enriching beginning. He wanted us to celebrate, be kind, forgive, and impact each others lives. And, He wants us to remember why?

Two weeks from today - it is almost over as a holiday. For us it needs to just be the beginning.

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