Sunday, April 24, 2011


As I pondered on Good Friday, Sunday's Resurrection, it brought up a lot of things that troubled me last week.

A woman that was going through her cancer scare in 2008 along with John, passed away Thursday. How does that work anyway? But when you turn it around, what better time to go and spend eternity with Christ.

I had other thoughts about friends who lost their elderly mother and their beloved dog all in the same three day event. My hairdressers beautiful Piraneese (spelling) 11-year-old dog is passing away from lymphoma cancer. They struggle with putting her down and so we talked about that whole loosing, death, and dying routine. My Dakota is 11 years old and going blind. I think constantly about that moment when I have to make a decision about her. It made me angry. It made me sad. It made me remember the day I was driving through Churubusco and I started talking out loud. "Hey, you people, don't you know my dad walked these streets too. He ate over there at the restaurant, bought groceries at the Super Value." It felt like no one knew, or remembered, or cared he was once here. My hairdresser brought up a great point. She talked about the Indian culture and how she had heard this story. It was the story of an old Indian who was about to die. He told his family not to cry, just continue to tell stories about me, keep me in your heart, and others as well.

I could get into that. That is why we have family pictures sitting around, I have a million pictures and little movies of Dakota everywhere. I have her on my I-Phone. And, my family as well. We just don't have to forget them when they go, we must remember them by sharing them with others.

That is why Jesus is so alive today - He is risen today so we could tell stories about Him. We must never forget to tell others about His saving grace. Where would we be without that Great Story. Honor your pets, your family, your God. Never Forget to Tell the Story of how much they (He) did for you and what they (He) means to you.

Celebrate a risen Savior everyday!

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