It really is the "day" and "age" to be guarding your heart and mind. I am impressed to continue on with this mindset management, because there are many distractions in today's world.
Again - Proverbs 4: 23
"Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out it flow the springs of life." Amplified Version
Today I want to emphasize the need to set your mind against what the enemy sends your way, and what your own mind will conger up. What is the first thing that pops into your mind every morning? "Well, it is a brand new day, and I am so excited to roll out and get started!" My wager is, and I don't make a practice of wagering, that you are NOT thinking that. Or, maybe you are warring with yourself to even get up? In general, many of us start thinking about someone or things we need to do. Would you be willing to admit that the first thought sets the tone or "mindset" for the day?
Joyce Meyer got me to thinking this week while listening to one of her CD's. I did not like what she said. However, I am going to develop this concept and take it seriously. She challenged me by saying, "Is your mindset for the day, pride-filled or spirit-filled?" Oops. What would pride-filled look like. Are we controlling, judging, speculating, manipulating, opinionated, unforgiving, negative, cynical, offended________________you fill in the blank? Guarding our mind does take vigilance and discipline. Thinking of the positive on each score isn't totally human, but it can be obtained for the majority of the day.
Waking up can sometimes begin the war to even roll out, or for some a minor conflict. "I just plain don't want to get up, I went to bed late, or I just feel lazy. So What?" And, for some it starts the play over in your mind of what you were worried about the night before. I admit that what I watch before bed makes a HUGE difference on my dreams and how I sleep. Consequently, then, how I wake up. I don't dare watch murder mysteries, Dateline mysteries or anything like that. My commitment has been to find an old time comedy on cable, or read. The other half of my new commitment is to monitor those first thoughts in the morning. It is true, it can start our whole day off on the wrong foot.
Last Monday, I made up my mind that even if I could not go outside, I would not do my usual negative spiel about the weather this summer. It was my best week. I got my article ready to be sent. All the contacts necessary for that. My book cover is designed and only one more chapter to type on the book. Cleaned out drawers, went to the gym, had lunch, when I got cabin fever, went places. That has been a huge turn around for me. And, the bottom line is simple. It is a CHOICE to CHANGE your MINDSET!
Whatever you are dealing with, what are you thinking? Evaluate it, make a decision to change it. What positive thing can you say or do regarding your situation. It is what it is, manage it. It is surprising isn't it, what one thought can do?
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