Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sharing a Beautiful Christmas Story with You!

How befitting is it to have the snow coming down as I tell this story.

Many of you have followed the events of Jim Hefty. It was a very difficult time for our friends Jack and Joyce Covell. Jim was her brother. I will need to actually go back to the time that Jim Covell passed away on April 27th of this year. Jack's brother died of an aneurism that took everyone off guard. John graduated from high school with Jim. There was so much to deal with on all our fronts. One of the plants that Jack took home was something that looks like an Azalea plant or bush. What was interesting about that plant was; no matter what Joyce did, it would not bloom. Moving on into the story we know that not too long after Jim's passing, her brother Jim, age, 62 fell to cancer and was in the hospital from June to November 29th.

Already tired and trying to work through all the visits to the hospital and help with his business - His State Farm business was right next door to hers. Here they were also trying to work through Jim Covell's estate.

And then, on Thanksgiving weekend, the family began to say their goodbyes. Jim had a lot of favorite things in life, but snow ranked up right there at the top. Two minutes after his passing, it began to snow in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The family saw that as a sign that Jim had passed onto Heaven and was smiling as the snow began. They all drove back to Auburn to Raymond and Dorothy's home. As they all stood outside, the heavens opened up with snow thunder and lightning. They all smiled knowingly through their tears.

Not to long after Joyce was walking by the plant, now in the house, there they were . . .blooms! Everyone in the family were astonished. Especially since it was now winter and it is a summer plant.

And, if that wasn't enough to warm our hearts. . . the Christmas story.

It was Christmas Eve and John and I were invited to eat with Raymond, Dorothy, Jack and Joyce. Her dining room was breathtaking. Each place setting surrounded in greenery wreaths. We had all sat down, prayed and then Joyce unfolded another chapter in the communication they have experienced with Jim. Now I have always wanted to have something spiritual happen during Christmas Eve and here it was. I thank God for such a GIFT!

Joyce relayed the story of Jim's daughter-in-law Jackie. (married to his son Miles Hefty) They have two sons. One, named Coulter, age 6. Every night Jackie listens to their prayers before bedtime. One night not long ago, Coulter was praying and mentioning his grandpa. Suddenly, he stopped and started smiling. Eyes still closed, he began a conversation with his grandpa, Jim. He would stop at certain points to ask his mother, "Don't you see him, he is right here?" She decided to let him continue. You had to be there, and I can't begin to duplicate the wonderful exchange of words between them. Coulter wanted to know if Jesus was right there? Yes. Is other Jim there with you? Yes. What do you do there? Can you play football? Yes, there is every kind of thing you want to do. Can you come back to us? No! I am healthy and walking and happy here, Coulter. Coulter exclaimed, "I want to be with Jesus." Some day we will be together. Coulter started laughing. Jackie asked him why? He just ran into Jim Covell and knocked him down. Going quiet again, he asked his grandpa if he could come there right now? "No, you take care of your mom, dad, and brother. You spend time with Jesus, tell others, and someday we will have lots of time together."

Whether you believe this kind of interchange or not, you could feel the warmth, the truth of it in the room. It was the Perfect Gift. I knew that I knew, that I knew.

Only topped by Sunday at church. The CLC choir sang Fall On Your Knees and Handel's Messiah - Halleluiah Chorus. What a wonderful way to end 2011 after a big year of extremes.

I don't know what you want for 2012, but I want more of Our Lord Jesus. May He touch us all and bring Conviction (truth), Commitment and Change!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


As I think back to Christmas Eve 1973, I am shocked by how long it has been since I came to ask Jesus in my heart!

You do the math!

But, Christmas Eve was the beginning of a very impacting week. Through a very intense conflict that afternoon, I went to church at the United Methodist in Auburn at 11:00 PM.
I sat there in shock and wonderment. It was quiet, dark and the music was breathtaking.
However, in my mind things were not. I remember vaguely that we went to my mothers that afternoon for Lefsa and opening presents. And, now sitting in this spiritual setting I was making amends and coming to grips that a prayer I had issued earlier that summer was coming true. "Lord, if you really are who they say, then show me!" I certainly wasn't expecting that a conflict of this magnitude could bring about a new birth.

Not only the celebrated birth of Jesus, but my own. By weeks, end, the conflict had been resolved and I was on my knees. The rest, as they say, was history.

Thank you Jesus, for surprises that wake us up and bring new life. Every year I try to think of how I could pay it forward or celebrate that moment. I haven't found any answers to that. So this year I thought, do things that symbolize the birth and gobble up those moments. So I started Nov. 23rd downtown Ft. Wayne. Every sermon and accompanying music has had meaning. Christmas get together's that started last week, and all of them this week. It is my commitment to be in the moment that started this entire journey.

This morning they did something different. They spelled out the pregnancy and celebration of birth for Jesus on FACEBOOK. Sound pretty silly? It wasn't. It brought tears to my eyes. Just the idea that people - Joseph and Mary, and friends were talking about the pregnancy, marriage, and birth.

Let us take this moment whether significant of where you accepted Jesus, and be in the every moment. To heck with shopping, decorating, eating, and all those parties. They are fun, but keep in mind who started that festive and enriching beginning. He wanted us to celebrate, be kind, forgive, and impact each others lives. And, He wants us to remember why?

Two weeks from today - it is almost over as a holiday. For us it needs to just be the beginning.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Whole New Week!

Time does march on, doesn't it?

Today is Monday and I think about how rainy it is, I look out at the Land of the Black Sticks and wonder what the Hefty family is thinking and feeling today.

Mixed emotions I would imagine. A very bright light in their family has been extinguished. And, yet, he becomes the first Hefty to stand with Jesus in Heaven and is running and walking like new. I will be sharing some very pointed learning's from this weekend later.

I will be talking about the differences between Compassion, sympathy, and empathy. You will be surprised how they differ and how we might use them in our life everyday.

Friday, December 2, 2011


What an interesting week. How to describe that each day held surprises, losses, gains, and many ah-ha moments.

Monday I realized that I could raise up from a chair or from anywhere and not have to wait several seconds to move forward without pain. It was glorious.

Tuesday, at 12:30, God miraculously took Jim Hefty home with Him. Joyce would tell you when they stopped life support, less then a minute later, he was gone. And, then it began to snow. Jim loves snow. He is obsessed with the winter time and loved best taking his family snowmobiling. Later as they congregated at their parents home, they were all standing outside and it began to thunder and lightening spread across the heavens. They believe it was Jim celebrating and clapping to be free from his horrendous ordeal. Free and dancing in heaven. Thank you Dan and Brenda Bishop for staying the course and making sure Jim know for sure he was headed to be with our Lord.

Wednesday we awoke to a gorgeous morning of marshmallow snow accumulation. Even I had to admit to the beauty. And, believe me I don't get excited anymore about snow accumulation.

Thursday I thought a lot about that story of how to keep someone alive in your heart when they pass. An old Indian said - "to keep that someone, or even your favorite animal alive in your heart you need to talk about them, and talk about them, and talk about them." Jack and Joyce came for dinner and we talked way into the evening about Jim and all the funny, ornery things he did in life, his high love for family, how he championed people; held a high integrity for business and was always there for Joyce, no matter what. It was so special.

Friday - today - just experiencing that life is quite spontaneous isn't it? That is how we learn and grow. All the while God is walking it with us. Deut. 31: 8

As we think about this season, the reason for it, let us celebrate Him and only Him. It is ALL there is. He is ALL there is.